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Current Merits

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  • Current Merits

    Could some of yall post your current merits for ranger?

    I just dinged 75 today so just wondering how i should plan it.

    Was thinking of doing Agility -> marksmanship -> rapidshot

  • #2
    6x marksmanship upgrades (18 total points spent)
    2x critical hit rate upgrade (3 points spent)
    1x STR upgrade (3 points spent)

    Going to cap critical hit%, then work on capping out STR. It'll take a lot of merits, but STR+4 is going to be huge for damage, and will put me at 63 base STR :3


    • #3
      Coming from someone who has dedicated all his merits into Rapid Shot, it is SO worth it. It might be luck, it might be chance but it kicks in a lot more now, and his dmg increases roughly by 25% within 1 hr because he can now shoot more.

      I think STR would be better then AGI too. :d
      Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


      • #4
        does markmanship merit include bow skill too? or just xbow+gun? At end game guns are more important?
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          Marksmanship is only Gun/Crossbow, yea. :/

          Archery isn't lacking in power or accuracy when you're 75, but when you're doing HNM Business and stuff... it's different. I think people lean towards Marksmanship then because they're much stronger and stuff, via bullets, etc.
          Sony NW-E507 [wishlist]


          • #6
            ah thanks for your input guys, what is the max per a category?

            IE stats, WeaponSkill Level, Critical Hit, Job Specific?

            Where is critical hit located?


            • #7
              think you can have up to 10 points in weapon skill limit.

              I have 2 in marksmanship
              1 in -enm
              1 in crit

              look around the options, you'll find crit+ lying around somewhere.

              haven't exped rng in a long time, working on smn atm.

              I personally won't bother with any of the rng ability merits. all pretty worthless, so I'll be pumping it into avatar accuracy. :p


              • #8
                current :
                1 marks
                1 crit hit
                1 rapid shot

                marksmanship +5 (6 total)
                crit hit and rapid shot back to back increasing
                archery +3

                My FFXI Doc


                • #9
                  [QUOTE]ah thanks for your input guys, what is the max per a category?

                  IE stats, WeaponSkill Level, Critical Hit, Job Specific?

                  Where is critical hit located?/[QUOTE]

                  the max is located on the side, where u see how many merits you have. each catagory has a different max so you just need to look

                  i believe you can only get 9 upgrades per combat skill, 1 upgrade is 1 merit point, 2nd is 2 merits, 3rd is 3 merits ,4-9 is 3 merits (or at least it is for me)

                  Critical hits, max upgrades you can get is 3 upgrades i think?...its located in the "Others" section

                  and job specific merits i believe you can get only 10 upgrades.

                  my merits atm are:

                  1x AGI
                  4X Marksmenship
                  1X GreatSword (i am 75DRK)
                  3X Rapid Shot
                  2X Critical Hit Rate


                  • #10
                    Currently at 52 merits

                    Marksmanship +6 (Max, 12 lvls)
                    Critical Rate +3 (Max)
                    HP +5 (50 hp)
                    Rapid Shot +2
                    Str + 2

                    Saving up for 3rd merits for str, need 4 more merits for that. 3 is the max amount you can raise one attribute, the 4th have to be spent somewhere else. Guess i'll go STR +3, AGI+1.

                    Here's the cap for a single attribute for each category that i know of.

                    HP/MP can use up to all 7 in one stat, merits cost is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5. Category max 7
                    Combat can raise any one skill 6 times (2 lvl per upgrade), merit cost is 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3. Category max 9
                    Other Category ( enmity and critical), can raise maximum 3 times, merit cost is 1, 2, 3. Category max 6
                    Attributes, maximum for one stat is 3 upgrades, merit cost are 3, 6, 9. Category max 4.

                    After you cap one attribute in the category it will then turn Blue. You can still upgrade other stats but only to the maximum amount allowed in that category.


                    • #11
                      My Status :

                      +3 for Marksmansip
                      +1 for - Enmity (helps alot too on Bst 45)
                      +1 for Axe Skill (same,Bst)
                      +1 for Rapid Shot (I have the AF 2 Body > +5)


                      Critical/-enmity cap
                      Rapid Shot cap
                      HP cap
                      +2 Axe(+3)
                      +4 Str


                      • #12
                        Thanks to everyone who replied and for the info


                        • #13
                          So, I know its a super bitch to get the fully upgraded relic bow, but since after its second upgrade it has its full power, only w/o Namas arrow (which no other bow has anyway). If you planned to upgrade the relic bow and use it, is it good enough to warrant using over Hellfire or O-bow? I know this doesnt sound like its on topic, but the real question is, would it make archery more worth your time and merits in the long run than marksmenship?

                          Also, do the upgrades to rapid shot really make that much of a difference and significantly increase you DPS?
                          I know I'm nowhere near close enough to really start thinking about all this, but A. I'm curious and B. I like to plan WAY ahead.
                          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                          PSN: Caspian


                          • #14
                            of course if you get a relic bow upgraded the damage would be greater than any marksmanship weapon available, with the exception of relic gun.

                            but then if you get the bow upgraded, you can exp later.


                            • #15
                              Currently have

                              Marksmanship x2
                              Rapid Shot x5
                              Critical Hits x3
                              Evasion x2 (thf)
                              -Emnity x2

                              Will likely mix str and marksmanship for a few points then see where I want to spend the rest.

