Originally posted by _11of8
It's not just rangers though. Just seems inherintly wrong to me that a PT made up mostly of one class can go and get more exp or win $$BCNM and other difficult battles better than a "well ballanced" PT of single classes.
It's not just rangers though. Just seems inherintly wrong to me that a PT made up mostly of one class can go and get more exp or win $$BCNM and other difficult battles better than a "well ballanced" PT of single classes.
Don't Forget about the Master Caster's Bow right at this level with when RNGs damaging potential that was once exclusive to them pre-71 is now accessible to DRK/PLD/SAM/WAR.
And of course there's many XBow weapons that let THF get some really good XBow damage to match a RNG again around 71+. Then NINs too if money wasn't a subject could flood with Shurikens and cause the same result.