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Thinking of starting over as RNG

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  • Thinking of starting over as RNG

    Well i've picked up playin FFXI again. I stopped in November, and start playin World of Warcraft for awhile, but I missed FF so I decided to come back.

    I've always wanted to play a RNG, but I never thought I would have enough gil to do so. So what I was wondering, is after all my stuff sells in AH, I will have around 160,000 gil. How long would that last me? As far as bows, arrows and armor and such. Also, i'm assuming it would be a good idea to pick up woodworking? So i can make my own arrows. Just lookin for opinions and suggestions on how you guys make money to afford your ammo and equip. Thanks.

  • #2
    Well, in lower levels, Wooden Arrows go for about 1k/99 arrows. Also, arrow prices don't usually get tooooo much higher until after level 30. But if you're using guns....yeah, lol.
    I really don't know exactly how long that'll last and it depends more on how much you're earning, too. But that's just some general info. lol

    Kibo (Asura): RDM 6 ::cwy::


    • #3
      Just FYI once you hit the mid to upper 50s, you can spend upward 150k per level on ammos(depending on what you buy).
      Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan

      THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10


      • #4
        Nchaa's Good goods (i think that is how ya spell it) sells lvl 1 and lvl 7 arrows really cheap. You can find lvl 14 Iron arrows in jeuno, don't remember the place, they sell them in a couple of stores. That could get you to at least lvl 20


        • #5
          Wow, how do u afford 150k per level.


          • #6
            if you have /thf you can farm. Or else you need to craft.
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #7
              you farm. a lot. and then farm more ;3


              • #8
                one of my friends use like 160k for just dynamis [3hours~]
                Silver bullet -.-
                stack 16~18k at my server he use 8stacks~

                Go with holy bolts all the way 30~>75 XD cheap!
                almost 1k stack cost if you got high craft skill and holy bolt+o-bow really not bad at all

                Main : Sephiro
                Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
                COP missions = Complated


                • #9

                  I guess you can garden, but you'll need multiplue mules all growing the max and even then you'll be going slowly. Given inflation on Fairy...150k would probably get you to 20...after that I really wouldnt count on having any money left.
                  I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                  PSN: Caspian


                  • #10
                    Well Im new at this but I just got to lvl 30 and I been documenting how much i spent on each thing well here we go

                    So far
                    Weapons - 50kon bows and Camped for archer knifes
                    Armor- well over 100k Just because of Noct + 1 at lvl 30
                    Ammo- 50k (I have 70 Wood, So it was just materials)
                    as for food I spent 12k every 3-4 lvls till 25 then it was like 12k evert 2 lvls becasue Kazham Sux.. Didn't really pay attention to food since I stock piled it but it was sushi
                    so a total of about 250-300k to lvl 30 not bad considering I refused to use ninja tools till now if i had it be alot more money especially if u don't have wood... then u can be a 15yr mentality (no offense to 15yr old's that don't believe in this but i know a few younger kids that buy gil off websites to fuel there characters (i wish when i was 15 my mom would shell out 45+$ a month for a game )


                    • #11
                      I took WW to lv60 so far and it's drastically reduced my cost per lvl. I just make way more arrows than I think I'll need, use what I need and sell the rest. HQ'n makes you almost break even after everything sells. Good idea would be to lvl alchemy on the side if you're considering using holy/acid bolts for lvl'n because the bolt heads can usually cost more than the bolts themselves.


                      Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.

