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arrow and bow//gun problems

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  • arrow and bow//gun problems

    ive had trouble getting arrows for my ranger and its at level 7.... I was hoping touse guns too, butthen theres the bullet problem...
    bullets just cost too much and i cant seem to find an alchemist to synth them for me...Just abouthow much Gil do you need spend per lvl?

  • #2
    at early levels it used to be 1k up to 3k/level. I didn't use a Gun then. Grabbed the NM drop to mess a bit around, but that was it.

    At around lv50 it was 10k/level, i guess it would be 10k for 10k exp (not using gun or darksteel only or bodkin/demon only) Just normal Ammo (Scorpion/Elemental and Holy Bolts)

    Nowadays i use gun only on Missions or bigger NMs, normaly i use Bow and X-Bow. I don't number my exenses here, since i'm self producer of my arrows/bolts/bullets. So it's only a fraction of what you pay on AH.
    Elsurion : Charactersheet


    • #3
      omg, if you can't afford arrows at lvl 7, just stop ranger right now. you need some serious farming to do son.

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Originally posted by neighbortaru
        omg, if you can't afford arrows at lvl 7, just stop ranger right now. you need some serious farming to do son.
        well, mainly the problem is that I keep missing! even sharpshot doesn't help that much
        Im mostly relying on wooden arrows and the occasional stone arrows if i can synth it....
        Originally posted by Elsurion
        Grabbed the NM drop to mess a bit around, but that was it.
        As for NMs, ive killed leaping lizzie 7 times and never got the drop, never found spining spipi after camping for what? 10 hours or so? and i dont exactly know of any other low level NMs...

        Im saving up my conquests points to get a centurions sword and the centurion set for my rdm so i dont really want to use those...


        • #5
          I mean the lv5 Gun from the Ghelsba NM Warmachine.

          Hairpin and boots aren't really needed, the only thing you need is dual archer (not even hawkers) and always the Bow+1 and if affordable the X-Bow+1, since lv68 you'll get O-Bow. Do not try to grab an E-Bow, only if you have around 10 Millions left overs, and IGE isn't the solution here.

          And you'll miss a lot in the early levels, just keep in mind you'll reach 90%+ Racc later on.
          Elsurion : Charactersheet


          • #6
            Dual Archer knifes? lol>< i wish...... im totally bored of ninja, its only lvl 10.mostly i gave up on it because im not the type of guy that plays ffxi 10 hours or so a day...... if i ever get to play it,(a ton of hw>.> )i only play for an hour or so, so i wont be able to get in 200-300 necklaces into nahna mihgo in like 2 months.... if i really work on it, i guess i can get it done in a year


            • #7
              spend 2 nights farming gil

              1 night buying zinc ore and do that quest ~30-40 times, zinc lowers the riceball price FAST.. i think it was 2 quests per 1 gil drop in price

              do the rusty armor quests for those scrolls (also fame)

              grab utsusemi

              3-4 nights.. not months

              level ninja.. unles you like to die.. and **** the pty up with your deaths... shadows save lives..(dont bother *as ranger* with them till you are out of the jungles, or not fighting mandys, they are weak and eat shadows to fast anyway... i took rng/war to 24, you can too ^^)

              the dual knifes are a must i feel.. but... do you like sushi? sure it tastes good, but after 2-3 stacks you have your second knife right there... and um.... your weapon skills will hit roughly 1.5-2x as strong as a normal shot (as of 29 ranger.. thats all i got to so far)

              oh one more thing.. dont fight decent chalenge mobs when leveling, stick with easy prey, they will die in 2-3 hits, and you can kill them faster/cheaper/and without resting as much..

              from what you said about getting centurion gear for your redmage, im going to assume it is 30 and that was your job till you started ranger(if not no matter) grab a bow, lvl 1 arrows from the npc and skill it up.... i highly recomend doing this, and it is accualy the exact thing i did.. used red mage, killed things outside the gates till ~5 skill, then the stronger ones till 15 skill, then worms in highlands/plateu till you get pissed that they dont pop fast enough.. (i skilled up in plateu, and fought crabs at the lake, they take a looooong time to kill, but remember you are doing this for skillups, not exp so the longer the better, and you dont have to find as many mobs)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Elsurion
                I Do not try to grab an E-Bow, only if you have around 10 Millions left overs, and IGE isn't the solution here.
                Has anyone seriously done this? I'm not being naive, I know there are a lot of ppl who buy their gil, but 10 million? I got bored one time and wanted to see how much it went for. They were advertising like 1 or 200k for like 70 bucks. That means at best someone is spending over 3 thousand REAL DOLLARS to buy a make believe item. Does anyone know someone who has actually done this? I'd like real names and addresses so I can find them and choke the shit out of them for being stupid. Not to mention that with the inflation I can farm for a cpl hours and come up with over 100k. I've got a good paying job and dont make enough real money an hour to buy that amount of gil in the same number of hours I can farm it. I know I'm prolly overreacting a little here, but seriously, I can either farm for a month or two and buy it, or not eat for over a month and buy gil off IGE to pay for it. Hmmm, tough decision.
                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                PSN: Caspian


                • #9
                  200k is not 70 bux. if you look around, most of the going rate is about 40 bux per million.


                  • #10
                    My bad then. This was many many months ago, and IGE was the only place I looked and they seemed to be a LOT more expensive in general.

                    Thats not near as bad, though I still think anyone willing to spend that much actual cash on in game money should be knee-capped. Just my opinion though, an opinion I hope is shared by many.
                    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                    PSN: Caspian


                    • #11
                      But would you pay 400€ for a virtual item, that's not even that powerfull? I know an E-Bow users says so, since he needs a reson to validate his Million buy.

                      I wouldn't i can live pretty good 1 Month with 400€
                      Elsurion : Charactersheet

