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Bowyer Ring

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  • Bowyer Ring

    I recently purchased a Bowyer Ring, with stats of + 3 R ACC and +3 R ATT

    Considering the scarcity of R ATT items, it seem that R ATT will have priority over R ACC, but I really wanna know how long I should really keep this ring.

    I'm pretty sure at some point, the loss of + R ACC on one ring slot would not be able to justify keeping the +3 R ATT, but can anyone give me any estimate on until what level I should hold on to it?

  • #2
    racc > ratt.

    just because there's fewer items with ratt on it doesn't mean you indulge on them. The difference between 3ratt is much less noticable than more racc.


    • #3
      I'd say it depends on your race. If you are an elvaan, definately stack up on r-acc. If you are hume or mithra, as well as tarutaru, personally I'd go for the Ranged attack. Also, dont forget however, that in order to notice the R-atk more, you must have STR up a bit. STR caps your ranged attack if it is too low. A similar relationship is also noticed between AGI and r-acc. It could also depend on your choice of food. If you use Sole Sushi, then you could sacrifice the few r-acc for the r-atk.

      anyways, atm i am 65 rng and am using a bowyer. I try to get as much ranged attack as i can, because I am hume, and hate being outdamaged by an elvaan. (although its unavoidable).
      That Song...


      • #4
        race dont matter that much.

        thnk god for lowered xp to lvl 75, now any ole lvl 75 cant use his lvl as validation for being correct.

        this ring is useless like a few levels aafter you can equip it, go sell it or hold on to it untill the price gets jacked up.

        i have one but only for capped cop events.
        Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


        • #5
          Yeah, I got one for the fun of it. What I am starting to notice though is that guns and xbows seem to get a lot more benefit from +rng. att. then bows do. The bows if you want to improve their damage seems better to just focus on STR then.

          Also getting lots of rng. acc. is nice harder to miss, but don't make it the only thing you have. With the right balance and food to compensate you can do some wicked damage. Also for the Hume tired of the Elvaan outdamaging him, if you really want to go for damage over accuracy then you should do RNG/WAR.

          You can correct the any accuracy problems you might have with some monsters by using sushi instead, otherwise you get the nice option of dhalmel pie + Berserk and at later levels +War Cry for damage that no RNG/NIN can match.

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          • #6
            Re: Bowyer Ring

            Well, I'm a mithra rng and my wife plays brd and we lvl together so I'm actually considering getting this ring because I never miss. So ratk is more important to me than racc+ because of all my noct gear, crip mithra racc, and perma-prelude. plus I keep yellow curry and squid sushi on me so if I need more racc I just switch my foods.


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