ATM im a 46 Elv Rng/Nin. I have emp pin, RSE boots, noct +1 feet, +1 body, +1 legs and +1 hands. I also have Nomads, RNG neckless, 2 Hawkers, 2 +1 carc rings, and merc belt. What i see a dint in is the earring solts. I (as of now,) am wearing 2 (+3 agi earrings~). Most Rngs i pty with and see 60- wear these also. But 61+ it seems i see alot of Rngs wearing the +4 agi earring, genin. I know it works wit a Nin sub, ect... but i wanted to know if its really worth it, dmg and money wise. Its going for 400-430k on my sever last time i checked. Is it a must need, or pimp item?