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endgame weapons

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  • endgame weapons

    Just asking for comments on the following alternatives to hellfire+1... or is it really the best, hands down, for hnm? gun is kinda getting annoying... wanna try somthing new

    so choices are ebow, shigeto/+1, gendawa (no +1 on my server, does one even exist?)... ive seen obow on hnm and it seems pretty bad.


  • #2
    highest base dmg is best, or so i heard ¬.¬


    • #3
      E-bow and M.Cst bow are the 2 prime choices for bow users, Gendawa is not bad and there's no Shigeto+1s in midgard for us to really test one.

      E-bow is good against various softer HNMs like Byakko, Suzaku, Behemoth, Fafnir, etc where they don't have absurdly high Physical defense. I've actually dealt more dmg with e-bow on these than with m.cst.

      On more hardened stuff like kirin M.Cst bow outdamaged E-bow when I used it. (did 2 kirins, swapped weapons for them)

      O-bow.... i use it on gods but its not the best choice, but you don't need the best doing genbu. :p

      I'd really like to test out a shigeto+1 or gendawa +1 though.


      • #4
        Re: endgame weapons

        Originally posted by Mephisto
        ive seen obow on hnm and it seems pretty bad.
        *points to sig*
        【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


        • #5
          thats what I was referring to lol, I could just picture finny crying as that happened... :spin:


          • #6
            O-bow is ok on some HNM if you use dsteel bolts~

            I would prefer Hellfire +1 to anything else.



            • #7
              i want a hellfire +1... too bad no gil for it gotta settle for the norm.


              • #8
                rofl @ russta's sig
                75 Nin

                Relic Obtained: Koga Boots.


                • #9
                  What Ive found, Othinus Bow is your best exp weapon. Gun on Gods and HNM. The reson being you will do more damage over time with Othinus on XP mobs, and it is more cost effective than gun, but your Hellfire or Culverin will be much better on HNM/Gods. Im a marksmanship person so Ive stopped using bow. But on Gods/HNM the rngs who I know that use bow favor Master Caster and Shigeto+1.
                  Seamus - Kujata Server
                  Rng 75, War 75, Thf 68, Nin 60, Drk 50, Whm 44, Sam 37, Mnk 37
                  Alchemy 100+1, Goldsmithing 51, Woodworking 58, Smithing 54


                  • #10
                    Hellfire +1 Got it!


                    • #11
                      guns on gods if your ls is still learning em. i use holy bolts for gods since it doesnt really matter since we kill them in under 5 mins each. only use gun on tiamat/jorm/vrtra and nighogg. no need to waste money when you dont have to. people saying gun on gods are usually lvl 60 RMTers


                      • #12
                        End Game. E-Bow, MC Bow, and Shigato +1 for Bow users. Hellfire, and Hellfire+1 for Gun users. I will be parsing a Kirin and God runs with Shigato+1, Shigato and Hellfire between 3 Different Rangers soon. We are mostly equipped the same when we do Gods and whatnot.

                        In an Exp PT, Shigeto +1.
                        | FFXI | SIREN | San D’Oria | Jifan | Monk 56 | WAR 65 | RNG 75 | NIN 38 | LS Ascendence™ |

                        | Jifen | Main Job BLM 38 | Sub WHM 22 | RDM 06 |


                        • #13
                          kk got roasted for sayo9ng ebow>>obow before trying them both..

                          kk now im 68 and have tried them both on my character using different types of foods, battling different types of mobs and i come up with...

                          using curry/steak: ebow >>>obow easily and by large amounts even counting the xtra dmg the melees do its still no contest.

                          I was the only rng in my party and i switched between wep choices.

                          using sushi: obow >> ebow, ebow seems to need the % to rng attk boost to be better then the obow, even with sushi ebow hits a whole lot harder then obow, its just not as big of a gap as with attack foods.

                          bard in the party: ebow >> obow same with attack foods, double minuet boost ebow sooo much more then it boost obow.

                          so bottom line like i thought and like i said before ebow >> obow save for very few specific cases..

                          skills>>gear because it really does come down to how you play.

                          only 68 no comment on hellfire even though i easily outdamaged a rng using helffire for xp. easily and he was 2 levels ahead of me and a elvaan.
                          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            kk got roasted for sayo9ng ebow>>obow before trying them both..

                            kk now im 68 and have tried them both on my character using different types of foods, battling different types of mobs and i come up with...
                            I know folks have given you a hard time here, and I dont mean to do the same, but let me get this straight... you managed to find people to help you camp an NM (with a questionable drop rate and wacky spawn time) for a bow you didnt really even want, just for the sake of experimentation?

                            That just seems a little ... I dunno...odd to me.
                            FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
                            FFXI: Shiva Server


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Gman
                              I know folks have given you a hard time here, and I dont mean to do the same, but let me get this straight... you managed to find people to help you camp an NM (with a questionable drop rate and wacky spawn time) for a bow you didnt really even want, just for the sake of experimentation?

                              That just seems a little ... I dunno...odd to me.
                              Im very helpfull, i spend my own gils to help people by actually going as rng and killing the stuff they need killed with the ammo i use for xping (demons)

                              i didnt even ask, they offered while we were getting the whm test for my static whm.

                              and it was basically all members of my static (all 67-68) and a few lvl 75s from the LS who were gonna be getting a drk test anyway...

                              seem normal yet??

                              Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.

