omg seriously what the f... is wrong with makrs ws damage?????
is it capped does it depend on witch mob your fighitng, i need to know more about marks WS damage...
what brought this about??
well the gears i have equiped ATM cost a significant amount of gil (seen one other person so far with all the HQs im wearing at my level, and that person doesnt level ranger anymore and hasnt for 5 months)
i go party with a hume bow ranger, umm k his bow dmg per hit was 12 more then my gun damage per hit (kk fine he's using curry me sushi maybe thats it)
kk his food runs out and i was sooo annoyed i charged him full price for a sole sushi(witch no curry user would pay for 1/2 hr of food) so he doesnt buy it
he switched to must+1 (i got must+2 and about 8 more +agi not counting w/e my race gives me over him)
we let of slugs, he's doing 20 more dmg on a slug, and a few times mine hit for 595 while he hit for 695
we were fighting orcs in davoi/mon caverns
crit slug damage was 850+ for both of us i landed a few more then him, but thats besides the point.
he switches to bow and now his normal slugs are ranging from 602 to 980+ on crits.
wtf is wrong with my character???
my gear:
hawkers+1 x2
jaged gorget
must+2 + silvers
Af hat, af body, af feet
nocts+1 hands and legs
amemet mantle+1
drone + genin
scorp+1 rings x2
please for the love of god someone help me, i know for fact SE didnt mean for this to work out like this, am i agi overloaded??? that may sound funny, but ok its hard finding plp who had these gears at my level (seriously i need help no bragging i really wanna know why a warbow+1 user can hit a higher non crit WS then me)
/sigh i dunno you have no idea how irritating it is to slow your xping down to the extent that plp who started rng after me and play 1-2 hrs less a day then me are already 4-5 levels ahead of me and those are significant levels (63-68)
i guess the answer is take a warbow+1 w/ me and try it, i havent done that yet because umm i dont like that bow and well, umm yeah thats about it i dont like that bow.
is it capped does it depend on witch mob your fighitng, i need to know more about marks WS damage...
what brought this about??
well the gears i have equiped ATM cost a significant amount of gil (seen one other person so far with all the HQs im wearing at my level, and that person doesnt level ranger anymore and hasnt for 5 months)
i go party with a hume bow ranger, umm k his bow dmg per hit was 12 more then my gun damage per hit (kk fine he's using curry me sushi maybe thats it)
kk his food runs out and i was sooo annoyed i charged him full price for a sole sushi(witch no curry user would pay for 1/2 hr of food) so he doesnt buy it
he switched to must+1 (i got must+2 and about 8 more +agi not counting w/e my race gives me over him)
we let of slugs, he's doing 20 more dmg on a slug, and a few times mine hit for 595 while he hit for 695
we were fighting orcs in davoi/mon caverns
crit slug damage was 850+ for both of us i landed a few more then him, but thats besides the point.
he switches to bow and now his normal slugs are ranging from 602 to 980+ on crits.
wtf is wrong with my character???
my gear:
hawkers+1 x2
jaged gorget
must+2 + silvers
Af hat, af body, af feet
nocts+1 hands and legs
amemet mantle+1
drone + genin
scorp+1 rings x2
please for the love of god someone help me, i know for fact SE didnt mean for this to work out like this, am i agi overloaded??? that may sound funny, but ok its hard finding plp who had these gears at my level (seriously i need help no bragging i really wanna know why a warbow+1 user can hit a higher non crit WS then me)
/sigh i dunno you have no idea how irritating it is to slow your xping down to the extent that plp who started rng after me and play 1-2 hrs less a day then me are already 4-5 levels ahead of me and those are significant levels (63-68)
i guess the answer is take a warbow+1 w/ me and try it, i havent done that yet because umm i dont like that bow and well, umm yeah thats about it i dont like that bow.