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A question about Bullets

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  • A question about Bullets

    I suck at doing searches, so if there is a topic that would answer my question, please, point me to it.

    Question: I am a level 50 RNG. I have a Musk. Gun +1, and I was wondering what kind of ammo I should use with it when I hit 52. I want to use Silver Bullets, but the cost is reaching 20k+ a stack, and making them isn't much better, with the ingredients. I am willing to make the money if Silver Bullets are the only option. I've only seen two other types of bullets, Bronze Bullets (No thanks) or the level 22 bullets, which I can't remember the stats on. Would I be better off using War Bow +1 and Scorp. Arrows, if Silver Bullets are the only choice?

  • #2
    Silver Bullets are definitely not the only option. You will do fine with War Bow +1 and Scorpion arrows until 60. Bodkins are better of course, but they're not needed either.


    • #3
      I've noticed that the level 22 bullets only do about half the damage of the silver ones, so I wouldn't waste my time with them at all. It's very expensive to be a gun-only ranger at any level. Silver bullets are13-15k a stack on Fenrir, but I have a friend who crafts them at about 8k/stack. What I usually do is save the bullets for times when I'm fighting hardshells like crabs and beetles. Fighting other mobs I stick with scorp arrows and war bow+1.
      74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM


      • #4
        Yeah, If you are doing Guns then Silver Bullets and Cannon Shells are really the only two options. A War Bow +1 and using the Elemental Arrows will match the Musketter Gun +1 and Silver Bullets damage very closely (Still be a difference of 10-15 damage a shot but you can shoot arrows faster then bullets so that's were the more damage comes from, all depends on timing).

        Other then that on the Marksmanship side using the Othinus Bow or the Machine Crossbow are two very good ones. Both of them have a damage rating that comes extreemly close to the RNGs strongest Bows (Eurytous Bow, Shigeto Bow +1, Master Caster's Bow, and Yoichinoyumi)

        If you are a crazy rich RNG though you probably could go crazy with the Culverin +1 and Cannon Shells, now that's crazy damage.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #5
          Cannon shells only stack to 12, too few to be used for any "useful" things.


          • #6
            I looked at the stats on the level 22 Bullets, and they are no where close to matching Silver Bullets. If I did the math right, to go from where I'm at right now to 55 (0xp into 55) it would cost 550,000 gil more. But, seeing how I can't use my gun yet, that's worthless. -_- From 52-55, if I can get the bullets for 15k, it would cost me about 585,000gil using bullets only. Managable, but not what I want to do. I'll probably go 75%-85% arrows, 15%-25% bullets, and see how I do with that.

            Another quest, do Bullets and Arrows have the same properties? IE: Do they have the same penalties and bonuses vs. the same kinds of mobs (Like RNG vs. Flies, or RNG vs. Bones).


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tidane
              Another quest, do Bullets and Arrows have the same properties? IE: Do they have the same penalties and bonuses vs. the same kinds of mobs (Like RNG vs. Flies, or RNG vs. Bones).

              It might be a good idea to just use guns whenever the zone is not crowded, and therefore your killing rate is limited by your killing speed, as opposed to spawns.


              • #8
                Yes bullets and arrows both qualify as piercing attacks. However they do seem to be like 2 different tiers of piercing, the crabs I've been able to damage a bit better with silver bullets then I do Arrows.

                The bullets though do get the damage bonuses on flying creatures just like arrows and their damage is reduced against skeletons just like arrows, but the reduction doesn't seem to be exactly 50% like arrows it seems like they are at 40% or 45%.

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #9
                  dunno silvers dont cost that much more...

                  silvers 13.5k-15k

                  bodkin 9k

                  demons 9k-11k

                  and when you concider like he said the bow firing faster, you'll be going through more arrows then bullets in the same amou8nt of time.

                  The gun also gives +10 rng accuracy, while a warbow+1 gives only 3, and unless u use an armburst then xbow users arnt getting any rng acc.

                  so i guess if the rate of fire (difference of about 50 i think im not sure) makes up for the dmg per shot difference, then i guess the +7 rng accuracy over bow users would put the gun well ahead of bow users in JA, dot, WS and per shot dmg.

                  been using gun since level 52 currently 62 and have no plans to change to any other weapon
                  Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tidane
                    Another quest, do Bullets and Arrows have the same properties? IE: Do they have the same penalties and bonuses vs. the same kinds of mobs (Like RNG vs. Flies, or RNG vs. Bones).
                    This is something that I'm really not too sure about. Piercing is supposedly nerfed against bones and hardshells (crabs, etc), but I do great damage with a gun on hardshells. Some JP sites say that bullets were changed to blunt type, like h2h, but they still seem to be nerfed on bones. Maybe the hardshells were changed, instead?
                    74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM


                    • #11
                      i have no clue either, but what i hear over and over (may not be correct) is that bullets are impact type ammo, and that all weapons get some kind of nerf against bone and shell type mobs.

                      i know i was doing 110-137 on crabs the last time i faught them (lvl 53-55 in kuftal) with gun that is.

                      but then again i was hitting them for like 75-85 with bow, and i guess thats the per shot difference on all mobs gun vs bow...

                      either way im sticking with gun, it hasnt been that much of a gil drain vs my arrow usage and the damage is great, thfs should be using acid bolts anyway IMO.
                      Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                      • #12
                        bullets are still piercing type Its just that they do so much damage that you think its a different type altogether. bullets have a really high base damage (81 i think?).

                        use it on normal mobs.
                        use it on bones.
                        use it on flies.

                        you'll see the usual damage dispersion, except for cases when you hit your attack cap.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by poweryoga
                          bullets are still piercing type Its just that they do so much damage that you think its a different type altogether. bullets have a really high base damage (81 i think?).

                          use it on normal mobs.
                          use it on bones.
                          use it on flies.

                          you'll see the usual damage dispersion, except for cases when you hit your attack cap.
                          yeah i also noticed at level 60 using a gun, that when i ate sushi, and another ranger ate yellow curry, they would get alot more boost from valorIII then i would......i dunno what thats about either.

                          I couldnt xp so i still havent tried the subbing out rng necklace and boots for spiked necklace and savage gaitors to see how much of a boost i'd get, i'm pretty sure 3 str stacked with 3 more is better then 3 agi and 5 rng attack, but i am sooooo eager to find out for sure.
                          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            yeah i also noticed at level 60 using a gun, that when i ate sushi, and another ranger ate yellow curry, they would get alot more boost from valorIII then i would......i dunno what thats about either.

                            I couldnt xp so i still havent tried the subbing out rng necklace and boots for spiked necklace and savage gaitors to see how much of a boost i'd get, i'm pretty sure 3 str stacked with 3 more is better then 3 agi and 5 rng attack, but i am sooooo eager to find out for sure.
                            The boost is easy it's figuring out more how the boosts stack that's harder to figure out.

                            A RNG eatting Yellow Curry (Has a +Rng. Attack boost what was it +32%?? Having to learn this new data but not really verified it myself yet) stack that on top of valor minuet III (Which is what +80 or something to Attack/Rng. Attack) and you're getting an addition 25 more to the Rng. Attack because of the percent increase to the +Rng. Attack food.

                            If you really want to see a RNG doing simply INSAINE damage you have a RNG/WAR with a BRD singing Valor Minuet III (Soul Voiced), Valor Minute III, Berserk, Warcry, Yellow Curry. That's something like +160 (Valor) and a +77%ish Rng. Attack boost (Berserk, War, Cury), on top of that an extra +123 (Backlash effect of specific number increases and percent increases).

                            Unfortunatly with such a huge increase they'll probably hit a damage cap unless they are using an attack were that's removed. I know with RNG/WAR and a BRD I was able to get out Barrages at lv. 45 that were 1k+ on IT mobs (Definatly have to time those to be finishing kills, with the lv. 45 mobs it's usually somewere after it's lost 1/4 health or 1/2 health you take that shot)

                            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                            • #15
                              DAM IVE NEVER DONE A 1K BARRAGE!!!

                              that would definately be cool...

                              bards are becoming uber rare on ym server, i havent partied with a bard in a very very long time it seems.

                              /sigh i wish a bard would stick it out with my static, the xp is soo great, but the last two we had (some 5-10 lvls back) got passed up, and are still mid to low 50s

                              Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.

