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STR Build > ACC Build

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  • #46
    Originally posted by kowboy
    BTW, I use Squid Sushi with full ACC gears in Nny's PTs, and while I do less dmg than the STR gear + acc food, I still outdamage the guy with the full ACC gear and AtK food. He nails every bolt for more dmg than me and we were surprised when my final DPS was greater than his.

    Conclusion is that while I may not do OMGWTFBBQ dmg with sushi, I can consistantly hit more and come out on top with more DPS(51+ I'm seeing 20% more acc over atk food guy). Like Kuu said, "also lastly is rangers especially control damage, not max it." I pull the least aggro in PT with my method.

    And also, this isnt no 4RNG chain VTs for chain 20 PTs, we're getting Chain 5s for over 300 exp (392 highest) when we come to a leveling zone at the right levels. 1-2 levels after we can start hitting chain 7-9s for 258 or so exp. And this is all pre-slugshot.

    I, myself, think STR doesnt matter until endgame. Once we get slugshot or sidewinder, I think everyone in our PT will opt for high acc.
    I share this opinion. I prefer the +acc gear +atk food combo, esp since i dont have static and rarely get to xp with BRD. By doing less dmg more often you avoid hate spikes that will cause unwanted aggro. At lv42 i have +57 ranged acc, and I almost never miss with anything even on ws.

    On another note this thread has been invaluable for information. Thanks for posting it, and i am extremely envious of your Static.

    Milkmandan, using perfect punctuation in /l since 2004.
    Tiamat O
    Jormungand O
    Vrtra O
    DLord O
    JoL O
    AV X


    • #47
      i perfer the other

      attack gears acc food

      yea more racc gears, and not even enough ratk gears, but both foods give a butt load of their perspective stat.

      you eat curry your getting alot of attack, and same for sushi and racc.

      its just i'd rather be king accurate then king powerfull..
      Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


      • #48
        My rng is lvl 33 and after reading this I don't know what to do. I just thought that you always got the best rng acc gear that you could at each lvl. Now I here talk about str builds so I don't know what to do. I eat sushibtw.


        • #49
          Originally posted by zidane11
          My rng is lvl 33 and after reading this I don't know what to do. I just thought that you always got the best rng acc gear that you could at each lvl. Now I here talk about str builds so I don't know what to do. I eat sushibtw.
          yeah it sucks because when you enter a new level rng (go from fighting gobs in yhoat. to bats in garl)

          you have acc. issues for those first few levels.

          (why i liked CN because theres multiple level range of mobs to fight if one rng is camped you can go chain VTs and vise a versa...

          anyway the worst time this ever happened to me (where no matter how much racc you have your gonna have problems hitting)

          was in gustav at 54-55, lab. of onzo at 60-61

          other then those two places, i have been fine with strictly attack foods.

          i'm still eating sushi even though i can hit the IT++S in onzo pretty good, because even the large amount of ratk curry gives doesnt make up for a single missed slugshot.
          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


          • #50
            Str build is the greatest :D

            I only wish i had a 4 rng, rdm, brd pt when i was leveling :/. Freaking lucky ass bastards

            Anyways, in the end game (past 70ish) many more viable options come into play when it comes to Racc, while ample slots for Str, and or Ratk are sometimes hard to come by. For example, 5 str can be recieved by wearing wyvern helm instead of optical hat, and that racc you lost can be gained easily by wearing af2 legs or dusk trousers. Even with this i still believe Acc is highly overrated.
            If given the chance i would use:

            Main : Woodvilles axe
            sub : Jagdplaute or Wingsword +1
            rweapon : Obow (good for the whole pt :D)
            head : wyvern helm
            neck : rangers neck
            earring : fenrirs earring / triumph earring or cassie earring (with osode)
            body : kirin's osode
            hands : crimson hands for normal shots, kote for ws
            rings : one flame, one merman
            back : Am. Mantle +1
            legs : wlegs ( to run around and get those chain 20+ :DD )
            feet : suzaku's sune ate for holy bolt proc, rse2 feet for ws

            That however is my wish list :/, this is what i actually use:

            Main : Francisca
            sub : archers
            rweapon : Obow
            head : wyvern helm
            neck : rangers necklace
            earring : fenrirs / supanom.
            body : Kirin's Osode
            hands : crimsons for normal, kote for ws
            rings : 2x mermans
            back : Am. Mantle +1
            legs : I currently use War brais/haidate for utsu's
            feet : suzaku's sune ate for holy bolt proc, rse2 feet for ws

            With this build i have more then enough Acc for VT weapons in ruavitau, and hit slugs constantly over 1100. Also using Curry in exp cuz i feel the benefits of Racc at that level is overrated.

            PS. I OWN YOU NNY BWHAHA



            • #51


              Or am I?


              • #52
                ill own you when your rng is 75! haha!



                • #53


                  • #54
                    str > r.acc
                    i use yellow curry for exp
                    my gear for exp

                    ranged : Othinus' Bow
                    ammo : Darksteel bolts ws and barrage, acid for start, holy for tp
                    weapon: Fransisca
                    sub-weapon: Hawkers +1
                    head: Wyvern Helm for ws/ hunter's beret for tp
                    neck : p. charm, just cause i have it. ranger necklace better imo or that 700k neck that has one extra +1 r.atk than ranged necklace -_-
                    body : Kirin's Osode
                    hands : Seiryu's Kote
                    back : amemit mantle +1
                    earring : suppanomimi and fenrir's earring
                    rings : 2x flame rings
                    legs : byakko's haidate, i want scout's braccae though ><;
                    boots : striders, should use suzaku, but... i'm addicted to moving speed

                    my slug shot


                    • #55
                      which sushi is good for ranger?
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #56
                        Squid Sushi gives AGI+5

                        Sole Sushi gives STR+5

                        They both give Dex+6, Acc+14% and Racc+14%.

                        Some RNG prefer AGI, some prefer STR. Up to you to decide which is best.

