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STR Build > ACC Build

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  • #31
    Ah! That's right!
    So you will gain less TP with staff than dagger, so that should be factored in.
    And less damage too, since we still do decent damage with daggers/axe over time :sweat: Probably not worth it.
    I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


    • #32
      acc gear + att up food is better then str gear + acc food in xp pts

      for one thing you get more acc from gears then str gear

      attack up food is about 20% give or take level + stats

      acc food usually is low about 10 acc

      post 50 you can do with almost any gear, but things go steeper fast

      This is especially true when you go after 200+ monsters with new xp cap. might need all the acc you can get.

      also lastly is rangers especially control damage, not max it.

      Missing should be minimal.

      Not missing is also important in xp tactics
      chain 1-3 you hold back and save tp, ws, mp, ja, etc

      4-5 you go all out.

      If you have a str build, a miss sidewinder in high chain equal pt slaping you.(friendly at least)

      in the end acc=all for most xp tactics because of the importance of timing, that a miss especially in rangers can be devistating.


      • #33
        I was actually xp'ing on golems at the time. But ya, The next time I go xp I'll try it again and see what happens. I like ulgerleand range ;3 demon horns are nice.
        Race : Mithra
        Main Job : Thief / Ranger
        Linkshell :


        • #34
          What Kuu said is pretty much right on.

          I wouldn't add str over acc personally til you are lvl 73+ and fighting VT mobs that you miss like never on. I guess you could fight VT mobs at lower levels, but why? In the right PT, rangers have the advantage of being able to get 400+ xp on chains. I'll take fast xp for the PT over big damage #s.

          Another thing about lvl 73+ though is you can equip sooo much rng acc equipment that was previously unavailabe. You can offset the loss of some w/ the massive amounts you get from stuff like Dusk pants and crimson gloves. Not to mention if sushi gives a % increase to range acc the way Yellow Curry gives to rng atk, you get the most advantage from these foods at higher levels.

          Before I had the str gear to swap in, on VT mobs at this level the rngs in my PT had so little trouble hitting, that we were eating yellow curry AND taking double attack songs. Prelude simply wasn't needed as I could count on 1 hand the number of sidewinders I missed in a 3 hours PT. You kill so fast on VT that I (puller) didn't even stay to fight the #5 mob, but immediately ran out to get #6 as soon as i had gotten 5 to camp.


          • #35
            WELL...figured since the staff is sitting in my mog i;d give it a try, but even eating sushi with the +1 daggers i still miss some slugs at around 115% tp

            i guess i should just go for a tad more ranged accuracy gear, (nothing available yet =() so i can alwasy eat curry.

            curry is adding a nice boost to my WS damage, i cant get those 900+ slugs w/o curry (i get 900 dead on with a critical slug eating sole sushi)

            i dunno, i thought i wanted bigger damage per shot numbers till i saw the uber dark hitting it for 89 per swing 178 per crit, now im happy with my 120 per normal shot 160 per crit and 750 slugs with 900 critical slug hits.

            i mean i build tp like a beast not missing like that (eating sushi i mean)

            i guess uber tp building and reliable slugs is worth the loss of 10-15 dmg per shot, when you concider one hit slug vs a missed slug prolly makes up the damage difference for the entire xp session.

            good times, i guess it would just look cool to have a vulcan staff and jse equiped...(i'd have to sue the hairpin again as the beret wouldnt match =p
            Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


            • #36
              Well, I'm not sure what determines slug dmg for sure, I mean, mithra feel they'd do the most dmg on slugs, but in my experience, hume rangers (maybe cause I've pty'd with more of them) do great damage on slug shot as well. I remember at lvl 62 taking on processionaires slug was doing around 1200-1300 regularly finishing the fragmentation chain. That was with a Musk. gun +1 and silver bullets. I guess if my static ever decides to actually level again, i'll find out how my slugs do (Even though I use a xbow not gun).



              • #37
                slufs for 1100-1200????


                my highest ever is 1299 or so and that was with a bard giving me valorIII and eating curry.

                i now eat sushi so ok thats some dmg off it, but on tormas at 61 im doing 700-900 only....

                my agi is very very high, my str isnt very good, all i have to boost it is sole sushi (+5 or 6) rk belt, and am mantle+1 but still i swear i just know i should be doing more dmg with slug...

                but honestly even if i did 650 with every slug i'd still be ahppy because sushi makes you dam near 100% accurate and that feels alot better then the one 1299 slug did.
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                • #38
                  BTW, I use Squid Sushi with full ACC gears in Nny's PTs, and while I do less dmg than the STR gear + acc food, I still outdamage the guy with the full ACC gear and AtK food. He nails every bolt for more dmg than me and we were surprised when my final DPS was greater than his.

                  Conclusion is that while I may not do OMGWTFBBQ dmg with sushi, I can consistantly hit more and come out on top with more DPS(51+ I'm seeing 20% more acc over atk food guy). Like Kuu said, "also lastly is rangers especially control damage, not max it." I pull the least aggro in PT with my method.

                  And also, this isnt no 4RNG chain VTs for chain 20 PTs, we're getting Chain 5s for over 300 exp (392 highest) when we come to a leveling zone at the right levels. 1-2 levels after we can start hitting chain 7-9s for 258 or so exp. And this is all pre-slugshot.

                  I, myself, think STR doesnt matter until endgame. Once we get slugshot or sidewinder, I think everyone in our PT will opt for high acc.


                  • #39
                    im settling in to that idea now

                    i mean who really cares about huge ws hits, and per shot numbers if u miss more then you'd like...

                    i'm gonna quit fooling aroudn with these str swaps and just stick to acc. gear and sushi...

                    even if darks guilllotine(sp) does more damage then my slug sometimes.
                    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                    • #40
                      Update on 4 RNG PT (If anyone still cares)

                      Today we did 54-55 in King Ranperres tomb and moved to Boyahda at about 3000 EXP to 56. 1 other PT in the area besides us proved to be quite a nuissance with pulls (especially a decent PT who can pull rather quickly). So we decided to kill anything that moved (mouriches, crabs, old gobbue and crawlers mainly, rabbits were quite a hassle).

                      Overall we pulled about 20k exp the first 2 hours or so(KRT) and another 18k in 1.5 hours in Boyahda. Everyone used sushi tonite and had a 90% acc rate and it was very rare that slugshot/sidewinder missed.


                      • #41
                        I normally have over 90% R.ACC with STR gear.

                        So I should add more ACC....why?

                        My Accuracy compared to the other RNG's accuracy is normally within 2%, normally over 90%. For arguements sake....At 10 shots a fight and 100 fights a leveling session (1k shots total), I have 90% ACC and a RNG has 92% ACC.

                        I land 900 shots, the other RNG lands 920.

                        So land 20 shots in the course of a 2 hour period is worth losing out on average 100 damage per fight?


                        Putting everything in one stat is pointless. A balance of everything = more damage. Losing a chain because you don't do enough DoT, Barrage Damage, or WS damage is just as bad as missing.

                        And Slugshots acc is extremely overrated. I almost always went at 100-120% TP and didn't miss often (Only 4 times over the course of the night that I can think of, so about once per hour.). Even on our last few fights of the night when my food wore and I didn't want to reapply for a 10 minute session, I still went at 100-120% TP and didn't miss.

                        And we were making 10-11k an hour. So your whole arguement about only being able to fight IT++++ mobs for high EXP is flawed.


                        • #42
                          looks like you had a brd in your party.

                          accuracy isn't so much of an issue if you do have one.


                          • #43
                            Since when does Minuet*2 give RNG ACC?



                            • #44
                              out of curiousity, what job is your mage? rdm or whm?


                              • #45
                                Setup is 4RNG,BRD,RDM. If you see in the pic, they have an ample amount of MP at Chain 12, 6MP/tick is godly.

                                And our BRD does Double Minuet only. Sometimes 1 of us will miss a minuet or both due to kiting. Anyone with aggro will run until they lose it and recast utsusemi.

