Originally posted by poweryoga
i use x-bow a lot for xp parties and i still notice the effects of str. Maybe its due to the fact that str increases your weapon damage overall but not the WS damage itself. That'd be a bit more believable.
I'm very interested in trying out str gears for exping but unfortunately not much oppoturnities has popped up lately.
Also, when you're parsing dmg between x-bow and bow user in the same group, its not accurate because acid bolt damage benefit bow users too. Might want to keep that in mind.
i use x-bow a lot for xp parties and i still notice the effects of str. Maybe its due to the fact that str increases your weapon damage overall but not the WS damage itself. That'd be a bit more believable.
I'm very interested in trying out str gears for exping but unfortunately not much oppoturnities has popped up lately.
Also, when you're parsing dmg between x-bow and bow user in the same group, its not accurate because acid bolt damage benefit bow users too. Might want to keep that in mind.

and im sure all of you know how annoying missing is, i'd be heartbroken if i was miss happy with all that gil in gears, and knwoing i could have avoided all those misses by not giving in to couriousity has been just too much for me untill now.
now its like errr your my static, im gonna try this please dont be too mad i i end up going back to jeuno for my cookie cutter set of gears.