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Food for Rangers 1 ~ 75

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  • Food for Rangers 1 ~ 75

    Here you'll see the Food you can use for your Level and your Preference.

    Ranged Attack Food
    - Dhamel Pie (~55/60 Hum)
    - Dhamel Stew (~55 Hum)

    Ranged Accurancy Food
    - Squid Shushi (Lv60+ Elv)


    The Race is the testsubject who has postet this info
    Elsurion : Charactersheet

  • #2
    Ok, i'd like to make a List for any Ranger what he can use for Food from 1 to 75.

    If anyone has any input, please post it, then i can update the upper List.

    At the moment i'm dealing with Dhamel Stew and Pie.
    Since the Curry is a bit of an overkill at 50.
    It isn't very usefull to use a food that's not even near your actual Ratt/Racc cap and you can have a better suited and cheaper food for your level.
    Elsurion : Charactersheet


    • #3
      best links for food i've found so far

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Originally posted by neighbortaru
        best links for food i've found so far
        I'm surprised those sites don't say Meat Mithkabobs raise Range Attack any. As far as I'm aware my Range Attack gets a nice boost when I've used them. Seems like they'd qualify around the Mid Level Use foods.

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #5
          i don't think meat miths directly affect RNG ATTK. actually, I'm pretty sure they don't, there was a big stink on alla when the food patch came out.

          You are probably seeing the benefits of the +STR.

          Thanks Yyg!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Macht
            I'm surprised those sites don't say Meat Mithkabobs raise Range Attack any. As far as I'm aware my Range Attack gets a nice boost when I've used them. Seems like they'd qualify around the Mid Level Use foods.
            One of the recent patches changed this. No more RATT from Meat mithkas. Sad but true. At 60 I'm using Squid Sushi. RATT foods do nothing to boost my damage any more, but I can definitely tell a boost to RACC from ths sushi. (Elvaan, btw, with nin sj)
            74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM


            • #7
              kabobs and cheif don't give anymore RAtt... that's why we have to take a deeper look at the foodtable.

              Since only yellow curry isn't the solution. Since you can die in a party you need to have something that you don't waste too much money on food.

              Also the somepage info about Food has now a lil nice chart
              Elsurion : Charactersheet


              • #8
                Going off the somepage food guide, a good chunk of the foods that give RATK are in the 32-34% range. None of the RATK caps are listed (unless they're the same as the ATK caps, which doesn't seem like it'd make sense). I think you'd be safe with any of the 32%+ RATK foods, but you would still be fine (but not optimal) with Dhalmel Pie/Stew as the 25-27% is not that far off from 32-34% (~30 RATK max difference with 300 Base), depending on what the RATK cap is set at. You can probably base the progression like somepage does based on the ATK %s and caps, but I'd just as much say stick with Yellow Curry or Bison Steak the whole way (or Sushi with a STR/RATK type build).
                THF 75 / SAM 75 / WAR75 / BLM 57 / RNG 46 / RDM 42 / NIN 41 / MNK 41 / BRD 38 / WHM 38 / 37 PLD / 37 DRG


                • #9
                  One thing is, both are expensive just for random pickup partys. That's why bison and curry isn't the only thing to take. You will die in a randomparty as well in a static party.

                  As you mentioned you will get only around 5RAtt more from them, which isn't that shiny. Also are stew (3k) /pie (4k) cheaper then curry(4 ~ 6k), if you don't count deaths in it. (Prices for the 3hr duration), with death they are a lot cheaper then curry/bison.

                  Also i doubt there isn't any cap for RAtt, since it exists a cap for Att. But i didn't got any hint of a cap yet.
                  Elsurion : Charactersheet


                  • #10
                    Yeah i dunno about the cap either, it had seemed like i hit it when i was 55 because no matter what str gear i swaped in i could hit for no more (and no less, via str down) then 110 on normal hits vs crabs, and 137 on crits, always those two exact numbers.
                    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                    • #11
                      i usually notice about a 20% gain with dhalmel pie and 25-30% gain with curry. Lvl 75, not sure exactly where I can check my Rattk. -_-


                      • #12
                        ooh that brings up a very good question...

                        when it says at a cap of 225 or w/e, is that rng attack, or normal attack that you check in your equipment screen????

                        oh and who here is on PC, i know you guys get a update tomorrow, and can check the new items by looking at the dat sooo curious about new items and what not.
                        Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          ooh that brings up a very good question...

                          when it says at a cap of 225 or w/e, is that rng attack, or normal attack that you check in your equipment screen????

                          oh and who here is on PC, i know you guys get a update tomorrow, and can check the new items by looking at the dat sooo curious about new items and what not.
                          Geez, I hope they arn't checking the Attack field and think it shows Rng. Attack info on it. The Attack field only states the Attack ability of your main weapon not ranged ones.

                          I'm guessing they haven't written down any caps for the Rng. Attack yet because to just get a number ranking for it is a guess in it self. As far as showing Damage increases all they can do is measure it against a set of attack without the food and again with the food.

                          Only problem on Fairy is whenever I look at the AH these Rng. Att. + items are never being sold. Hell any that do show up on the AH have no sale history either. I will be intrested to see though if the Damage increase I was seeing was just simply from the +STR, if it was then damn that was a hell of a good increase for just +5 STR.

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #14
                            i dunno on titan rng attack weapons are becoming more common.

                            i see alot of people equiping the juinor must. tuck+2 for the +5 rng attack, and wielding a fran axe as well...
                            Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Thegod
                              i dunno on titan rng attack weapons are becoming more common.

                              i see alot of people equiping the juinor must. tuck+2 for the +5 rng attack, and wielding a fran axe as well...
                              Ok, from this responce I think we are talking about two different things. I was referring a statement that hopefully no one thought the Attack rating (At the bottom next to the Defense rating) you see under your Equipment was showing any relating to your Rng. Attack.

                              +Rng Attack items are nice though I carry a mix of those with a few +Rng. Acc. items. Anyway if anyone wants to make a rough estimate number rank of their Rng. Attack they just have to look at their Archery Skill or Marksmanship Skill with about whatever STR/2 would be. Then just add in what ever +Rng. Attack Items they have, it's crude but close enough for a guess.

                              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

