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  • WAR vs NIN

    I am absolutley positive this has been discussed in other threads, however I have some questions that I havent been able to find in other threads about the differences in these jobs.

    Its been stated WAR makes you hit harder, but doesnt STR only count towards Melee damage? Whos going to be doing any Melee with RNG..

    The only thing I can see that would make WAR hit harder than NIN would be the use of the WAR job abilitys, but then you have to rely on a good tank (Rare) to cover you, thats a high risk of death which could have been avoided if you subbed NIN. Also with NIN you get slightly more Rng. Acc. with the extra knife (subjob of course should not be based soley on this, since its miniscule, but its still true) and the ability to use Utsusemi which would give any tank more than enough time to build up enough hate.

    A friend of mine who used to play a while ago says the WAR abilitys really dont have any affect on Range Attack, only base Attack.. is this true? Because if it is, war has just become totally pointless over a NIN subjob. Only thing WAR has over NIN is slightly more defense (which when put up against utsusemi means squat) and its not as expensive as NIN, but big deal chances are if your leveling RNG gil isnt much of a problem for you.

    Am I incorrect in any of this?

    If anyone can lend some insight on this please let me know, so I know if i should sub NIN post 24.

  • #2
    Um, you're joking when you said you searched the forums already right? All of those points have been covered countless times.

    To note, STR affects ranged attacks as well, as does WAR's Berserk. Why would people even consider subbing WAR if they didn't? It's extremely easy to test and prove.

    These threads are found on the very first page of the forums:

    Threads like these pop up everywhere and you can get basic information. Another more in-depth thread (much longer, with some debates and arguments, some of which are pretty dumb IMO) :

    The better information is near the end in my opinion.

    Basically, it depends on your equipment, your income, your party setup, your playstyle, what you're fighting, etc. There is no "best" subjob, but most people agree NIN is the most overall effective after 24. For endgame, especially after 74 with Utsu:ni, NIN is the top choice for HNM and such (although WAR is nice too if your LS has enough BRD's but I hope you have Striders/Crimson pants to kite the mobs when you get aggro since you have no blink).
    I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


    • #3
      I agree with Imac2much there, that stuff has been discussed a LOT. I myself love RNG/WAR and it's damage abilities over a RNG/NIN are very apparent when you've partied with them a lot.

      My last party was 5 RNGs and 1 WHM (Doing RNG AF2), I was the only RNG/WAR and the rest were RNG/NIN. In this party it had 2 RNG/NINs that were equipped almost exact to me (With the exception of that dual weapon). We all had War Bow +1 the RNG/NINs were using Scorpion Arrows and I decided to use Bone Arrows.

      The damage done was the RNG/NINs doing a fairly consistent 90 damage a hit. With me using Bone Arrows I was getting 88 normal, when I had berserk on I was hitting 112 a hit keep in that was Bone Arrows!

      Arrows that are a lot weaker then scorpions and I was able to exceed a RNG/NINs damage hit for hit. If I was actually using my Scorpion Arrows instead the damage difference would be even more apparent.

      The biggest flaw with RNG/WAR is what any of those threads probably state and you scratched the surface on too. RNG/WAR can draw hate a lot more easily then a RNG/NIN and have less to fall on to avoid damage, however there is quite a bit gear you can get for a RNG that can reduce damage by a good amount.

      Sticking with RNG/WAR means you'll probably have to invest in that gear to help your survivability and still make you effective for a party if you end up drawing to much hate.

      However if you've ever seen a RNG/WAR with Berserk + (Meat Mithkabob or like food) + War Cry + Valor Minuet II (or greater) + another Valor Minuet/Hunter's Prelude and executing one of their strong attacks like Barrage, Eagle Eye, or Sidewinder your mouth would probably drop. Thats the goal with a RNG/WAR in the right cases you can actually overpower yourself to such a point that you can nearly kill a monster in 1 move (Which is what the RNG job description basically states, "Ending a fight before it's begun.")

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        I have read all of the previous sub job discussion threads for RNG. My questions were

        "I was told STR does not affect it, but DEX does"
        "Doesnt the WAR job abilitys decrease accuracy?"
        and one that I didnt exactly say straight out but i will now
        If WAR can substitute there lack of accuracy, cant nin substitue its lack of strength, and still remain accurate?

        So, I did read them, but did not find these answers. Also... Which food would give the most R.Acc + R.Atk?


        • #5
          "I was told STR does not affect it, but DEX does"
          don't know what "it" is.

          warrior skill do not affect accuracy at all. Anyone that tells you so is stupid.

          Warrior sub is not just for the +str, its for berserk which give you about 20-25% increase in damage. Its impossible to find anything like that on /nin since this damage stacks with food for up to 50+% increase in attack.

          for racc eat sushi
          for rattk eat yellow curry.

