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RNG Meele Question

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  • RNG Meele Question

    I've been thinking of playing as a RNG, but I have a question,

    Are Rangers capable of doing signifigant damage at higher lvls with close range weapons like swords, or would it be better to use bows/guns? Am I able to skip ranged weapons for RNG all together and use meele, or must is use a bow?

    And if it is possible to use close range weapons for RNG with good results, what would be the best sub to do so?

  • #2
    Rangers and melee (only) don't really mix well. You could melee, but you should more or less spam ranged attacks (bow, crossbows, guns). If you wanna use swords and stuff, play a PLD.


    • #3
      most rngs melee a bit to get TP. the damage done by daggers/fransisca is... pretty negligible.


      • #4
        Shoot and shoot only, if you wanna melee become a warrior or dark knight or something like that


        • #5
          are you asking to see how killing way weaker mobs would be with a ranger???

          or for xping??
          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


          • #6
            If you want to do melee damage, be a THF/WAR/DRK/DRG/MNK/SAM.

            RNG only has a B- in its two best melee weapons (dagger & axe), and neither are capable of putting out good damage in EXP or HNM situations with the weapons and weapon skills rangers have available.


            • #7
              are you asking to see how killing way weaker mobs would be with a ranger???
              No, I was asking if it was possible to play Ranger using no ranged weapons at all and just use meele weapons (i.e. swords, daggers, axes) and still get decent dmg with them. But with the replies i've recieved, i'm getting the msg that it's pretty useless to try to make a meele only rng


              • #8
                is there a point to having a melee only rng?

                thats like making a spear only war or club only mnk.


                • #9
                  RNG sucks bad as Melee.

                  It is (guess the name) a Ranged Mob Killer
                  Elsurion : Charactersheet


                  • #10
                    I'd just thought it'd be a rare thing to do, you know, having a meele only rng. Plus, i'm really not a big fan of hanging back and attacking from a distance, I'd rather be up close causing big dmg with a high pwr sword.

                    As for meeleing, when is it ok to meele as RNG? I've heard people say that rngs meele to get tp up...what is tp?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Auron517
                      I'd just thought it'd be a rare thing to do, you know, having a meele only rng. Plus, i'm really not a big fan of hanging back and attacking from a distance, I'd rather be up close causing big dmg with a high pwr sword.

                      As for meeleing, when is it ok to meele as RNG? I've heard people say that rngs meele to get tp up...what is tp?
                      Rangers usually fight right next to the enemy anyway. That way they can get some melee swings in between ranged attacks, which improves TP gain. Melee, however, is not how a ranger brings the hurt. Ranged attacks deal many, many times more damage than melee ever will.

                      Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+


                      • #12
                        Yeah, looks like i'll have to use ranged attacks if I plan on becoming a rng..and can someone please tell me, what is tp?


                        • #13
                          Auron, players gain TP by hitting the enemy or by being hit. The amount of TP you gain by hitting depends on the delay of your weapon. You get 2% TP every time you get hit. The enemy also gets TP when you hit them... I believe the equation is (however much TP you get by hitting them)+2? Or it might be +1... I can't remember. This is reduced by NIN's passive Subtle Blow.

                          I understand you just want to be "different" than other players, or at least unique. But keep in mind there is a difference between effectively unique, and useless. You *CAN* make a melee-only RNG... but when the party finds out, they will most likely kick you out. You are wasting 5 other real people's time by doing something useless. They would probably get more xp/hour by just killing with 5 people. By the time your reputation gets around, it will be difficult for you to get a party. Thankfully, ranger is one of the few melee jobs that are wanted in abundance, but words spreads quickly.

                          As for your other post, RNG/RDM is not viable for a new player. Even if you are rich and spamming MP-regen drinks, your enhancing skill is capped by your sub, so your phalanx isn't going to amount to jack. You give up either accuracy + survivability (NIN) or raw damage (WAR) by using RDM sub. Certain other subs exist out there where you can be "unique" but still marginally effective (such as SAM, DRK, etc...). However, most party leaders will want you to sub NIN or WAR. If you tell them you don't have those subs, it says a message about you.. something to the tune of, "I'm so stubbornly selfish that I am sacrificing other people's playing time just to be unique."

                          Also, it's apparent you are a new player, so there's nothing wrong with asking questions. Just try to use the search function or check FAQs before asking hundreds of questions that have already been answered. For example, your questions about TP, ballista, etc are all discussed in FAQs in sites such as allakhazam, killingifrit, etc. Try not to spam the boards.
                          I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Auron517
                            No, I was asking if it was possible to play Ranger using no ranged weapons at all and just use meele weapons (i.e. swords, daggers, axes) and still get decent dmg with them. But with the replies i've recieved, i'm getting the msg that it's pretty useless to try to make a meele only rng
                            you know i heard about some ranger's using one archer's and one vikings with a marks ring and scorp+1 ring...

                            they would melee till 150% tp and then slugshot...

                            then they would melee up tp again, this time using unlimited shot, some guy said he xped for hours on 2 stacks of ammo like this.

                            imo not a good idea and i would have booted this guy asap.
                            Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.

