I was wondering what I could type in my sharpshot macro to let me know when it's ready for use, like Wars who use it in their Provoke macros. Can anyone help me out?
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Sharpshot timer alert macro
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Sharpshot timer alert macro
Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. - MLK Jr.
RNG-33 WAR-32 MNK-18 THF- 17 WHM-28 RDM-44 BLM-28
NIN-18 SAM- 5 PLD-12 BRD-55 BST- 13 -
/ja "Sharpshot" <me>
/wait 60
/wait 60
/wait 60
/wait 60
/wait 60
/echo Sharpshot ready!
Unfortunately using any other macro aborts a macro like this, so it isn't very useful. I'm not sure if you can put multiple wait commands in a row either.
Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+
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you can post multiple /wait, and max wait is 60.
your 100% right ^^
but any other macro, like u say, will cancel this one, so it doesen`t make any sence to me, i have a
/recast Sharpshot
and other recast stuff in one, so i only need to hit this one and i see all my recast times
i have that for almost every job and for me there is nothing better since macros will cancel each otherMonchichieTaruTaru, Windurst
RDM/75, WHM/41, BLM/37, DRK/37, NIN/20, WAR/18, SAM/15
Clothcrafting 88(+5), Goldsmithing 40, Leathercraft 36, Smithing 31, Bonecraft 21, Alchemie 10
W-M: 6-1 CoP: 1-3 ZM: 14 ToAU: 14
Ayumieon ICE
Mithra, Windurst
SAM/49, THF/49, WAR/32, NIN/31
W-M: 5-1, CoP: 3-1 ZM:
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/recast "Sharpshot"
/target <stpc>
/ja "Sharpshot" <me>
This way everytime you use this macro, it will tell you how much time left first.
The target <stpc> will give you a pause, if the timer isn't ready just cancel out. If it's ready and you want to use it, click accept on anything and the next like /ja will kick in.
I use similar method with almost everything now, utsusemi, sneak/trick, etc.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Originally posted by Omena
/ja "Sharpshot" <me>
/wait 60
/wait 60
/wait 60
/wait 60
/wait 60
/echo Sharpshot ready!
Unfortunately using any other macro aborts a macro like this, so it isn't very useful. I'm not sure if you can put multiple wait commands in a row either.
The one Jei did is probably the best way you'll get, the <stpc> and <stnpc> are pretty nice for putting a pause in were you can cancel out the macro. Works nicely if you are macro'ing Unlimited Shot to a specific WS or just macro'ing it to a normal shot.
/recast "Unlimited Shot"
/ja "Unlimited Shot" <me>
/equip ammo "Patriarch Protector's Arrow"
/ws "Sidewinder" <stnpc>
Then just have to watch for either the animation or the blue arrow, if you get blue arrow without animation then US failed and just cancel out and see what your recast timer says. Of course you can alter it and add in /target <stpc> if you want it to wait before doing US so you can look at the recast timer. Probably player preference there.
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