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A few Small Questions

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  • #31
    1. if your so mature you'd ignore writing style

    im at work for christ sake i have no time i type these post up in moments if you couldnt tell.

    yes ima cfo, so i know exactly wut number's tell you, they tell you black and white,. nothing in the middle.

    jesus fuc king christ calm down u swear this is life or death.

    nsx w/e didnt point out any flaws in my post, he said spell para witch he did /clap

    read my post i never once said a para didnt tell you how many times someone fires....I DIDNT ...... TYPE THAT SO DONT PUT WORDS ONT MY POST.

    tell me how numbers can reflect someone's style of play?

    by wut total shots fired??? u have nothing to base that info on unless they are your own paras (WITCH I CLEARLY STATED IN MY OTHER POST)

    I didnt post any information so how could my information be incorrect.

    i said from observations (calls of 200% tp on a ws as u watch it miss) one of the ranger's in my static (just happens to be the elvaan) misses alot of his wss at 150%+ so how cannot i not say "he misses more then me"

    Omfg that last statement seals it u must have serious issues... please read.

    I said "for xp.....figured all these discussions were about gear for xping..."

    the i said "better is better rugal, either you hit harder or you dont, either your more accurate or your not.......even if its a lil bit it matters or no1 would give 2 shyts about +1s"

    where or how does any of that imply that there is only one better, fact is better is better and for xping figuring out the best gear set for (accuracy in my case)

    the tone of my last post wasnt insulting or arogant it wasnt assuming or acusational so calm down jesus....i dont evenm post here that often because everyone feels they have some personal attachment to the game here like it really hurts ur feelings i think your paras are useless to me because they only give the black and white.

    plz show me one post here where i was flaming or being even the slightest bit rude.........seriously grow up

    lastly grammer is fucking grammer like i stated before obviously grammer doesnt affect my paycheck so it doesnt affect the understand of the point im trying to get accross, nit picking it is just anal times a thousand
    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Thegod
      lastly grammer is fucking grammer like i stated before obviously grammer doesnt affect my paycheck
      you spelled grammar wrong. 3 times.


      • #33
        Thegod, u should seriously


        • #34
          Originally posted by Thegod
          1. if your so mature you'd ignore writing style

          nsx w/e didnt point out any flaws in my post, he said spell para witch he did /clap


          the i said "better is better rugal, either you hit harder or you dont, either your more accurate or your not.......even if its a lil bit it matters or no1 would give 2 shyts about +1s"

          the tone of my last post wasnt insulting or arogant it wasnt assuming or acusational so calm down jesus....
          Hmmm... CFO's should take more liberal arts classes in college.

          I think you meant to spell the following words correctly.

          Accusational (although you spelled accuse correctly several times)
          Grammar (*which*, others have been kind enough to draw our attention to)

          Akin to your posting habits, my review was also a brief one. I only wanted to correct the most egregious errors.
          Have a nice day


          • #35
            I hope this thread never gets closed, because this is hilarious.

            Thegod, you're saying you don't spell/type correctly because you're typing it fast at work.

            Haha... you're basically admitting that you're an idiot. Yes, people make occasional grammatical mistakes and spelling typos. But you obviously have no grasp on the english language. It shows clearly how ignorant and unintelligent you are. To say that you're doing it fast doesn't cut any slack whatsoever, since I make posts at work all the time as well, and somehow I come out as coherent.

            Also, if you're saying you're typing SO fast that you can't spell/type correctly, you're admitting you're typing SO fast that you can't make an intelligent post. So basically... you're admitting that your posts hold no merit and are totally vacuous. Good job!

            On to the actual content (or am I nitpicking now?). If you're such a genius with numbers, you'd realize one thing:

            Style of play does not affect hit percentage.

            Perhaps it will affect how much damage you do relative to other players. But whether you are sitting there tanking the hits, running around like a drunk cat, or just using a bot, the hit percentage of your ranged attacks, abilities, and weapon skills are dependent solely on your own equipment/stats and the (fixed) stats of the monster. STYLE OF PLAY DOESN'T MATTER.

            On another note, better is not better. There is not one end-all-be-all equipment setup for all styles of play, even for just pure xping. Even if there was, you of all people would not know it, since you are only level 55, nor have you tried all the equipment estups out there, nor do you have any proof to back any of your claims up. No, observation is not "proof." Fighting low defense raptors in Valley when they are VT to you requires different equipment setup than fighting IT+++ hobgoblins in Bibiki bay.

            Your tones don't have to be insulting or flaming... they are presumptuous because you are ignorant. You are clearly an ignorant individual, based solely on your posts. This includes the substance of your posts, your points (if any) and your writing style. It's also apparent in your immature assertion of your pretend job, as if that gave ANY validity to any of your posts. Once again, it's obvious to everyone here that you are lying out of your ass, just judging by the intelligence of your posts, but get this: the real kicker is the fact that you bring up your fantasy occupation AT ALL. I mean, why? It doesn't add anything to any of your posts. All it does is show that you think it is an impressive thing, and that you think other people will consider you impressive if you make it up. I could bring up my occupation as well if I want, and have real life friends who play the game to back it up... but why would I? There's no reason.

            This isn't a flame because I don't care about your outside life, I am basing all of this solely on what you type in these forums... and it is obvious to EVERYONE that you are not a bright individual. It's not my fault that you take offense when people point out your mistakes. I hope this thread never gets closed so you can make another ignorant post, so we can all see your foolishness again in all its glory.

            P.S. I also like how you tried to start your post off with a list by typing 1.. but where's the 2???
            P.P.S. Every time I read the word "Paras" I laugh out loud... this should be made into a drinking game. Drink a shot for every spelling and grammatical error Thegod makes. Your drinking buddy should take a shot for every valid or intelligent point Thegod makes in a post. Guess who's gonna be driving home?
            I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


            • #36
              wtf? is that english? I can't understand half of the sentences this guy's writing.

              Can't believe you can actually read that garbage sausage.

              Someone want to type this into babelfish? Not sure what language this is in...

              astly grammer is fucking grammer like i stated before obviously grammer doesnt affect my paycheck so it doesnt affect the understand of the point im trying to get accross, nit picking it is just anal times a thousand
              wtf do you do? Clean toilets? Listen, nobody gives a shit about your life. You're going on about how your idiocy on the zomginterweb doesn't affect your paycheck.

              who the fuck cares? We're not discussing your paycheck here.

              Learn to read, learn how to write before trying to debate. If you type like a moron you're assumed to be one.

              The point is, none of the claims and accusations you're making are well-informed nor proven. Please figure out what a parser does first before telling yourself (and anybody dumb enough to listen) that it doesn't help figure out your accuracy ratings.

              if you're wondering here's what you wrote.

              observations may not be as black and wht as paras, but IMO they are accurate enough, a para doesnt tell you anything about the player's style, how they were doing their damage, any of that, at least observing gives you an exact idea of wut the other plp are doing to deal their damage.
              as rugal said, your playstyle doesn't affect your accuracy ratings. If a parser isn't "accurate" enough, i don't think the world's math is good enough for you. Go start something new so that we all may benefit from your better more accurate new math.


              • #37
                ok w/e

                jesus if you wanna ignore the points and talk about grammer lets goto and talk grammer fuck this is a game board for game discussions.

                typing fast means theres typos.....theres a huge difference between typos and misspelling words based on a lack of knowledge.

                and yeah alot of times i read this shyt fast and dont get the full jist before i repost...

                hence my rebutles and apolgies ive made in the past (an obvious sign of maturity)

                i didnt bring up my job to any of you it was to stinger and then one of you made the comment "arnt you a CFO"

                seriously if i had time to sit around all day and re-read my post about a game then i would but i dont so this is it..

                my tone, my presumption, i type the same way everywhere but no1 on the BLM board seems to care, they really actually do not like to argue so when someone trys to stop it, it usually ends right away...

                kinda like my second post witch was non flaming (and non insulting since you think theres a difference)

                ebow >> obow w/o ever having equiped an obow (witch i made a rebutle for that presumptious post) is the only inccorect post ive made and you havent been able to prove otherwise...

                name calling is another sign of continue on i must be soo childish i cant even comprehend what such mature guys like yourselves are talking about.

                fact is my point was correct i'll link a para showing a gedawa outdamaging an obow and ebow but does that mean that bow is better????

                or you can just goto KI and look at it yourself under the gendawa(sp) >>>> ebow thread.

                paras are good for alot of things, but i just dont agree with using them as the end all be all of any arguement or discussion.

                wonder why the OP never came back???? because we've been having these same discussions in a mature manor in the ninja boards......i wonder why he asked me??? hrrmmm i mean from the looks of these last post 3-4 flaming one person you'd think that my word would be trash to him...

                good times continute to entertain yourselves with clever flames and neat n00b
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                • #38
                  I'm disappointed.

                  In the last few replies you've failed to mention that you're a Mithran ranger and use a must +2.

                  You're slippin dude.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    hence my rebutles and apolgies ive made in the past (an obvious sign of maturity)
                    thnx for that incredibly convincing statement (an obvious sign of sarcasm)

                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    seriously if i had time to sit around all day and re-read my post about a game then i would but i dont so this is it..
                    Rereading and correcting simple spelling and grammar takes like a minute.

                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    my tone, my presumption, i type the same way everywhere but no1 on the BLM board seems to care, they really actually do not like to argue so when someone trys to stop it, it usually ends right away...
                    This isn't a BLM board.

                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    ebow >> obow w/o ever having equiped an obow (witch i made a rebutle for that presumptious post) is the only inccorect post ive made and you havent been able to prove otherwise...
                    Theres already billions of threads on that issue

                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    name calling is another sign of continue on i must be soo childish i cant even comprehend what such mature guys like yourselves are talking about.
                    Maybe u can't comprehend most of our posts because ur retarded?

                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    fact is my point was correct i'll link a para showing a gedawa outdamaging an obow and ebow but does that mean that bow is better????
                    Once again ur taking things other ppl did and creating ur own assumptions.

                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    paras are good for alot of things, but i just dont agree with using them as the end all be all of any arguement or discussion.
                    Then y do parsers exist in the first place?

                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    wonder why the OP never came back???? because we've been having these same discussions in a mature manor in the ninja boards......i wonder why he asked me??? hrrmmm i mean from the looks of these last post 3-4 flaming one person you'd think that my word would be trash to him...
                    what are u smoking?

                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    good times continute to entertain yourselves with clever flames and neat n00b
                    No thank u for entertaining us with ur stupidity


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by nsxtasy
                      I'm disappointed.

                      In the last few replies you've failed to mention that you're a Mithran ranger and use a must +2.

                      You're slippin dude.
                      ??? huh

                      you know if your assumed to be an arrogant piece then nothing is gonna change that in the minds of others........

                      ..including actions showing you are not.

                      /meh to the wind

                      i discount 90% of everything i read on boards in favor of figuring it out in game for myself anyway...

                      i just post to get ideas on possible other routes to take my ranger w/ gear, xp camps, and w/e else im planning to do.

                      edit: ok lotus w/e you say, i wasnt being sarcastic 1, i have admitted to not being correct because of misreading one of nsx's post.

                      the point of the gend vs ebow para was to prove that paras can be manipulated and that paras are just black and white data and they dont tell you alot of the things that may factor in to better or worse performance.

                      maybe you didnt understand the reasoning for bring up work in the first place, its 1 monitor and 3 computer's connected i scroll lock between the 3 different comp.s and work on two and surf the web on the other one, i have 3 for uploading files yadda yadda basically yeah a minute is too long when it takes me a while just to finish a long post like this because im pausing then coming back over and over for one post.

                      tired of explaining seriously if you wanna be rude to someone who hasnt flamed or insulted anyone here then so be it it doesnt affect me just keep on topic ranger discussions going please.
                      Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                      • #41
                        Long post coming up.

                        maybe you didnt understand the reasoning for bring up work in the first place, its 1 monitor and 3 computer's connected i scroll lock between the 3 different comp.s and work on two and surf the web on the other one, i have 3 for uploading files yadda yadda basically yeah a minute is too long when it takes me a while just to finish a long post like this because im pausing then coming back over and over for one post.
                        Don't make stupid excuses. It's obvious to EVERYONE here that with your grammar, intelligence, spelling, logic, understanding of numbers, etc that you are just making crap up. It's not impressing ANYONE, and it's incredibly easy to see through. But you can keep trying to lie through your teeth if you wish, it's hilarious.

                        You're also incredibly good at dodging arguments. Allow me to repeat what I and others have said.

                        Playing style does not affect hit percentage.
                        Parsers cannot lie on this. Your example is like comparing apples to oranges, and if you cannot comprehend this, it just shows how much of a bigger idiot you are.

                        I don't mind if you never post here again; actually most people would actually prefer that. But if you keep posting here, that's fine with us too. It provides incredible entertainment. I don't think I've seen a more obvious maroon on these boards in the last couple years. It's almost as if you're being an idiot on purpose, because I can't imagine someone is that stupid in real life. Oh well, the world is big.
                        I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          i discount 90% of everything i read on boards in favor of figuring it out in game for myself anyway...
                          ebow >> obow w/o ever having equiped an obow (witch i made a rebutle for that presumptious post) is the only inccorect post ive made and you havent been able to prove otherwise...
                          Out of all the things you've said so far, this is the funniest.

                          Yes, you have horrendous grammar and spelling, but not only that... you rarely have any valid or informative points in any of your blabber. If you noticed, several of us have dissected your "attempted logic" several times, and you have no intelligent response to any of them.

                          What do you mean you figure things out by yourself? You mean you make stuff up? Do you need me to quote some of the times you gave totally incorrect information? Behold the ignorance of your posts, from earlier posts onward..

                          Hm here's an early post where you claim obow > ebow... and you have neither. I guess ignorance starts early:

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          ebow rng>>>obow rng any day of the week IMO
                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          a ninja tank??

                          lol no tank is gonna be able to keep hate, but at least a pld tank has mp to cure whoever gets hit.

                          I think the best if your gonna go rnd heavy is a 3 rng party.

                          a thf, pld, whm

                          but even in this party theres no refresh so theres gonna be downtime.

                          the basic tank, healer, debuff/refresher, DD, hate manager, DD works perfectly fine IMO
                          What a ridiculous claim.

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          drg- dont be mad, im sure someone told you about the gimpyness of drg when you went to do the job quest..


                          drk_ they do more dmg then you guys by a ton
                          sam- they gain tp faster then my ranger
                          mnk- they own you guys in dmg can heal their own status affects
                          Another ridiculous one.

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          oh and bodkin dont add any ranged acc., but they do have 4 or 5 higher base dmg so barrage 700 dmg w/ warcry yes plz
                          Wrong, they add rng acc as well.

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          I thought they fixed the 100% damage, like rngs have an advantage on flying mobs, and it was giving them an advantage on beetle/crab type mobs b4 the fix, but once they fixed it rngs didnt get the nerfed dmg they used to get.

                          I cant measure it because no other arrows at my level have 28 dmg rating.

                          but i do 85 a shot with bodkin on beetles and crabs, and thats way more then the 58 i did with scorps, or the 75 i did with ele arrows (75+ additional)
                          Wrong on many accounts. Neither blunt nor piercing do more or less damage against beetles or crabs.

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          sata damage is determined by dex

                          thats why mithras are the best defense
                          Actually determined by DEX, AGI, and STR. STR is base damage, DEX modifies SA multiplier, AGI modifies TA multiplier.

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          1. gun- the dmg is not comparable, many use the delay as an issue but 60 more delay then a bow isnt that bad, and if you have the +2 its only 40....not to mention huge life/chain saving slugshots.

                          2. bow- fast enough dmg that the mob wont be spitting up wss every few moments, and ammo is pretty cheap, by far the cheapest route to go and arguably the 2nd most powerfull.

                          3. xbows- i dont like xbows, def down doesnt stick 100% of the time (and it shouldnt) the xbows make an annoying sound, they look hideous, and you have to carry around twice as much ammo as the other weapons.
                          These arguments make no sense.

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          True neither of us can prove it w/o a par. so its useless to go back and forth.

                          and yeah i do think galkans do that much more dmg then tarus.

                          because galkans and elvaans with identical equip as me (only saw 1 or two of them at the early rng levels) did more dmg per shot, and it was more then 3-6 points per shot.

                          in any event i'm pretty sure the equation is 1str= 2-3 dmg points but whatever, sorry if i sounded harsh i dunno it just happens like that alot ^^
                          Oh so now you bring up parsers. And you believe 1 str = 2-3 damage points? Hah!

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          oh and i take no offense, im 23 college grad workin full time making more then my parents did anywhere near my age...and my spelling has always been horrid same w/ grammer.

                          i deal in numbers boys and girls =p

                          Bringing up your made-up job again. And if you deal with numbers, why are you so horrible with them?

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          striders serve one purpose and one purpose alone, help to kite HNMs, tough BC mobs like the prom mea boss, and gods.......if you dont do any of those things you have no business with strider boots.
                          And you know this from experience? Observation? Or just blowing crap out of your ass?

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          im sorry i lost alot of respect for imac's opinions, he says IMO agi isnt worth he couldnt be further from the truth, agi is everything especially if you use xbow or gun, your damage with xbow or gun is solely related to your agi..
                          Hilarious. First you get your information wrong, then you try to use your incorrect information against me.

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??

                          go read the interview with the SE developers thats where i got my information, ill post a link as soon as i find the site.

                          agi affects marks WS damage......
                          That's my information you're quoting. Thanks for comparing me to an SE developer, but you cited the information incorrectly anyway.

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          AGI is crucial saying it is not inportant is misleading.

                          and taru rangers with guns hit for more damage then elvaan rangers with guns....bottom line im in a ranger static thats all we do is rng rng rng and sometimes a fourth will come.
                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          i have no character over level 60, but IMO the begining levels are the most boring and difficult.
                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          Ebow >> gun

                          ok not just the cost, but i was in cape terry last night and a friend from a while ago joined, about halfway through the party i checked him and he had ebow,(was wondering why his bow hits were doing 15 more per hit then mine.

                          I switched to gun and was outdamaging him (same race, almost same gearing) i hit for about 8 more dmg per hit and about 100 on wss, but he was firing really fast, and i know he was outdamaging me.

                          i need an ebow, cheaper ammo and you outdamage a gun, its crazy, but definately worth the 6 mil when you concider silver bullets are now up to 15k a stack.
                          You have nothing to support this argument except your OBSERVATIONs. And we've already stated how incredibly stupid your observations have been. You have nothing to back you up again.

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          i'd say wood if your gonna be a bow or xbow ranger....

                          but alch. is where the gil is and it is really cheap to level early on, plus it more then halves the cost of being a gun ranger....(definately the best choice from 50-67)

                          wood or alch, but wood will cost you more to level then alchmey, and arrows never get too costly, sma ewith bolts.

                          ranger is cheap from 1-75 if you make your own ammo, and dont use a gun.
                          Right, and what level alchemy and woodworking do you have to support any of this? It's incredibly expensive to get any craft to near-cap, which is the only time you can make silver bullets and demon arrows moderately cheaply.

                          And if it's cheap, why do you complain about the price in posts like these:

                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          im sorry for my harsh tones but like i said i have no sympathy for you, you thjink its easy paying 7k for a stack of ammo? you think its easy having all the gobbie bags as a requirement to level for a decent amount of time, now do you really think its easy leveling warrior to level nin to level ranger...then think again..
                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          please quote the line where i said that?????

                          please quote me saying ranger is the best DD, w/o twisiting words.
                          Originally posted by Thegod
                          I actually dont need any tank or anyone besides more rangers now that you mentioned it, i'll leave the "normal" partiues to the crybaby darks wwho are too poor to play ranger effectively, while i gather all the rangers a deprive you of the chance to play with the best DD in the game.

                          oh yeah im venting too alright...

                          Oh and trading hate.....hahahahahahaha lol ive never heard anything more absrub then a dark trading hate with a gun thats likely to'd never in a million years pull hate from me unless i so chose to let you.
                          Um.. all a DRK has to do to pull hate from a RNG is follow your Arching/Heavy Shot with a SE+SA+LR+Spinning Slash, especially if he has blood weapon up. BTW you got incredibly massacred by everyone in that thread as well, I wonder if it's getting to your thick skull how idiotic and ignorant you are yet?

                          Continued on next post.
                          I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                          • #43
                            Here's a snippet from that thread:

                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            I actually dont need any tank or anyone besides more rangers now that you mentioned it, i'll leave the "normal" partiues to the crybaby darks wwho are too poor to play ranger effectively, while i gather all the rangers a deprive you of the chance to play with the best DD in the game.

                            oh yeah im venting too alright...

                            Oh and trading hate.....hahahahahahaha lol ive never heard anything more absrub then a dark trading hate with a gun thats likely to'd never in a million years pull hate from me unless i so chose to let you.

                            I play ninja, the most complicated melee job in the game IMO, and youi dont play that either because its not as cheap as drk or sam or mnk (wut you'll lvl next when you get no invites as a sam either)

                            no one forces you to LFG for made that choice, it'll take me max 40 mins to build a full party with not a single vital member seeking, its called /sea all whm, pld, nin, blm, rdm, ect....

                            so continue to cry me a river as i gain massive amounts of xp in my all ranger party....then flaunt my kirin's osode in your face a few months from now.

                            oh and btw im in ranger JSE baby no more gay tunics for me""

                            THE FACT IS IT guys just really do hate rangers, and dont try to deny it i have been civil with everyone who has shown the maturity to be civil w/ me, if your not liek that one guy who flamed first, then you get no respect, thats not stupid or dumb or n00bness, its the way of the world.

                            Originally posted by Stinger
                            Thegod your just making yourself look more stupid.

                            Originally posted by TheMidg
                            Again, I strongly suggest that you stop posting, because with every post that you make you just end up making yourself look like more of an arrogant asshole

                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            paraising battles leaves you opedn to have you character's items stolen...

                            no thanks
                            You still can't spell parse, and you still don't know what the hell you're talking about.

                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            how many post does it take to realize i stick to my word....

                            why let a bunch of foolish sams get the last word (witch i dont even care about, but you guys must if you ignore all other threads today and keep posting on this one...)

                            Main Entry: in·san·i·ty
                            Pronunciation: in-'san-&t-E
                            Function: noun
                            Inflected Form: plural -ties
                            1 a : a deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder (as schizophrenia) and usually excluding such states as mental retardation, psychoneurosis, and various character disorders b : a mental disorder
                            2 : such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required to understand reason.

                            ^^ lets take a look at's #2 def on insanity....not having the mental capacity to understand reason....hrrrmmm i wonder who here has that problem.

                            i can goto dictionary for if you have trouble understanding the definition.
                            How ironic that you cite, when you can't spell the word "which".

                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            lol im a CFO, theres only two of these per corporation, i make my own rules.....i have no direct boss, i sit in my office witch over looks the payroll department...fing around on messege boards and all day...while getting some work done on the side...


                            thats what happens when you graduate get a good job you can do in your sleep.

                            no no1 said defend me, defend yourself for christ sake, you are a ranger or so you say....

                            he said i hate all rangers, he never said anything about i hate thegod...but i took it upon myself to include me in that comment seeing as how ima ranger....

                            i shouldnt even have to explain that it pretty much speaks for itself.....

                            i mean 75 levels of ranger and you have no love for the job....jesus thats wild, but hey to each his/her own.

                            wut you want an email of a scanned compy of my pay stubb to prove it, i have all the equipment right here it wouldnt be the first time i used work equipment to around.
                            adn i rounded down, its more like 74k a hahaha

                            i'm big on proof, call me on anyone of my claims and i'll prove it to the best of my ability
                            ROFL 74 f'in k per year is NOTHING for an executive. It just shows how much you know about corporate america. First of all, executives make generally in the 120-300k range just for base salary. Next, they get bonuses and benefits depending on the bottom line and how the stock fared within a year. The bonus can exceed their base salary. To say you are an executive and make 74k means : 1) you don't know anything about corporate America, or 2) you work for a really crappy company.

                            Not only do you claim that, you claim that you went to graduate school. Do you realize you have to write thesis's and crap to get a master's and PhD? You know absolutely nothing about grad school. You can't even type straight, or understand numbers. Everyone can see your ignorance. Observe:

                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            tarus wont do less damage then elvaans with marksmenship type weapons....their damage is very similar when compared at the end.
                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            well i find that impossible to believe because marsk ws damage is based on agi not str....

                            so maybe per normal shot the elvaan outdamaged the taru...

                            but no way on WS damage, its not possible sorry maybe you were seeing something else.
                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            I mean fact is if the WS damage is based on your characters AGi (proven by when str down doesnt affect the dmg at all) then the character with the highest AGI will have the bigger slugs.
                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            edit: oh yeah why elvaans are better for archery

                            mind and str the two stats that determind dmg of regular ranged attacks and archery WSs...

                            elvaans have the highest base stats in those two areas of any race

                            so additonal dmg from status ammo and normal rng attacks are elvaans rangers specialty.
                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            oh i switched food from yello9w curry to sole sushi because it increase my attacks by almost the same ammount while adding a bunch of rng accuracy (an unconfirmed 30 rng acc.)
                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            i said squid because thats what i ate, and no sushi gives rng attack they are all for accuracy and rng accuracy w/ some boost to HP and a combo of dex str and agi.
                            Nice contradictory information.

                            And for the post that you cited in your post, Fjiorea said it best:

                            Originally posted by Fjiorea
                            Originally posted by Thegod
                            40+ bow >> xbow (can be argued that obow >> ebow but i wont even touch on that subject as it would only confuse, let it suffice to say i am fairly confident after using an ebow and a gun that ebow >>obow)


                            you are lvl55, obow is lvl67.

                            i love how people saying how they know everything even when they have not done it first hand.
                            Holy crap, you've said so many stupid or idiotic or completely false things that it took 3 posts. I haven't even gone through everything.. reading your horrible grammar, spelling, arguments, and information is starting to make me dizzy.
                            I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                            • #44
                              woah! when you go take someone apart Rugal, you go all the way. shit, is thegod even worth the effort?

                              Thanks Yyg!


                              • #45
                                ouch. :sweat:
                                Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                                ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫

