Just a few small questions from me if you would take the time to answer them. Thanks for all the advice.
Well, lately I've been leveling ranger and I've gotten it to about level 22. I'm in a PT with a WHM.........and that's it ^^ We're basically just hunting worms. WHM silences and barstonra I wasted a million arrows hitting the worm we get exp and rinse and repeat. However I've come to a few small problems that I would like to ask some help on
1) Currently I'm using a Power Bow +1 and Beetle Arrows, however at 25 I would have access to Blood Bolts. How would these two compoare to each other? I've noticed that the crossbows have a shorter delay time then bows, but I think the bows hit harder atm
2) On the subject of bows I'm lost between the Crossbow +1 ( +9 to Ranged Attack) at level 12 and the Power Bow ( +1 to AGI )at level 25. Which one would be better for me if I am going to be using BLood Bolts? Or should i just stick with the Power Bow +1 till level 30
3) Regarding the food issue. I'm wondering how do you know when you need to concentrate more on an ranged attack based food? or a ranged accuracy based food? Currently I am eatting Yellow Curry and am hitting for about 60 to 80 points of damage on ITs to Tough range.
4) Also do you look for STR+? AGI+? or the best of both worlds? or does STR even play a role in ranged attack?
5) Also I think the worms in Qufim Island are starting to dwindle in exp. Does anyone know if the Abyssal Worms in Maze of Sha. is a good viable option up to level 30? I'm aware that Qufim would still be good to 27 if I soloed, but in a PT with a WHM I think that drops the exp a bit.....or does it? (I can't find that exp chart that calculated the exp anywhere if someone has a link on that I would be very much appreciatative)
6) What exactly is the difference between a stack of arrows and quiver of arrows? Is a quiver 12 stacks of 99 arrows? I'm not sure I unerstand it correctly so just wanted some reassurance on this one.
7) I've been using scavenger and everyone tells me it's useless, but I scavenged an old quiver which when used gave me 2 curde arrows that actually had -ranged accuracy on it. Do these arrows actually serve a purpose such as for crafting? or perhaps something all together different? perhaps a last resort when out of arrows?
Well that's all folks ^^ Really thankful for the time you took the answer these questions and I appreciate it very much.
BTW Equipment goes as...
Main: Battle Axe
Sub: Nothing
Ranged: Power Bow +1
Ammo: Beetle Arrows
Head: Royal Ft Badnage (or however you spell it) up grade to Emp Hairpin
Neck: Ranger NEcklace
Earrings: Bettle Earring +1 ( the ones that are like +3 to attack or somehting)
Body: Nothing
Hands: Royal Ft Gloves ( +3 to attack )
Rings: Beetle RIngs +1
Back: nothing upgrade to NOmad's Mnalte
Waiste: nothing
Legs: Nothing
Feet: nothing
The reason I have some as nothing is because all that gear is for defense and I don't think defense matters when you have magic casted on you. That's why I didn't bother with it. Also nothing to boost STR, AGI, or attack, or ranged attack for those slots. At least none htat I know of except Leaping Lizards boots, but they kind of got toooooo pricy on our server. If you have some suggestions let me know and I'll try to see if I can add something in ^^
Just a few small questions from me if you would take the time to answer them. Thanks for all the advice.
Well, lately I've been leveling ranger and I've gotten it to about level 22. I'm in a PT with a WHM.........and that's it ^^ We're basically just hunting worms. WHM silences and barstonra I wasted a million arrows hitting the worm we get exp and rinse and repeat. However I've come to a few small problems that I would like to ask some help on
1) Currently I'm using a Power Bow +1 and Beetle Arrows, however at 25 I would have access to Blood Bolts. How would these two compoare to each other? I've noticed that the crossbows have a shorter delay time then bows, but I think the bows hit harder atm
2) On the subject of bows I'm lost between the Crossbow +1 ( +9 to Ranged Attack) at level 12 and the Power Bow ( +1 to AGI )at level 25. Which one would be better for me if I am going to be using BLood Bolts? Or should i just stick with the Power Bow +1 till level 30
3) Regarding the food issue. I'm wondering how do you know when you need to concentrate more on an ranged attack based food? or a ranged accuracy based food? Currently I am eatting Yellow Curry and am hitting for about 60 to 80 points of damage on ITs to Tough range.
4) Also do you look for STR+? AGI+? or the best of both worlds? or does STR even play a role in ranged attack?
5) Also I think the worms in Qufim Island are starting to dwindle in exp. Does anyone know if the Abyssal Worms in Maze of Sha. is a good viable option up to level 30? I'm aware that Qufim would still be good to 27 if I soloed, but in a PT with a WHM I think that drops the exp a bit.....or does it? (I can't find that exp chart that calculated the exp anywhere if someone has a link on that I would be very much appreciatative)
6) What exactly is the difference between a stack of arrows and quiver of arrows? Is a quiver 12 stacks of 99 arrows? I'm not sure I unerstand it correctly so just wanted some reassurance on this one.
7) I've been using scavenger and everyone tells me it's useless, but I scavenged an old quiver which when used gave me 2 curde arrows that actually had -ranged accuracy on it. Do these arrows actually serve a purpose such as for crafting? or perhaps something all together different? perhaps a last resort when out of arrows?
Well that's all folks ^^ Really thankful for the time you took the answer these questions and I appreciate it very much.
BTW Equipment goes as...
Main: Battle Axe
Sub: Nothing
Ranged: Power Bow +1
Ammo: Beetle Arrows
Head: Royal Ft Badnage (or however you spell it) up grade to Emp Hairpin
Neck: Ranger NEcklace
Earrings: Bettle Earring +1 ( the ones that are like +3 to attack or somehting)
Body: Nothing
Hands: Royal Ft Gloves ( +3 to attack )
Rings: Beetle RIngs +1
Back: nothing upgrade to NOmad's Mnalte
Waiste: nothing
Legs: Nothing
Feet: nothing
The reason I have some as nothing is because all that gear is for defense and I don't think defense matters when you have magic casted on you. That's why I didn't bother with it. Also nothing to boost STR, AGI, or attack, or ranged attack for those slots. At least none htat I know of except Leaping Lizards boots, but they kind of got toooooo pricy on our server. If you have some suggestions let me know and I'll try to see if I can add something in ^^