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A few Small Questions

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  • A few Small Questions


    Just a few small questions from me if you would take the time to answer them. Thanks for all the advice.

    Well, lately I've been leveling ranger and I've gotten it to about level 22. I'm in a PT with a WHM.........and that's it ^^ We're basically just hunting worms. WHM silences and barstonra I wasted a million arrows hitting the worm we get exp and rinse and repeat. However I've come to a few small problems that I would like to ask some help on

    1) Currently I'm using a Power Bow +1 and Beetle Arrows, however at 25 I would have access to Blood Bolts. How would these two compoare to each other? I've noticed that the crossbows have a shorter delay time then bows, but I think the bows hit harder atm

    2) On the subject of bows I'm lost between the Crossbow +1 ( +9 to Ranged Attack) at level 12 and the Power Bow ( +1 to AGI )at level 25. Which one would be better for me if I am going to be using BLood Bolts? Or should i just stick with the Power Bow +1 till level 30

    3) Regarding the food issue. I'm wondering how do you know when you need to concentrate more on an ranged attack based food? or a ranged accuracy based food? Currently I am eatting Yellow Curry and am hitting for about 60 to 80 points of damage on ITs to Tough range.

    4) Also do you look for STR+? AGI+? or the best of both worlds? or does STR even play a role in ranged attack?

    5) Also I think the worms in Qufim Island are starting to dwindle in exp. Does anyone know if the Abyssal Worms in Maze of Sha. is a good viable option up to level 30? I'm aware that Qufim would still be good to 27 if I soloed, but in a PT with a WHM I think that drops the exp a bit.....or does it? (I can't find that exp chart that calculated the exp anywhere if someone has a link on that I would be very much appreciatative)

    6) What exactly is the difference between a stack of arrows and quiver of arrows? Is a quiver 12 stacks of 99 arrows? I'm not sure I unerstand it correctly so just wanted some reassurance on this one.

    7) I've been using scavenger and everyone tells me it's useless, but I scavenged an old quiver which when used gave me 2 curde arrows that actually had -ranged accuracy on it. Do these arrows actually serve a purpose such as for crafting? or perhaps something all together different? perhaps a last resort when out of arrows?

    Well that's all folks ^^ Really thankful for the time you took the answer these questions and I appreciate it very much.

    BTW Equipment goes as...
    Main: Battle Axe
    Sub: Nothing
    Ranged: Power Bow +1
    Ammo: Beetle Arrows
    Head: Royal Ft Badnage (or however you spell it) up grade to Emp Hairpin
    Neck: Ranger NEcklace
    Earrings: Bettle Earring +1 ( the ones that are like +3 to attack or somehting)
    Body: Nothing
    Hands: Royal Ft Gloves ( +3 to attack )
    Rings: Beetle RIngs +1
    Back: nothing upgrade to NOmad's Mnalte
    Waiste: nothing
    Legs: Nothing
    Feet: nothing

    The reason I have some as nothing is because all that gear is for defense and I don't think defense matters when you have magic casted on you. That's why I didn't bother with it. Also nothing to boost STR, AGI, or attack, or ranged attack for those slots. At least none htat I know of except Leaping Lizards boots, but they kind of got toooooo pricy on our server. If you have some suggestions let me know and I'll try to see if I can add something in ^^

  • #2
    sup zem.


    1. arrows will always do more dmg per shot, the comonly used formula is bows over xbows from 1-30, xbows over bows from 30-40, and this is based on the great strength of holy bolts.

    FYI im 58 rng now and have never xped using a xbow, you have to carry way more ammo, and the cost add up to more then you'd spend on arrows.

    2. Powerbow best weapons till level 30, unless your rich and wanna use a pirated gun+1 and level 27.

    3. for humes tarus galkan and mithra rng attack food is probably best, ive known some elvaans to use ranged attack food (most do) but i'd say rng accuracy food is better for them....your way to low to use yellow curry, i'd go with blacken frogs or dhamel pies for nice stackable cheaper substitutes untill you hit about level 40.

    4. the formula for increasing ranger stats is : rng acc >> rng attack >> agi >> str

    so follow that and you should be golden

    5. at 27 i went and joined parties, but the mandys are soloable there at level 28 (hint hint) i'd join a party, 27-28 is a great level for yhoat. yhoat. mandys give 200xp per kill to a level 28 party, and they go down fast once your duel wielding archers.

    6. a stack of quivers is 1188 arrows, you use one quiver and it gives you 99 your basically just holding 12 stacks of arrows on one slot.

    7. the - rng acc. arrows were meant for people who use them for farming...

    like i have 54 rng accuracy and +25 agi, so -5 rng accuracy isnt gonna hurt me when im farming EPs.

    it was SEs way to try to make farming free for rngs.

    i never find anything usefull with scaveneg, but the update made it so you can find alot of usefull things w/ scavenge, i would definately not call it useless.

    good luck with ranger zemp. and remember a rng who doesnt shoot enough its way worse then a rng who shoots too much.

    bows to 30 xbows to 40, and bows again till 52 IMO is your best route.

    finally you start leveling my favorite job zemp. (i still like nin/rng the best though)
    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


    • #3
      Thanks Thegod

      Well, I'm leveling RNG for a ton of reasons ^^

      A) To get a feel for every job and RNG has always been a job I wanted to level and I was a RNG before in other online RPGs. So it was only a matter of time I played it ^^

      B) I want to try out the NIN/RNG combination and I'm just not going to let myself slide to have a underleveled SJ

      C) I need to raise archery on my RDM and leveling RNG to 30 would help that a ton with the Accuracy Bonus JT and the Barrage JA and of course sharpshot ^^

      D) It looks good on my signature....ROFL ^^

      Well currently level 23. I can't find anymore worms to exp off of ; ; They are all Tough ;; I went to Maze of Sha to fight the Abyssal Worms they were okay from 22 to 23 but after 23 it was really slow. I'm trying to hold of on PTing as long as possible but at the same time trying to get my WHM friend to be at 25 so she can finally get Raise.

      Thanks again ^^


      • #4
        Did you try the amphisbaena in Gusgen? You might need a WHM or someone else to powerlevel you there though, since it's likely you'll get an add from a wandering aggro. But amphisbaena are nice juicy worms for RNG... I forgot what level I fought them at, but in the 25's I think?

        Also you can fight the mandragoras in Yuhtunga and Yhaotor from hm... perhaps 28ish + , if you have a powerleveler. Mandys hit for very little damage and have incredibly low defense.

        If no powerleveler... I guess you'd have to rely on worms. Hm, there are worms in Altepa as well, but I believe they only appear at night...
        I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


        • #5
 gusgen.... I never really thought about that one. I was under the impression that all the undead skeletons and undead hounds would be too much trouble for when a Worm did something like stone 2 or Stonega and your HP hit yellow you would be in hell, but I will try that out now that you suggested it. Anyone certain spots you have in mind?


          • #6
            From gusgen entrance, go to one of the northern sections where you can go down some stairs. You will see some gates leading north I believe. Pull a switch to open the gate and go in. This is where I fought the worms at least. Make sure you and your powerleveler have an instant warp scroll , unless your powerleveler is a BLM or WHM, since I don't believe it's possible to open the gates from the inside.
            I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


            • #7
              it's not either you shout and hope someone is nearby or warp.

              Thanks Yyg!


              • #8
                or bring along a warp scroll

                ive been soloing nin alot lately so i havent needed them as much.

                ...but after switching from blm, i just cant get used to not having an exspress ride home at every xp session.

                warp scrolls are like silent oils post level 55, i dont leave home w/o em.
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                • #9
                  As far as solo action goes this is what I've done so far:

                  Always Carry Silent Oils, Prism Powders and some Pear au Lait and a Hi postion or 2.

                  Maze of Shakhrami Maze Maker 14-15 until 20-21
                  Qufim Land Worms 20-21 until 25-26
                  Maze of Shakhrami Abyss Worms in lower level 26-27 until�_�_30-31
                  Attohwa Chasm Flesh Eater 30-31 until 35-36

                  I'm at 31 now and at Attohwa Chasm.�_

                  As far as food try this link:

                  Now once I could dual wield Archer's I used Meat Miths or Dhamel Stew, or Rice Dumplings. Before that I used Windurst Salad because soloing I wanted as close to every Arrow to counting as possible.
                  Sergeant Major
                  75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
                  22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
                  Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


                  • #10
                    sushi is best rng acc. food now.

                    good info on worm locations, i'll take my nin/rng out soloing atto tonight if im bored.
                    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                    • #11
                      Well, because I use Bloody Bolts I have no use for potions.

                      BTW, I remeber someone told me that when an arrow/bolt hits a target the effect will always happen. For some reason there are times where I would not get the effect, it is very rare.

                      For example:

                      Most of the time it is ....

                      Zempten's ranged attack hits the Land Worm for 25 points of damage
                      Additional Effect: 54 HP Drained

                      Sometimes it would just be....

                      Zempten's ranged attack hits the Land Worm for 25 points of damage

                      and then nothing else, but don't get me wrong. I realize that if i have full HP it is going to be like .....

                      Zempten's ranged attack hits the Land Worm for 25 points of damage
                      Additional Effect: 0 HPDrained

                      Why is that? Does anyone know why?

                      Currently I am level 26 and I go thru like 4 to 5 stacks of Bloody Bolts a level and I haven't been eatting food, but I'm about to start eatting Yellow Curry or some sort of Sushi. I have no plans on joining any outside PTs as I dont' trust those people when playing a job this expensive (no offense) because every arrow counts and I want to make the most of it.

                      BTW, I remeber seeing a thread about the Noct Gear +1 vs RNG AF but I cannot find it ;; Could anyone point me in the right direction please? Thanks


                      • #12
                        /point search button

                        buy some acid bolts or something, defense down owns
                        Race : Mithra
                        Main Job : Thief / Ranger
                        Linkshell :


                        • #13
                          It's the same as additional effects of weapons, Zempten. If mob's LV is much higher (+11 or more) than yours, those effects hardly trigger and additional damage (e.g., from Holy Bolt) is lower.

                          In addition, each effect has the attribute corresponding.

                          Acid Bolt = Air (so is Armor Break)
                          Blind Bolt = Dark
                          Bloody Bolt = Dark
                          Demon Arrow = Water (so is Weapon Break)
                          Holy Bolt = Light
                          Spartan Bullet = Lightning

                          If mobs have strong resist on these attributes, the effect hardly kicks on. On the other hand, if they are weak on those, the effect offen kicks on.


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the replies. I have a small question about a little something I was planning.

                            Man, this might sound retarded but oh well ^^

                            I was thinking of heading to Yhutang (sp?) Jungle at 27. I have about 80 some Defense. I plan on going as a RNG/BLM for just 1 level ( at 28 I'll do NIN so I can use those archer's knife). Now it's really kind of simple. I cast Blaze Spikes and just shoot Acid Bolts on the mandy and then switch to bloody bolts from then on out.

                            Now the questions is, what food should I eat? The sole sushi/windurst Salad? or boiled crab?

                            Thanks for any advice and hopefully this might work to a certain extent ^^


                            • #15

