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A few Small Questions

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Thegod
    in reality im not retracting a single incorrect piece of info, thats how you learn, you hear some stuff you try some stuff you come up with an "answer" (for lack of a better word due to irritation)

    if its wrong fine, check those threads when i was proven wrong i didnt fly off the handle because thats not what i do..
    Well that's funny. Because what STARTED this entire tirade was your laughable claim that you NEVER PROVIDE INCORRECT INFORMATION.

    You don't "learn" by making up pointless crap that has absolutely no founding. Your ignorant posts don't just "happen" because no one knows the correct answer... rather, you just prefer to spew BS even if correct information is available.

    Sometimes you even quote my posts (such as "AGI increases markmanship WS") when you try to prove your points... yet the problem is that you don't actually know how to READ the CONTENT. And you say I'm full of "shyt"? Haha... right. Who are you trying to prove this to exactly? Yourself, the village idiot of the Ranger boards?
    I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


    • #92
      Originally posted by tdh
      I've seen RNGs who have solo'd up to 35 or so, finally decide to get in a party and have no concept of hate. Those are the guys that really give RNGs a bad name. They Barrage right off the bat and wonder why they always die so fast. They don't seem to understand that hate is the parties responsibility, not just the tanks.
      amen. theres too many rangers out there with the 'if i go all out and do the most dmg and do all my skills all the time it means my penis is larger than everyones!' complex. i play rng on the side myself and i know how easy it can be at times to take hate. honestly, not barraging at times IS NOT going to kill you. when some rngs barrage timers are up, they act like theyre gonna explode if they dont use it right away. same goes with tp. and all for what? so you can see yourself do 400dmg? and at the same time making it a pain for the mages and tank to adjust? no thanks.

      i rant about this b/c i had a ranger in pt recently that was just an utter fool. the guy had nice equips and all but the fact that he never waited for his renkei partner, he never lined up for renkei and he never gave me the 10 fucking seconds to establish hate is what made him a tool. but of course, his penis is larger than mine since he does supar damagezzz!!1. :spin:
      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


      • #93
        i can hardly ever use barrga eunless fighting IT++ mobs, i mean theres just no time to fit in in the chain (unless its on chain 0)

        i pull, sata is set up, the melees start buildiong tp, i start building tp, im up to about 100%+ before anyone but sams and war/sams drg/sams (only seen 2 of those) so when they hit 100% and its time to SC, using barrage would be over kill on my tp..

        the sc goes off and now the mob is next to dead, using barrage now is the only time i do, but alot of times i'll use it and before my shot gets off the mob dies (witch means i gotta wait to pull or have someone else pull)

        barrage just doesnt fit in alot of times, i now use it whenever i can use it and not get hate w/o over doing it on tp (not that too much tp is bad, but its better when barrage build you closer to 100% then way over.) and w/o disturbing the sata.
        Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


        • #94
          Sorry, been a way abit and haven't been concentrating in the RNGs thread much.

          I know what TDH is trying to say. If I don't play my RNG in a PT that I will not have the feel/expereince of one RNG that has. I understand his/her point of view completely but I've played to a decent high level (65) and I've played other jobs to a decent level as well (30) and I've seen how RNGs play. Now of course seeing and playing are 2 WAY comletely different things. Just cause you know how a job does something doesn't mean you can pick up immediately the second you play the job. A good example that comes to mind is playing NIN at 37+. Sure it's simple to say the fact "NIN's tank by evading the monsters attacks either thru his own evasion or with the use of Utsusemi", but keeping Utsusemi is not as easy as people make it out to be (of course, given time it gets a bit easier but still many things to factor in such as prediction of casting next spell when you see AE attack coming, or estimating Double Attacks). So yes I see what your saying TDH

          Yes Omni, a RNG that doesn't control himself properly is as good as a PT pretty much not having that RNG cause the WHM ends up curing him up more then anyone else.

          I understand all your points, but don't worry ^^ I won't disgrace your RNG community just as I won't disgrace my RDM heritage.

          Speaking of Barrage, this is how i usually use it. TP gets to 100%+ and 2 people are ready to skillchain and I Sharpshot. I go, he goes, skillchain is created. Barrage while Sharpshot is up can usually give .... hm.... is it around 40% TP? 4 hits = 4 * 10 ( 10 TP a shoot) = 40% TP. and just 6 more shots ( or a few hits with my daggers, as I stand close to the mobs because I know for sure there are times that no matter how much I spam my archery macro, I'm still going to have one or two swings with my daggers so why not get that TP as well ^^ ) and then I SC with the other guy. In sense, I am kind of using Barrage like Meditate sort of. Thats about the only way I've used it.

          I don't worry about gathering too much hate cause sometimes our BLM sleeps the mob cause she/he knows I am about to do this and I run a bit farther and because of Gravity, PLD or whoever is tanking has Provoke and the like to use. Sometimes I tell them to even save their WS to use for a bit of extra hate. Of course, there are other methods as well such as the tank using Emity+ gear and stuff like that. However...I think I can adapat to the situation. I've noticed before that if all else fails, I'll just switch to Sleep Bolts and just fire away until the PLD regains his/her hate back or whoever is tanking and it doesn't take long because Sleep Bolt damage is low and Sleep effect doesn't seem to add to hate. I can say this because of duoing with BLM. At a point, the mandy would never leave me alone so I switched to Sleep Bolts while BLM fires off nukes. I time my bolts to around 1/2 way of completion of spell so that it goes as Nuke ~> Sleep and rinse and repeat (of course there are times I miss, but then I just spam Sleep Bolts again). After one of two nukes, the mandy headed for the BLM and I reverted back to Holy Bolts.

          Now because me and BLM are both use abilities we can neglect the argument of "Well actions attract hate as well". Reason because we are both doing actions so the only explanation is my damage + Sleep effect against the BLM's damage of nukes. Now we know it cannot be Sleep effect because those that have done BCNM 40 with the mandys know how hard it is to pull the last mandy off the BRD, especially if the fight has gone too long = many Sleeps. So the only explantion left is her damage vs my damage and by far her damage was higher then mine.

          If you think of some other reason, please tell ^^ I would like to think about it some more.

          Anyways about Imac vs Thegod, I don't care much. The only thing I care about is learning from them and providing information for them to learn from (if any ROFL ^^). Anyways have a great day in Vana'diel and don't let the gilsellers bite hehehe


          • #95
            the gola in a flame war is stupid for the most part any... meh whatever

            jesus 40% tp from barrage??? wow seems like it used to give more, maybe it has been a while..

            zempten you know you can sharpshot +barrage, and then let off your WS w/o wasting barrage, barrage will still be up untill it runs out or you fire a normal ranged attack.

            dunno, i actually never had hate issues as a ranger till 55, the amout of hate you gain (unelss you use barrage recklessly) can be gained back by any decent pld or nin.

            i've died because of hate, but its usually player error..

            i think i have three shadows and timmer rdy when i have 1 shadow and 5 secs left till recast...

            i think cover is rdy, it is or isnt but it never comes

            I think a piercing >> barrage will kill the mob, but it doesnt..

            Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Thegod

              jesus 40% tp from barrage??? wow seems like it used to give more, maybe it has been a while..
              No, it defeintly gives more but that is a scale down TP estimate because I only remeber that ranged attacks give 10%+, I personally think it is 11% or 12% per ranged attack. I scale down because it's better in certain cases to scale down. Also you get more from Barrage as you level up. I'm told that Barrage can do more then just 4 hits as you level up your RNG so the TP gained back is increased in a way as well.

              Originally posted by Thegod

              zempten you know you can sharpshot +barrage, and then let off your WS w/o wasting barrage, barrage will still be up untill it runs out or you fire a normal ranged attack.

              I sharpshot when I am at 100%+ so my WS doesn't miss so often. Then I Barrage while my Sharpshot icon is still there so I can get the most TP out of my Barrage (by this time I am already at around 60%+ TP), followed by a few more shots and I can SC again. Sometimes I can SC two times in one fight when the PT damage is lacking and I am making up for it.

              Yep, I'm not too concern with hate issues cause afterall Utsusemi is there and as PTs go up there are less bad players,generally.


              • #97
                thats basically what i mean, WS when the barrage icon is up can save you some time because once you ws and draw hate, you wanna be able to barrage and ws again as fast as possible (of course this works great for me since my weapon delay and lvl allow me to have 90+ tp after every barrage dam near.

                sushi makes it so your melee hits connect no matter how much - accuracy you have (i think its -12 at level 55 dunno dont look at the -negative stats)

                I havent yet tried it on the flies in boy tree, but im very eager as that combo can take off more then 1/2 a tormas HP.

                the most fun kill in a 3 rng party, is when we battle our way to the onxo camp (sneak past the anoying mantis) so we all have full HP..

                us 3 rngs do the slug barrage slug (side >barage>side for ebow rng) and the torama dies w/o hitting anyone, w/o taking away any of any of the mages MP, or even touching the pld at all...

                but i died like that once when the two other rngs missed their ws
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                • #98
                  Ok. My turn to post.

                  Is it just me or does everyone realize that any thread Thegod goes into becomes a flamewar?

                  Thegod in this post alone you must have changed your opinion at least twice and Lied through your teeth about 5 times.

                  Every sentence you post makes you seem dumber so please please stop posting.

                  Other than that i think Imac has effectively proved you the biggest idiot on this board so i am done for now.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Thegod on 02-25-05
                    Originally posted by Evil Knight on 03-17-05

                    Pot, kettle, black.


                    • oh. didnt realize how long it had been. sorry...

