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A few Small Questions

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  • #61
    You realize most people on this board only flame if you post completely stupid shit that everyone knows is wrong?

    Why don't you re-examine your ideas before wonder why the hell everyone's telling you "no, its wrong"?

    You found KI, good.

    STAY THERE. Any place that supports your ideas and honors your opinions must have an intelligence level to match yours. You'll find perfect company there.


    • #62
      Hey Zempten,

      I'm currently 33 RNG also and instead of the Jungle I went to Attohwa Chasm and took on Flesh Eaters but I think at 35 I will have to move on. Some are still VT and some at T at level 33. I am going to check out Eastern Altepa Desert and see if I can find a good spot for Flesh Eaters there at 35. Flesh Eaters are listed at Alla as lvl 38-42 but I think that is based on Eatern Altepa Desert because in Attohwa Chasm they are more like 35-37.
      Sergeant Major
      75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
      22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
      Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


      • #63

        I don't remeber a single flame on our discussion while in the NIN section.


        First off........Dan reminds me of Shawn with the pink outfit^^

        And yep I remeber Grendal's post on the elmental stat of the arrows as well as the proc rates are not 100%..

        Yes, I understand not always being cheaper ^^'s kind of boring so I usually don't ask others for help with it unless I really want to get to a certain level that really helps out and I'm dying alot. An example would be from level 24 to 25, where I want to use Bloody Bolts and from level 27 to 28 where I'm dying to use those Archery Knives ^^

        Yes, I think that will work ^^ However.......the other LS RNGs have gone past me ; ; *cry* Also no RDM in our level range, but I'll see if I can coax (sp?) someone to coming LOL. Maybe the standing RDM that keeps spamming the emote /confused while I'm soloing the mandys hahaha ^^


        Oh really? Now that's something to look into. Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a shot there seeing as how many hate tells I get for taking their mandys. I wonder if I'll be in this same situation as a BST.

        Oh speaking of which, I just had a crazy thought. Damn me and my crazy thoughts ^^ Anyways, I'm sure most of you have read that having BST SJ's charm rate is not dependant on the main jobs level but the BST's acutally level. If this hold trues, and alot of others have been saying so across the boards and in game. Then perhaps leveling BST to the same level as my RNG or higher will offer a chance to solo to a longer time ^^

        I'm going to be starting up BST soon and see how well this works out ^^

        Of course.....I wonder if I'll still be able to shot off arrows and not grab aggro, but I would highly doubt that. Of course, I don't want to grab aggro so that the monster and my pet fights, the pet will die and I won't take exp penalty. This is all hypohetical though ^^ So I'll add more stuff to this thread after I get my BST there and try it or if someone wants to they can post some screenshots and what not here to prove or disprove me ^^ Either way works.

        See ya around!


        • #64
          1) The worms in altepa desert are annoying to level off of, because they only appear at night. This leaves plenty of downtime where you have nothing to do, really.

          2) According to most reports I've seen, the success rate of charm depends mostly on whatever main job you are using at the moment. For example, a level 75/37 RDM/BST can charm those scorpions in Ifrit's Cauldron, albeit not with a 100% rate. (Those scorpions are probably level 60-70 or something, from what I remember?) However, BST main will still have an advantage... not just from the extra CHR, but supposedly it gives a bonus to charm rate to have your main job as BST (i.e. the BST/WHM would be able to charm that same scorpion at a much higher success rate).

          3) If you do try RNG/BST, you can generally only charm EP monsters with any consistency... you can probably do DC and EM monsters also but not with the same success as BSTs, meaning lots of failures. Thus, your pets won't be able to hold much if any aggro on your target, since it will be missing constantly (think a PLD tank without JA's or cures). I believe someone tried this combo already and left thoroughly unimpressed... but if you can make it work, I would love to hear about it. It sounds interesting, and I've never done it myself.
          I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


          • #65
            Damn, only at night. Well its off to find an alternate area to level in from 35 on as a solo RNG because only killing worms at night would just be awful.
            Sergeant Major
            75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
            22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
            Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


            • #66
              Well Rai, I believe Omni-Ragnok (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong) said that Yhotar Jungle can last to 38. At least from what he maybe that'll work ^^

              Imac2much, I'll work on BST and tell you guys my findings ^^


              • #67
                thnx imac you just proved my point...

                Archery is increased by MND.

                how am i wrong, go find the post you loser, i said mnd affects status ammo, and this is corrent information read a lil closer please.

                Markmanship is not increased by STR.

                i never once said this please post the link lying and adding in statements i never said is childish grow up

                Taru do same damage with equal setup as Elvaan at endgame.

                Markmanship WS only determined by AGI.

                Parsers can lie about numbers and present incorrect data regarding hit percentage.

                never once said this either please stop lying i notice no quotes this time because your lying.

                Sushi gives RNG ATK, then Sushi doesn't give RNG ATK. Make up your mind.

                again read more closely str and rng attack both increase your per hit dmg, if you get +6 str of course your rng attacks are gonna go up, this doesnt mean sushi gives rng attacks, again read closely please.

                And of course, e-bow>>>o-bow, even though you've never used o-bow.

                rebutle made.

                please imac grow up, stop lying, and stop flaming..

                and yes countless inccorrect information as youi stated 5 or so things would resuslt in a higher warning told to me by randommoderator # w/e
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by imac2much
                  1) The worms in altepa desert are annoying to level off of, because they only appear at night. This leaves plenty of downtime where you have nothing to do, really.

                  2) According to most reports I've seen, the success rate of charm depends mostly on whatever main job you are using at the moment. For example, a level 75/37 RDM/BST can charm those scorpions in Ifrit's Cauldron, albeit not with a 100% rate. (Those scorpions are probably level 60-70 or something, from what I remember?) However, BST main will still have an advantage... not just from the extra CHR, but supposedly it gives a bonus to charm rate to have your main job as BST (i.e. the BST/WHM would be able to charm that same scorpion at a much higher success rate).

                  3) If you do try RNG/BST, you can generally only charm EP monsters with any consistency... you can probably do DC and EM monsters also but not with the same success as BSTs, meaning lots of failures. Thus, your pets won't be able to hold much if any aggro on your target, since it will be missing constantly (think a PLD tank without JA's or cures). I believe someone tried this combo already and left thoroughly unimpressed... but if you can make it work, I would love to hear about it. It sounds interesting, and I've never done it myself.
                  but so you know this is all hearsay as you have never been a rng/bst or a rdm/bst so you wouldnt actually know?

                  Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                  • #69
                    As a general rule of thumb, BST SJ will allow you to charm things that are roughly half way between the BST level and the main level, not the BST actual level but the level it is as a sub. This varies somewhat based on your CHR and the mob, but is a good "guesstimate" as to what you can charm. Its not worth really on, IMO, as charm will also not last as long and Im not sure having your pet turn on your midfight as a RNG is anyone's idea of fun.
                    San D'orian Taru ~ All the courage of Sandy, all the cute, fluffy qualities of a taru.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Thegod
                      please imac grow up, stop lying, and stop flaming..

                      and yes countless inccorrect information as youi stated 5 or so things would resuslt in a higher warning told to me by randommoderator # w/e
                      ur kidding right?


                      • #71
                        Hahaha you are making my job too easy. For every piece of incorrect information you listed, you either deny saying it, or you make a really crappy "rebutle" (sic) against it. Thankfully, it's easy to prove you said such stupid things. And for your amazingly incoherent "rebutles", people can see your brilliance in all its glory.

                        Originally posted by Thegod
                        Archery is increased by MND.

                        how am i wrong, go find the post you loser, i said mnd affects status ammo, and this is corrent information read a lil closer please.
                        This is incorrect information. You said Elvaans are better off using bows because MND increases archery damage. Status ammo is markmanship, not archery.

                        This is the exact quote you made:

                        Originally posted by Thegod
                        edit: oh yeah why elvaans are better for archery

                        mind and str the two stats that determind dmg of regular ranged attacks and archery WSs...

                        elvaans have the highest base stats in those two areas of any race

                        so additonal dmg from status ammo and normal rng attacks are elvaans rangers specialty.
                        You said specifically that MND affects archery attacks and WS's. This is incorrect. Don't try to lie now.

                        Markmanship is not increased by STR.

                        i never once said this please post the link lying and adding in statements i never said is childish grow up
                        You need me to prove you said such idiotic things? Alright.

                        Check this thread, page 2, first post on top of the page.

                        Originally posted by Thegod
                        well i find that impossible to believe because marsk ws damage is based on agi not str....

                        so maybe per normal shot the elvaan outdamaged the taru...

                        but no way on WS damage, its not possible sorry maybe you were seeing something else.
                        What's your excuse now?

                        Taru do same damage with equal setup as Elvaan at endgame.

                        Markmanship WS only determined by AGI.
                        Why don't you try to counter these two claims? I listed your exact quotes. Don't try to lie. You said these things.

                        Here I'll even link them for you.

                        Originally posted by Thegod
                        tarus wont do less damage then elvaans with marksmenship type weapons....their damage is very similar when compared at the end.

                        Originally posted by Thegod
                        I mean fact is if the WS damage is based on your characters AGi (proven by when str down doesnt affect the dmg at all) then the character with the highest AGI will have the bigger slugs
                        There you go.

                        Parsers can lie about numbers and present incorrect data regarding hit percentage.

                        never once said this either please stop lying i notice no quotes this time because your lying.
                        Um, you've been saying for the past several pages that parsers (or parasasaraparpaparparapraapatherappa) can't judge for "playstyle" or whatever, so you can't trust their numbers.

                        But behold, this is what I've been saying:
                        Originally posted by imac2much
                        Playing style does not affect hit percentage.
                        Parsers cannot lie on this. Your example is like comparing apples to oranges, and if you cannot comprehend this, it just shows how much of a bigger idiot you are.
                        And you've been disagreeing with this point this entire time. It's not my fault if you don't know how to read.

                        Sushi gives RNG ATK, then Sushi doesn't give RNG ATK. Make up your mind.

                        again read more closely str and rng attack both increase your per hit dmg, if you get +6 str of course your rng attacks are gonna go up, this doesnt mean sushi gives rng attacks, again read closely please.
                        Uh, your reply to this is pretty half-assed and stupid. What you SAID is that it increases ranged attack. There is a stat called "Ranged Attack" in this game. I.e. weapons or equipment that can add ranged attack, along with food. This is a horrible attempt at trying to cover your ass after being proved wrong:


                        Originally posted by Thegod
                        nooo im saying it increased my rng attacks not that it gives rng attacks..
                        Makes as little sense as we'd expect from you.

                        And of course, e-bow>>>o-bow, even though you've never used o-bow.

                        rebutle made.
                        Sorry, doesn't have an entry called "rebutle." Since you cited that website in one of your replies, you wouldn't dare be hypocritical and not use it yourself right? Or do you mean rebuttal?

                        Plus your "rebuttal" was pretty half-assed as usual. The fact of the matter is you made a matter-of-fact claim while having no experience.

                        and yes countless inccorrect information as youi stated 5 or so things would resuslt in a higher warning told to me by randommoderator # w/e
                        I don't give a rat's ass what moderators say to you. The fact is you posted all of that incorrect information like I previously said. Why are you trying to deny it now? Anyone can just go click on the link and see the post where you said it, don't deny it. And if you try to edit them now, it'll conveniently say "edited by Thegod at 2/7/2005" or something, so don't try to cover your tracks.

                        It would help if you knew even the rudimentary methods of debating or arguing because, frankly, this is too easy. Is this your idea of a counterargument:

                        Originally posted by Thegod
                        but so you know this is all hearsay as you have never been a rng/bst or a rdm/bst so you wouldnt actually know?

                        Unfortunately, take a look at my post you quoted.

                        Originally posted by imac2much
                        2) According to most reports I've seen, the success rate of charm depends mostly on whatever main job you are using at the moment. For example, a level 75/37 RDM/BST can charm those scorpions in Ifrit's Cauldron, albeit not with a 100% rate. (Those scorpions are probably level 60-70 or something, from what I remember?) However, BST main will still have an advantage... not just from the extra CHR, but supposedly it gives a bonus to charm rate to have your main job as BST (i.e. the BST/WHM would be able to charm that same scorpion at a much higher success rate).

                        3) If you do try RNG/BST, you can generally only charm EP monsters with any consistency... you can probably do DC and EM monsters also but not with the same success as BSTs, meaning lots of failures. Thus, your pets won't be able to hold much if any aggro on your target, since it will be missing constantly (think a PLD tank without JA's or cures). I believe someone tried this combo already and left thoroughly unimpressed... but if you can make it work, I would love to hear about it. It sounds interesting, and I've never done it myself.
                        You see, unlike you, I made no contradictory statements. I stated first off that I have never done it, and thus my advice is just advice. I did not say "OMG WAR SJ >>>>>>>> BST SJ ROFLOMGZ" like you would say. Nice try, insert another quarter.
                        I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                        • #72
                          hey pa, that thegod guy is on again. he sure is gosh-darn funny.
                          /chew popcorn

                          Thanks Yyg!


                          • #73
                            A primary reason worms are less efficient for soloing past Maze of Shakhrami is that they get increasingly stronger -ga spells, whose damage progression is a much steeper curve than our hp progression.

                            You eat a Stonega2 that you couldn't run out of range of fast enough in Altepa and you'll be hurting real fast.


                            • #74
                              how long did that take you??


                              was it fun?


                              hmm i bet it was.....

                              keep lying and twisiting words imac.....i swear its only funny because you really have all this time to go search out these incorrect post.

                              you made a couple mistakes .

                              1. fire arrows are status ammos, read the thread and itas obvious thats wut i was talking about.

                              2. i never try to cover my ass, just because your ranged attacks get increased doesnt mean that that food has to give ranged attack boost, please read more carefully 6 str is gonna do something to your per hit dmg, but i guess im just crazy and only increasinf rng attack boost ur ranged

                              3. a rebutle was made on incorrect info given to me on marksmenship ws damage, find that quote and post it, no because that goes agaist the be rude at all cost thing you got going for yourself.

                              4. your right playstyle has nothing to do with hit percentage so a rng who likes to use slug at 200%+ only will have the same ws hit % as an evenly geared and raced rng who likes to go at 150% or lower.....hrrrmmm yeah im sure thats no of course the guy going at 200% will prolly land more of his slugs..
                              Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Thegod
                                how long did that take you??


                                was it fun?


                                hmm i bet it was.....
                                It was. I'm sure it's a travesty to you for someone to actually make coherent thoughts and points, but that's how you develop a reasonable and respectable counterargument. I'm sure you don't understand. It's fun seeing how idiotic you can be.

                                I also think it's funny how you go around spouting nonsense... but when you get proven wrong, you try to turn around and mock the person who exposed you for an idiot. In another thread, you tried making stupid claims, then when people proved you wrong, you called them "geeks" for using actual numbers. I guess you put more faith in fantasy numbers. So now I suppose people are "geeks" for proving you wrong. Here's what happened, in a simple format that even your fractional IQ can comprehend:

                                1) You denied ever posting incorrect information except once.
                                2) I posted 30 or so examples (direct quotes from you) of incorrect information you claimed.
                                3) You denied you posted such claims.
                                4) I attached the links to the aforementioned threads and posts.
                                5) You... I dunno. You "lol"ed me. lol lol onoz lol. Oh, good point.

                                1. fire arrows are status ammos, read the thread and itas obvious thats wut i was talking about.
                                Wrong. You specifically cited markmanship WS, which have nothing to do with fire arrows. You also never said anything about elemental arrows. Fire is not status. Nice half-assed try again.

                                2. i never try to cover my ass, just because your ranged attacks get increased doesnt mean that that food has to give ranged attack boost, please read more carefully 6 str is gonna do something to your per hit dmg, but i guess im just crazy and only increasinf rng attack boost ur ranged
                                You've been trying to cover your ass this entire thread. You even denied you said those quotes until I posted the link. How is that NOT covering your ass? Just because you do a horrible job at it doesn't mean you're not doing it.

                                You still make a stupid contradictory quote citing two "different" types of "ranged attack".

                                3. a rebutle was made on incorrect info given to me on marksmenship ws damage, find that quote and post it, no because that goes agaist the be rude at all cost thing you got going for yourself.
                                This point made absolutely no sense. I can't even decipher what you're trying to say here. Suffice to say, you did state that markmanship WS is only affected by AGI, and STR doesn't affect it at all. That is absolutely false and incorrect information. How are you trying to cover it up?

                                4. your right playstyle has nothing to do with hit percentage so a rng who likes to use slug at 200%+ only will have the same ws hit % as an evenly geared and raced rng who likes to go at 150% or lower.....hrrrmmm yeah im sure thats no of course the guy going at 200% will prolly land more of his slugs..
                                Um, if you ever looked at my parses, you'd note that they never track WS hit percentage. I never track that. There are many variables that affect WS hit percentage, such as US+PPA, TP, etc. But that's not the case with normal hit percentage. You're just trying to "twist my words", which is ironically what you accuse me of doing.

                                Yet every quote I've posted from you was just that: a quote. They were quotes of incorrect information. Are you still trying to deny it?

                                Keep trying. It's hilarious how quickly you are losing all credibility, if you had any at all with your ridiculous posts.
                                I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.

