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A few Small Questions

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  • #46
    and yeah alot of times i read this shyt fast and dont get the full jist before i repost...

    hence my rebutles and apolgies ive made in the past (an obvious sign of maturity)
    i had a good laugh with this one. anyways.....

    do you get the fcking point yet? If you're not going to read anything other people are posting on top of not knowing wtf you're talking about and still want to debate on issues already covered in previous posts....guess what.

    you are stupid.

    You've MORE than proven the point already. Everyone knows you're dumb. You're not just dumb, but you like to make up stupid shit to make yourself look even worse. nothing like bullshit, contradictory statements and a complete utter lack of intelligence to prove your point eh?

    You make arguments like a retard, you'll be treated as one. Maturity has nothing to do with the fact that you're making shit up on the spot and refuse to listen. Oops, that must be a sign of maturity.

    I give you a 10/10 on pretending to be stupid, you do an awesome job. Most people IRL that are as stupid as you pretend to be have long died from not remembering how to breathe.


    • #47
      Originally posted by neighbortaru
      woah! when to go take someone apart Rugal, you go all the way. shit, is thegod even worth the effort?
      Lol, I guess he's really asking for it.

      Typing fast isn't a viable excuse for poor spelling or grammar. You usually either have those skills or you don't. I can type up posts quick with little to no errors at all. If I get a typo or something it will take seconds to fix. Maybe if Thegod is so short on time that the quality of his posts suffer this much, he should post during other times of they day when he is not so occupied.
      SAM 74


      • #48
        Guys, I reckon you are wasting your time posting any rebuttals to thegods posts.

        I was so enraged, I registered just to voice my displeasure. No, I am not a ghost account...

        This person either has skin as thick as lead, or has a brain encased in the same substance, as any reasoned and lucid post will just be totally ignored or not understood.

        It's tragic to watch just how bad each of thegods posts can get.


        • #49
          It's hilarious to watch just how bad each of thegods posts can get.



          • #50
            This thread makes me sad.
            Sergeant Major
            75PLD | 75NIN | 50RNG | 40BST | 37WAR | 37RDM | 35THF | 26SAM | 22MNK |
            22DRG | 22DRK | 22WHM | 20BLM | 11COR | 13BRD | 10BLU | 08PUP | 01SMN |
            Carbuncle | Diabolos | Fenrir | Garuda | Ifrit | Leviathan | Ramuh | Shiva | Titan


            • #51


              Main Character Info
              Name: Cyclonus
              Race/Gen.: Elvaan/Male
              Main/Sub: War/Thf
              Level: 30/15
              Server: Ifrit
              LS: TempestOrder

              Post Options

              Edit | Quote | Report
              Warning Level: 0
              [View Warnings]
              I don't mean to offend anyone, but after reading Thegods posts, I have noticed sort of a snobby attitude toward what they "think" is not as good a job. Rangers in particular, so you chose rng instead of lets say, drg. /em hands thegod a cookie.
              and yes I am venting because my drk cant get a party, so I'm trying sam, I'm even thinking og doing what ost mages or rng's so, be a mage or rng, not because its enjoyable mind you, but because they get a PT fast. That in itself sickens me to no end, when you been seeking a PT for 2 hours, and as soon as a rng's flag goes up, they get a PT. A rng could be the biggest dick, the worst player, and would still get a PT, just because they are a rng, so go ahead, shoot your gay ass bows, wear cloth fairy armor, but ok, be high level.

              I take that back, I do mean to offens all rng's, I hate them, not because they out damge me, partly because they get a PT waaaaay before me, but mainly because they havent got what it takes to level a true melee job. So Thegod, you, and your gimp taru pld's go PT all you want, and the next time you take turns taking agro off the tank, I hope you die in the worst way. That kind of behavior is not fair to the tank, or the whm. I am getting angry thinking about you stupid mithra that are moslty male players...but thats a whole other post. SO flame one, flame all....bring it on!!!!!!

              ^^^ thats wut he posted...

              its on page one of the "hard to find a party" thread on the samurai boards, you can see my two previous post as well witch were not the least bit argumentative or flaming, in fact they were meant and they infact do imply comfort to samurais disturbed by long wait times......

              maybe you wouldnt have replied to obvious flames on all rangers but i did and i didnt shyt where i sleep theres a difference.

              so if Imac and his buddy wanna start some campaign against me so be it, but all new people jumping in, you really have no clue wtf your talking about.

              grammer and or spelling are skills.....and obviously i'd be fired by now if i couldnt perform my job with said skills.

              posting on a game forum while at work is not the same, the same effort and focus as you have when writing a letter to a friend isnt paid to this forum, take that as an insult if you wish but its simply meant to pass the time while finding out info about a game i like to play.
              Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


              • #52
                You are a joke.

                I and others finally had enough of your constant posting of incorrect information and general jack-assery and called you out on it. It was a long time coming.
                Lo and behold many other readers of this forum have felt the same way and contributed to letting you know how they feel about you and your posts.

                You'll notice wherever you go, KI, here, many other boards I'm sure, the theme is the same. People don't like your attitude or your inane blather about things you obviously have no clue about.

                Myself and many other readers here have never felt the need to flame or go after anyone generally. But your posts even cause people to step out of the shadows of anonymous browsing to create accounts just to tell you off. Why does this seem to happen everywhere you go? What is the common denominator in this equation across many forums?

                You are.

                You say you want to learn and read about a game you enjoy playing? Fine. Read. But where in that equation needing to post nonsense in every thread fit? Do yourself and the other readers of these forums a favor and stop posting crap, serving no other purpose than to keep threads bumped.

                Keep on replying w/ nothing to back up or substantiate anything you say.

                50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong.


                • #53
                  Um....I really don't want to get into this argument or anything. So I'm just going to continue with what the original subject of this thread says "A few small Questions"

                  1) I'm been playing around with using WS at different percentages ( 100%, 200%, 300% ) using Holy Bolts and on mobs that basically check the same, as in "High Defense, Low Evasion, Tough" and other checks. Well I'm also using Split Shot because it's supposedly the best WS I have at the moment and from using the other WS it seems to be for me. Oh and let me get this out that this is....say 1 or 2 weeks of O-B-S-E-R-V-A-T-I-O-N-S, sorry I would use a parser, but I'm about to reinstall everything on my comp ( a.k.a a clean install...or something like that, I'm sorry not too knowledgeable about computer stuff). I hope to get a parser later so I won't get slammed for saying the things I'm saying are only based on observations. Anyways, sorry for going out of context.

                  Anyways, from what I see (again these numbers have been rounded down for the sake that rounding down is better then rounding up, the reason for this is because it makes the results look better in a way ^^ )

                  100% TP: 70 to 90 Damage
                  200% TP: 70 to 120 or 130 Damage
                  300% TP: 70 to 180/190 Damage

                  So the way I figured it, if I shot my WS at 100% TP each time and made minimum damage ( 70 ) and always did minimum damage (70) for three times ( 100 * 3 = 300% TP) I would be doing 210 net damage, which is a better ratio of firing off my WS. I'm not sure if others find this to be true too, which is what I wanted to ask other RNGs who have examined this. Oh, and I realize that in some WS that at 300% TP there is a higher multipler. An example is Savage Blade, from what I am told at least.

                  2) This is about soloing. I found that duoing with a BLM also helps in certain situations and this just might allow the RNG to be able to play like BST....well I'm not sure if this is true, but please listen with an open mind.

                  Last night, I decided that a LS member ( 29 BLM ) wanted to come to the Prom. Missions ( PM ). So being a 32 RNG at the time and because Yhotar Mandys are still in the VT - IT range. I offered for him to join me. We were hitting exp chain #4 for 240 or 260 exp (I'll post a screenshot when I get home). The exp secession was 2 hours as we started at 11 PM and ended at 1 AM. We got about 8k in exp. 8k because I had just gotten my RNG to 32 and it takes 6k exp to get to 33, by the end of the night I had reached 33 and gotten a 2k buffer ( 6k + 2k = 8k). Anyways, near the end of the night I was running low on blood, acid, and holy bolts. I was left with a stack of sleep bolts. So trying to make the most out of it. I started to incorporate the BLM into the fight a bit more. The strategy is simple........

                  1) Sleep Bolt fires, Mandy is asleep
                  2) BLM begins casting, at 2 to 5 seconds interval fire another Sleep bolts, this results in the mandy taking the damage from BLM spell and then your Sleep Bolt attacking which makes the Mandy asleep again
                  3) Return to Step 1

                  This works only decently because of a few flaws:

                  1) Your timing on the Sleep Bolt with BLMs nuke may not be great, which will result in you sleeping the monster early and then a nuke from the BLM and things get a bit messy. However, this becomes less of a factor after a bit of practice and by placing the monster in between you and the BLM allows for a longer distance that the monster has to run to get to either one of you, which gives you time to fire another Sleep Bolt
                  2) Sleep Bolt effects may not always register. Since we were mainly fighting Toughs to Very Toughs, but I'm sure against IT this will not work that way
                  3) Base damage of Sleep Bolts does not meet the requirements for exp chains
                  4) It takes the BLM up to 200 to 300 MP just to kill one mandy

                  Which brings me to a possible solution for 2)

                  As you can see the problem is either sleep bolt landing at a wrong time or the effect of sleep bolt not landing at all. The way I see this is by using the abilities of a BLM, RDM, or/and RNG. Now the question is "Why BLM, RDM, or/and RNG?". Well..

                  BLM has access to Bind
                  RDM for their gravity and Bind
                  RNG as a backup for sleep bolts or as a pure damage dealer.

                  Perhaps (please keep in mind this is hypothetically speaking) the RDM can engage in Gravity first and aggro can be ping-ponged between 2 RNGs, 1 RNG and a BLM, 2 RNGs and 1 BLM. The support for this is that during a few times last night I noticed that BLMs aggro and my aggro we're nearly the same. Now you may ask "How did you know that your aggro was nearly the same". Well I say this because when we both either started the animation of spell casting or preparing to shoot arrow the monster would immediately turn towards one of us. Gravity slows down a mob's run speed, and as a RDM I have used this technique to take down AF2 mobs from the DRK (Ordel Cave) and DRG (Batillia Downs). So I'm pretty sure if my memory is still in tact that from my level 33 RDM days Gravity a mandy was not hard and it lasted for a while, enough for another recast.

                  So I just decided to throw that out as a possible duo or trio of PT members to get decent exp. I will be experimenting with it as well and I hope it works to a certain extent.

                  Sorry for any misspelling, I usually use the auto-translator feature for the zone names so I probably spelled most of them wrong, but I don't think that discredits what I've said.


                  • #54
                    You can make as many excuses as you want. The fact is the majority of my post was using your direct quotes. This was in direct response to your claim that you never post incorrect information.

                    Then what is "Archery is based on MND" or "STR makes no difference in markmanship WS" and other such crap? Oh that's correct?

                    Keep posting though, because like people say, every new post you make just makes yourself look worse. Anyone can see through your facade.

                    Originally posted by Thegod
                    so if Imac and his buddy wanna start some campaign against me so be it, but all new people jumping in, you really have no clue wtf your talking about.
                    Do you really want me to call you up on this? If I made a post to show every single person who has found your posts and information idiotic or unintelligent, it would take MANY pages. You can live in your own little world of make-believe if you want, but the fact is that almost no one respects you. Almost every regular forum user will have the occasional flame or hate post directed against them (myself included), but while sorting through all the threads you participated in, I found an inordinate amount of people marking you as an idiot: more than 50 posts.

                    Please post and make us laugh again. We call upon your wisdom (or lack thereof).
                    I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                    • #55
                      Oh and BTW, I've been thinking and I do not think that RNG solo will last forever. The way I see it is...

                      As your level increase, the mob's level increase as well
                      As the mobs level increase, the mob's HP increases
                      As the mobs HP increase, the amount of arrows increase
                      As the amount of arrows increase, the time to kill a mob increase
                      As time increases, the slower you level
                      THe slower you level, the more gil you spend.

                      At least how I see it, which is what I am trying to think of a duo or trio way, again just trying to think outside the box, no flames please but logic explanations will be welcomed


                      • #56
                        imo RNG solo can last as long as your gil. You've basically outlined the problem in your post. You might get more mileage with a duo, but the bottom line will still be how deep your pockets are.

                        btw, excuse me for not remembering your reasons, but why are you trying to solo RNG? just gather 3+ other RNGs, a healer, a nuker and possibly a tank and chain for mad xp.

                        Thanks Yyg!


                        • #57
                          I was about to send a PM, when I noticed the original poster started an attempt to reclaim his post. Unfortunately, that seems to happen a lot with threads that Thegod posts in. Not sure who's fault that is though. /sigh

                          On the 1st page of posts, you mentioned the process rate for Bloody bolts. I've been told that those, and it's siblings (Acid, Poison, etc have a 100% process rate. However, you'll never see the process if that initial bolt damage kills the mob. You can't exactly drain HP when there is none to drain now can ya? lol

                          As for the Drained 0HP, I only ever saw that when my HP was at 100%. Interestingly enough, I've had a number of people tell me, that the Drain still did damage, but since you couldn't tack that drained HP on to yours, it merely says 0HP. (BLMs and DRKs have told me many times that if you Drain with 100% HP it still does damage even though it says 0HP drained. Not sure if I believe them, but as DRK and BLM, I only eve used Drain when I could benefit from it, or Magic Burst with it.)

                          You also mentioned using Holy Bolts. I've found that Holy Bolts work best against Gobbys. It seemed common that process damage would be about 125% of what the bold damage was. Not bad that your bold lands for about 45, and Holy damage does 55-60 damage.

                          I used Bloody Bolts while farming with my DRK in the mid-40's. I've actually seen Bloody Bolt do 1dmg, and then Drain 75HP. I thought that was hilarious.

                          ::NOTE:: Most of my experience with X-bows has been as a DRK. Great for pulling, and DRK can actually level Marksmanship. Perhaps when I get my RNG to Lv.25, I'll grab a ton of bolts, and solo to about 33 or so. (Acid, Holy, Bloody, & Sleep Bolts as needed.)
                          PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                          RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                          Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                          SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by neighbortaru
                            imo RNG solo can last as long as your gil. You've basically outlined the problem in your post. You might get more mileage with a duo, but the bottom line will still be how deep your pockets are.

                            btw, excuse me for not remembering your reasons, but why are you trying to solo RNG? just gather 3+ other RNGs, a healer, a nuker and possibly a tank and chain for mad xp.
                            Oh, I do not mind the question ^^ I solo RNG only for a few reasons.

                            1) I am college student and that cuts my time in FFXI already, followed by the fact that I must keep a job to pay for books, tuition, food, and FFXI the time I play while in college is very limited. So I would like to level RNG while playing at akward hours and with limited time. Personally, I do not like to be in a PT for 1 to 2 hours and then just ditch them. It seems rude to me and when I start/form a PT, I make sure we have a 3 hour run to insure a level gain and a good enough buffer for everyone else. So the only solution for me is to solo

                            2) I was always interested in how farm each job could solo on their own, this gives me a chance to test out how far RNG can push it while still being a viable option compared to exp PTs

                            3) Most of the PTs I've been in with other jobs from 10 to 30 really have not found the correct structure of a PT. RNG is an expensive job, I am sure many would agree with me on the sole fact that RNG is expensive . I do not want to waste my gil on arrows that will be wasted in an inexpereince PT. Now the only way I can ensure this is by making the PT myself, but I explained that reason in "1)". You could say "LS PT?", but my LS is small and sometimes we are not online together, but we are there for missions,quests, and other stuff. You can say I am a mean person, but I'm really not. If this was a less expensive job I do not mind teaching some newer players, but this is an expensive job and I would like each and every one of my arrows to count.

                            Originally posted by tdh
                            I was about to send a PM, when I noticed the original poster started an attempt to reclaim his post. Unfortunately, that seems to happen a lot with threads that Thegod posts in. Not sure who's fault that is though. /sigh

                            On the 1st page of posts, you mentioned the process rate for Bloody bolts. I've been told that those, and it's siblings (Acid, Poison, etc have a 100% process rate. However, you'll never see the process if that initial bolt damage kills the mob. You can't exactly drain HP when there is none to drain now can ya? lol

                            As for the Drained 0HP, I only ever saw that when my HP was at 100%. Interestingly enough, I've had a number of people tell me, that the Drain still did damage, but since you couldn't tack that drained HP on to yours, it merely says 0HP. (BLMs and DRKs have told me many times that if you Drain with 100% HP it still does damage even though it says 0HP drained. Not sure if I believe them, but as DRK and BLM, I only eve used Drain when I could benefit from it, or Magic Burst with it.)

                            You also mentioned using Holy Bolts. I've found that Holy Bolts work best against Gobbys. It seemed common that process damage would be about 125% of what the bold damage was. Not bad that your bold lands for about 45, and Holy damage does 55-60 damage.

                            I used Bloody Bolts while farming with my DRK in the mid-40's. I've actually seen Bloody Bolt do 1dmg, and then Drain 75HP. I thought that was hilarious.

                            ::NOTE:: Most of my experience with X-bows has been as a DRK. Great for pulling, and DRK can actually level Marksmanship. Perhaps when I get my RNG to Lv.25, I'll grab a ton of bolts, and solo to about 33 or so. (Acid, Holy, Bloody, & Sleep Bolts as needed.)
                            hehehe, it's fine. No need for PM. Here is good enough ^^

                            Oh, I understand the fact that...

                            HP Drain is only seen when you are not at max HP
                            HP Drain still takes effect wether you see it or not
                            HP Drain cannot work when monster has no more HP

                            however, the proc rates of the bolts will not always work. Trust me, after firing over 30 Bloody Bolts and others I am positive that the proc rates are not 100%.

                            If you shoot a Sleep Bolt at a IT+++ Goblin, it has a chance of landing and no landing. Personally in Yhutange Jungle when I had an aggro from a Goblin and was left with 100 HP and shoot an Sleep Bolt at it, the sleep effect did not land and I died. I am sure I did not hit it with my weapons because they were not drawn at the time. Also, on my THF and WAR while leveling shooting Acid Bolts did not always land as well as when my WAR used Bloody Bolts on the Promthian Bosses, it didn't have the drain effect. However, something I am interested in is wether or not Marksmenship skill effects additional effects, that would be interseting to test

                            On the issue of Holy Bolts with the 5 to 6 stacks I've used. I've never had the additional effect exceed the base damage. Usually ....

                            Base Damage: 60 - 80
                            Additional Effects: 6 to 40

                            Again, this is against mandys. I have not tried it on mobs like Goblins that are weak against light. However, with my FFXI expereince I am pretty sure that the mobs weakness would account for the extra damage in Additional Effects as well as my character's MND, as Grendal has shown with his chart. I would think/speculate that Holy Bolt's additional effect against a even mob of say a Skeleton and against a even mob of say a Light Element/Jugs( or pots, however you like to call them) would differ.

                            I personally would say you should go solo ^^ I know this may be cruel but I was killing the mandys/worms/crabs (mobs I leveled of off from 16 to 33) faster then most of the PTs around me, which they then told me to move and I found a nice little spot, but Tonko was used alot to travel from spot to spot to avoid goblins ^^


                            • #59
                              no zemp, please get into this im asking...

                              seriously how long were we in the ninja boards posting w/o a single flame.....

                              imac seriously stfu you posted a quote out of context, did i once say it wasnt my post, no i actually posted the reason witch im sure if in posted one of your replys to my post out of context everyone would agree you were in the wrong.

                              ummm goto KI right now, no1 has a porblem with me my information is generally dead on and my opinions are respected seriously go there and even post that nice quote that "owned" me and see everyopnes reply, you will not find a single person to agree with you, not one.

                              KI go look since you have so much time to make clever replys...heres a link to the ranger boards have it. good luck trying to find incorrect info there imac.


                              whitch is why im there not here majority of the time..

                              imac i could do the same thing your doing quote everyone who said thnx for the info god i really appriaciated it, but no i really dont have time for that..

                              tdh who are you? ive never even seen you post before so yeah jump on the bandwagon it seems like the thing to do..

                              now for the record go to when this started and see who is flaming and who is simply replying, see who is being rude and see who isnt.

                              and honestly if i was a troublesome poster why is my warning level at a 0????

                              thats the question you need to be asking.
                              Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                              • #60
                                To Thegod:

                                Why the hell do I care about your warning level? You can post incorrect information and still have a warning level of 0. Hell, I have a warning level of 0. So what? You still claimed the following things:

                                Archery is increased by MND.

                                Markmanship is not increased by STR.

                                Taru do same damage with equal setup as Elvaan at endgame.

                                Markmanship WS only determined by AGI.

                                Parsers can lie about numbers and present incorrect data regarding hit percentage.

                                Sushi gives RNG ATK, then Sushi doesn't give RNG ATK. Make up your mind.

                                And of course, e-bow>>>o-bow, even though you've never used o-bow.

                                None of these are out of context and you've said all of them. They are all incorrect. I never said I "owned" you. I just posted all your incorrect information.

                                If you like the KI boards that's fine... STAY THERE. None of us care two cents, and none of us want or need you here. If these boards suck, then leave. If you want to stay and post stupid crap, go ahead, it's fun to laugh at your idiocy. Keep in mind that you're totally oblivious... you tried to say only I and a "friend" don't like you here... yet there are over 50 different accounts that have noted your stupidity. You might think other boards think you're a god even when they call you stupid to your face, who knows.

                                As for original poster:

                                Remember that each of the "status effect" bolts are associated with a certain element. Apple Pie posted this on the first page of this thread, which I'm sure you saw:

                                "Acid Bolt = Air (so is Armor Break)
                                Blind Bolt = Dark
                                Bloody Bolt = Dark
                                Demon Arrow = Water (so is Weapon Break)
                                Holy Bolt = Light
                                Spartan Bullet = Lightning"

                                Thus, they proc more often on monsters weak against that certain element.

                                Next, about bloody bolts and drain... for the Drain magic, they indeed do damage even if you have full hp (so you drain nothing). It's not too uncommon to see RDM or DRK MB a dark lvl 3 skillchain with Drain, which sometimes ends up killing the monster.

                                I'm absolutely sure bolts do not have a 100% proc rate. It depends on the level of the monster relative to you, their element, and some other variables (certain resistances, etc). Most RNG's in my PT's carry a xbow and sleep+bloody bolts just in case an add comes... first we switch to xbow+sleep, disengage from current monster, then spam sleep bolts on the add (and sleep effect does not always proc). Acid bolts also have a hard time landing on certain monsters, which is extremely annoying. I've seen holy bolts and bloody bolts not proc either. Like I said, they work best on monsters weak against their respective elements.

                                As for your reasons for soloing, I can understand that. However, it is not necessarily cheaper to solo. Here are a few things that I recommend:

                                1) If you have a friend that can heal (RDM, WHM, SMN, BRD, even PLD) it might help for them to powerlevel you if they have time. Just 30 minutes is fine. My PLD friend PL'ed me on mandragoras in Yuhtunga... just find monsters that don't hit hard (or worms of course) and it's no sweat.

                                2) If you don't want to be powerleveled, it may be more efficient to find at least 1 more RNG, and a healer. That way you can pingpong hate between you two while the healer rests at the start of battles, then starts curing near the end or when the monster is killed. The general strategy here is that you are mitigating most of the attacks with utsusemi:ichi, and also making the monster waste time walking back and forth between the two RNGs. An ideal healer would be RDM so as to Gravity the monster. I've done this a few times and it's pretty fun... plus it does not require a full party.
                                I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.

