1. if your so mature you'd ignore writing style
im at work for christ sake i have no time i type these post up in moments if you couldnt tell.
yes ima cfo, so i know exactly wut number's tell you, they tell you black and white,. nothing in the middle.
jesus fuc king christ calm down u swear this is life or death.
nsx w/e didnt point out any flaws in my post, he said spell para witch he did /clap
read my post i never once said a para didnt tell you how many times someone fires....I DIDNT ...... TYPE THAT SO DONT PUT WORDS ONT MY POST.
tell me how numbers can reflect someone's style of play?
by wut total shots fired??? u have nothing to base that info on unless they are your own paras (WITCH I CLEARLY STATED IN MY OTHER POST)
I didnt post any information so how could my information be incorrect.
i said from observations (calls of 200% tp on a ws as u watch it miss) one of the ranger's in my static (just happens to be the elvaan) misses alot of his wss at 150%+ so how cannot i not say "he misses more then me"
Omfg that last statement seals it u must have serious issues... please read.
I said "for xp.....figured all these discussions were about gear for xping..."
the i said "better is better rugal, either you hit harder or you dont, either your more accurate or your not.......even if its a lil bit it matters or no1 would give 2 shyts about +1s"
where or how does any of that imply that there is only one better, fact is better is better and for xping figuring out the best gear set for (accuracy in my case)
the tone of my last post wasnt insulting or arogant it wasnt assuming or acusational so calm down jesus....i dont evenm post here that often because everyone feels they have some personal attachment to the game here like it really hurts ur feelings i think your paras are useless to me because they only give the black and white.
plz show me one post here where i was flaming or being even the slightest bit rude.........seriously grow up
lastly grammer is fucking grammer like i stated before obviously grammer doesnt affect my paycheck so it doesnt affect the understand of the point im trying to get accross, nit picking it is just anal times a thousand
im at work for christ sake i have no time i type these post up in moments if you couldnt tell.
yes ima cfo, so i know exactly wut number's tell you, they tell you black and white,. nothing in the middle.
jesus fuc king christ calm down u swear this is life or death.
nsx w/e didnt point out any flaws in my post, he said spell para witch he did /clap
read my post i never once said a para didnt tell you how many times someone fires....I DIDNT ...... TYPE THAT SO DONT PUT WORDS ONT MY POST.
tell me how numbers can reflect someone's style of play?
by wut total shots fired??? u have nothing to base that info on unless they are your own paras (WITCH I CLEARLY STATED IN MY OTHER POST)
I didnt post any information so how could my information be incorrect.
i said from observations (calls of 200% tp on a ws as u watch it miss) one of the ranger's in my static (just happens to be the elvaan) misses alot of his wss at 150%+ so how cannot i not say "he misses more then me"
Omfg that last statement seals it u must have serious issues... please read.
I said "for xp.....figured all these discussions were about gear for xping..."
the i said "better is better rugal, either you hit harder or you dont, either your more accurate or your not.......even if its a lil bit it matters or no1 would give 2 shyts about +1s"
where or how does any of that imply that there is only one better, fact is better is better and for xping figuring out the best gear set for (accuracy in my case)
the tone of my last post wasnt insulting or arogant it wasnt assuming or acusational so calm down jesus....i dont evenm post here that often because everyone feels they have some personal attachment to the game here like it really hurts ur feelings i think your paras are useless to me because they only give the black and white.
plz show me one post here where i was flaming or being even the slightest bit rude.........seriously grow up
lastly grammer is fucking grammer like i stated before obviously grammer doesnt affect my paycheck so it doesnt affect the understand of the point im trying to get accross, nit picking it is just anal times a thousand