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A few Small Questions

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  • #16
    Nice reply.

    Anyways here's a little something. Did exactly as stated in the previous reply except I didn't use any food.


    • #17
      didnt realize you were talking about solo... thought you mean blm sub for when you pull aggro >.> either way I think ninja is just as good >.>;


      • #18
        i solo'd my rng from 33-38 in yuhtunga/yhoator.

        id say you have to take on T mandys and with bloodybolts, you can just let lose on them, no fear of dying since they dont hit hard enough where your bloody bolt cant make up for it. i was able to pull of chain 3-4s by myself. sure get lots of beastmen seals this way

        i really wish bst could use bloodybolts -_-
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #19
          Yeah, I changed my mind. NIN is better for the jungle because of all the goblins and camoflauge is not always there. So it's great to have Tonko as a backup.

          BTW, I was wondering the difference between the Power Crossbow and the Zamurak +1, what would you guys suggest?

          Oh and BTW, 31 RNG now ^^ 9 more levels and I'm done ^^

          Oh and for some reason I found that Holy Bolts work best with barrage and that holy bolts and acid bolts basically do the same damage when using a WS. Anyways I made it a habbit to carry Sleep Bolts as well. hehehe, they work wonders ^^


          • #20
            Originally posted by Zempten
            Oh and for some reason I found that Holy Bolts work best with barrage and that holy bolts and acid bolts basically do the same damage when using a WS. Anyways I made it a habbit to carry Sleep Bolts as well. hehehe, they work wonders ^^
            Well acid bolts have pretty weak base damage. Remember bolt additional effects don't work with WS or barrage. WS and barrage only factor in the ammo's base damage. When you get high enough to use Darksteel bolts (50 I think?) you would switch to those for barrage and WS. At 60 you can get bastok cp bolt (heaven knows bastok is always last place) and use that with Unlimited Shot for WS.
            I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


            • #21
              Rugal I read a post of yours in which you kind of said AGI is not that big of a factor for Ranged Accuracy, or perhaps you were stating that the race's original AGI is not a big factor. I'm sorry my reading is not that great, if you can clear it up for me I would appreciate it. Perhaps, you were saying AGI is calculated in marksmenship or something like that. I think i"m a bit lost

              Anyways, based on that comment. I was thinking that perhaps using the Zamburak would be better then the level 25 Crossbow that gives +1 to AGI since Zamburak +1 is +9 to Ranged Attack, your thoughts? Thanks


              • #22
                ditch the power xbow, it looks cool but thats about all it has going for it.

                the rng attack is much better then 1 agi.
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                • #23
                  I'm not certain how AGI works. However, I do know with pretty good certainty how ATK and STR work, and how DEF and VIT work. ATK and DEF are used in checks that result in logarithmic equations, whereas STR and VIT are linear.

                  It's possible AGI and RNG ACC work the same way, but I have absolutely no proof of this... just throwing an idea around. What I did have proof of was this: 8-9 AGI difference made less of a difference in ranged hit% than 6 RNG ACC... quite a bit less in fact. From this I assumed that it takes 2-3 AGI to compare to 1 RNG ACC. So how important is 1 AGI? Not that important really.

                  Now let's look at the markmanship choices:

                  Power Crossbow = Damage: 17 Delay: 288 AGI+1 LV 25
                  Zamburak+1 = Damage: 20 Delay: 280 RNG ATK+9 LV 30

                  The AGI and RNG ATK bonus are pretty negligible to be honest. You may notice a small difference with 9 RNG ATK, but it would only be noticeable with berserk, minuet, and other attack % boosting buffs. The more significant difference is the added base damage of zamburak+1. Early crossbows are fast and weak, so the more base damage the better. I used the zamburak+1.

                  Oh, as for AGI affecting markmanship, it's only a minor effect on markmanship WS's. AGI affects archery WS's as well, although not to the same extent as markmanship WS's. Somehow this tidbit of information got misinterpreted by someone and some false rumors were formed.. don't be too confused, because it's not that significant.
                  I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                  • #24
                    All my rng friends keep askin me why i always stop leveling to make gil when i have a hawkers+1 thats not really worth 2 million gil.

                    I bring this this up to state the imporence of 1 agi as it applies to your entire gear set.

                    ok so 1 agi by itself isnt gonna make any noticable differences, but you take 1 extra agi from 2 hawkers+1, the extra agi from nomads+1, the xtra agi from republic pants over bastokian pants, genin over drone and thats 5 agi not one.

                    so no 1 agi isnt gonna be the end all be all of your character, but when you stack those agi+ items it helps alot.

                    I was just having this big discussion with all the rangers in my shell (me being the lowest seeing as how i started as a blm) they all equip fran and hawkers or trailors or hawkers+1, except for god fights when i see the duel trailors or duel hawkers come out.

                    I have a fran axe waiting for when i level 3 times, but i dont think i'll use it for xping and this is why....

                    i'll lose 5 rng acc and 3 agi and that would make it hard to use slug at 100%tp.

                    i use a must+2 exclusively and plan to ....well forever even past hellfire for xping, so thats +10 rng accuracy i get over everyone else...

                    so as of right now i can use my ws at around 100% tp, as soon as i hit 100% i go everytime and im just6 as accurate as the next guy who goes at me looking cool and having a great status item isnt as inportant as being able to kill the mob 3 whole gun shots before the next guy can.

                    i dunno how this will work with the loss of 2 agi when i change mantles but im hoping 2 agi does affect me too much.

                    oh on a side note, who things winged boots >>af boots?
                    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                    • #25

                      Did you post in the wrong thread?

                      I thought we were talking about all this in the other thread.

                      Anyways, you're comparing apples and oranges. The difference between hawker and a hawker+1 is 1 AGI (and other things) but with NO disadvantage. Getting +1 AGI from power crossbow as opposed to zamburak has disadvantages which I pointed out. This is totally different. I'm sure people can add and know that 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5.

                      Whatever you want to do, Thegod, it's fine. Do what you want. But you'll never know if what you choose to do or what to wear or whatever is "better" or not for a couple reasons:
                      1) You haven't done it yet.
                      2) You're comparing by observing, not analyzing (parsing). Observing doesn't give realistic/accurate results.
                      3) "Better" is a misnomer, since different strategies and equipment is needed for different things. Setups are situational.

                      Thus your post is very confusing, once again, and also mildly hypocritical.

                      ok so 1 agi by itself isnt gonna make any noticable differences, but you take 1 extra agi from 2 hawkers+1, the extra agi from nomads+1, the xtra agi from republic pants over bastokian pants, genin over drone and thats 5 agi not one.
                      i dunno how this will work with the loss of 2 agi when i change mantles but im hoping 2 agi does affect me too much.

                      so as of right now i can use my ws at around 100% tp, as soon as i hit 100% i go everytime and im just6 as accurate as the next guy who goes at 150%
                      How do you even know this? I doubt this is true, or that you have proof of it. Why bother making stories up out of thin air to justify yourself?

                      This was a really random post, unless you meant to respond to the other thread... even then, we already discussed much of this there.

                      And for a side note, no, winged boots don't make much of a difference from RNG AF boots, and hawkers+1 is not worth 2million. Actually in my opinion, hawkers+1 is pretty stupid to get unless you have all the other things that WOULD make a difference (peacock charm, e-bow, striders, etc). My friend made both of mine, but that wasn't until I got of the aforementioned items anyway. 1 AGI and 1 STR and whatever other miniscule bonuses it has over hawker's makes little difference.
                      I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                      • #26
                        in 7k xp i can equip an am mantle+1

                        thats why i loose 2 agi when i take off my nomads+1..

                        so wut i meant was yeah maybe that 1 agi from hawkers+1 doesnt seem like alot but when you stack it with other HQ items its alot more then one agi total.

                        basically that your gear set is more inportant then one piece of equipement....didnt think it was too confusing.

                        i think ive said a million times i static with 2 other rangers so yeah umm its not hard to know whose missing most of their WSs and whose not, as a matter of fact its ez because either the sc goes off or it doesnt.

                        for xp.....figured all these discussions were about gear for xping...

                        observations may not be as black and wht as paras, but IMO they are accurate enough, a para doesnt tell you anything about the player's style, how they were doing their damage, any of that, at least observing gives you an exact idea of wut the other plp are doing to deal their damage.

                        paras are blind stats unless they are your own have noooooooo clue wtf they plp are doing, they could be waiting to 300% everytime and you wouldnt know it.

                        they are good fro measuring accuracy i'll admit that, but even then you still dont know how frequently they are shooting.

                        better is better rugal, either you hit harder or you dont, either your more accurate or your not.......even if its a lil bit it matters or no1 would give 2 shyts about +1s.
                        Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                        • #27
                          Why don't you ever stop spouting off crap and pulling stuff out of your butt?

                          I had to reread your post to figure out what a paras is.
                          Its called a PARSER. Spell it with me P A R S E R.

                          And yes it DOES tell you how many swings/shots someone takes as well as how many WS someone does. It tells you the % that they connect on, what the average damage is, so on and so forth.
                          Its obvious if someone is shooting off WS at 300% tp, as well as if they melee more than they shoot. It doesn't get any more about playstyle.
                          When Rugal and I are in a 3 rng PT and we each double the overall damage of the other ranger w/ reg. shots as well as fire off 70% more WS than the other, it sure as hell tells about his playstyle as well as his overall effectiveness in the PT.

                          An observation is just that. An observation. What you perceive. It proves nothing. It is in no way a viable defense of your assinine opinions.

                          A parser provides numbers. Statistics. Numbers don't lie. They aren't swayed by opinion.

                          Math will set you free thegod.
                          Look into it.


                          • #28
                            1. didn't you claim to be a CFO thegod?
                            2. now you claim stats are blind and don't tell you anything?

                            note to the employees of thegod's company: SELL YOUR SHARES NOW!

                            (and my god you have the writing skills of a baboon)

                            Thanks Yyg!


                            • #29
                              I thought this was more about RNG soloing potential. Thegod if u want to debate over ur equip issues, post a new thread, don't hi-jack one.


                              • #30
                                Thegod, you have absolutely no clue what the hell you are talking about. Why do you even bother asking me questions if you think you're so knowledgeable?

                                Nsx already covered all the flaws in your post, so I don't need to go there. Wow... has TheGod been trolling these ranger forums ever since I left or something? I don't remember anyone being this ignorant in these forums the entire time I played FFXI. (Yes I argued with Spider-Dan a LOT, but all in all, he still resorted to logic to back up his points, whether I agreed with them or not)

                                Judging by your posts and writing style, it's apparent to anyone how bright (or not) you are, TheGod. Now you're trying to say that your OBSERVATIONS are enough to analyze all the numbers involved in several hours of partying? That's probably the funniest thing you've said yet.

                                4 or 5 RNG ACC would probably make only a difference of 2-3% ranged hit%, depending on the monster (based on my parses). You are saying that you can somehow tell the difference of 2 to 3% from mere OBSERVATIONS? Riight..

                                It's obvious that you don't care what other people think, and that you just make up your mind on crap without any proof for it. For instance, you stated quite assuredly that "E-bow >> O-bow" even though you can't even USE O-bow yet. That's like my saying "RNG AF >> Kirin's Osode" when I have absolutely no experience or data to prove it.

                                It's a great thing to be sure of yourself. Do what you want to do. But stop asking questions when you won't even heed the answers, and stop posting obviously false information. It only makes you look like a bigger fool.

                                You're also incredibly ignorant to think that there is only one definition of "better." If you're sacrificing AGI or RNG ACC to get more STR or RNG ATK, it depends on what you are fighting to determine whether it's a good investment. Variables you need to factor in include : your current equipment setup, the monster's evasion, the monster's AGI, the monster's VIT, the monster's defense among other things. On a TWTBW I'll sacrifice 50 RNG ACC for 100 RNG ATK. On an IT+++ I'll keep the 50 RNG ACC and ignore the 100 RNG ATK. S-I-T-U-A-T-I-O-N-A-L.
                                I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.

