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Difference between Taru RNG and Elv RNG worth fussing over?

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  • Re: Difference between Taru RNG and Elv RNG worth fussing over?

    please do reread the posts again. yes, they say ELV put out higher numbers, but they also say TAR perform just fine if the player knows what they are doing and is equipped well. It's not all about the higher numbers.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • Re: Difference between Taru RNG and Elv RNG worth fussing over?

      C what im worried about is not being picked at higher lvls for nm parties or for ballista teams. I feel that in being a race that doesn't fit the bill your setting yourself up for a bad time. Dont get me wrong I think tarus are the best, they're lil mean looking guys when they're all decked out in armour or a badass artifact set. Its just I feel like im going to have a bad time later on trying to find prty's
      Zylis the Virus


      • Re: Difference between Taru RNG and Elv RNG worth fussing over?

        um, these are high level players themselves (who are in HNMLSs) who say TAR are fine. one of the most respected high level players (Russta) is even a taru. what are you still worrying about?

        race matters very little in the end. It's the player and the gear.

        Thanks Yyg!


        • Re: Difference between Taru RNG and Elv RNG worth fussing over?

          Alright I figured that I would just post on here the basic DMG formulas and save myself the time of explaining it to every DD in the ls. I know it seems a bit complicated upon first examination but just spend a bit of time understanding it... trust me- you'll have a much better idea of how things work! I basically copy>>pasted this from alla, so if you don't understand something on there please feel free to ask me any questions. The whole point of understanding this is that it gives you a big edge of how to maximize your dmg. You will be able to have a much better understanding of which pieces of equipment are or are not helping you.

          Physical WS Damage Calculation:
          Actual Damage of WS is then calculated in this way.
          Melee Damage= WD*(PDIF+M_CRIT)= ((D + fSTR + WSC) * fTP) * (PDIF+M_CRIT)
          Ranged Damage=WD*(rPDIF+R_CRIT)=((D + fSTR2 + WSC) * fTP) * (r-PDIFxR_CRIT)

          D: Base damage of your weapon (e.g., War Bow = 65, Misc Sword = 55 dmg)

          WD: Base damage of your WS
          WD = (D + fSTR + WSC) * fTP

          fSTR: Function of difference between your STR and target's VIT. This can be capped
          fSTR = from 0 to (D / 9) + 8
          fSTR2 = from 0 to fSTR*2
          Note: fSTR [(D / 9) + 8] doesn't count "Arrow D"
          Please refer to the link of fSTR2 table below:

          WSC: Secondary attribute modifier like STR_30 (30% of your STR). ***The secondary attribute modifier is dependant on which WS you are using... please refer to the chart below and find your corresponding WS guys! ~Cort~
          WSC = integer(any secondary attributes) x @
          Level ... @-value
          Lv75 ... 0.83
          Lv74 ... 0.83
          Lv73 ... 0.84
          Lv72 ... 0.84
          Lv67 ... 0.86 or 0.87 ( perhaps 0.87 )
          Lv60 ... 0.90 or 0.91 ( perhaps 0.90 )
          Lv40 ... 0.94
          Lv37 ... 0.94 – 0.99
          Lv31 ... 0.94 - 0.99

          PDIF: Function of (your ATK/target’s DEF) Caps at 2.4 for melee attacks and 3 for ranged attacks. <--Pay attention to the 2.4 cap for melee atks ~Cort~M_CRIT: Melee WS Critical constant. Range is (+0.6) - (+1.0)
          R_CRIT: Ranged WS Critical constant. Always (x1.25)

          The Calculation
          Calculating Weapon Skill Base Damage(WD)

          Calculating the Weapon Base Damage (D) :
          For ranged weapon like archery and marksmanship. It’s as simple as weapon base damage + ammo base damage
          Example :
          Othinus’ Bow + Darksteel Bolt = 54 + 50 = 105
          Eurytos’ Bow + Kabura Arrow = 71 + 38 = 109
          Hellfire + Silver Bullet = 41 + 81 = 122

          ***This is also just an example for ranged weapons, for melee weapons it's just the base weapon damage~Cort~

          Calculating the STR-VIT value (fSTR2):
          Since we’re more interested in ranged WS, we calculate the fSTR2:
          Example :
          mob VIT = 62 , your STR = 92
          STR-VIT = 30
          See the rank vs ΔSTR matrix above, and put the number in fSTR2 variable. remember not to put any fSTR2 value smaller than 0

          STR-VIT cap come from your weapon (this is independent from any ammo you use):
          fSTR = from 0 to int(D / 9) + 8
          fSTR2 = from 0 to fSTR*2
          Othinus’ Bow = int((54/9) + 8 )*2 = 28
          Eurytos’ Bow = int((71/9) + 8 )*2 = int(15.88..)*2 = 30
          Hellfire = ((41/9) + *2 = int(12.55..)*2 = 24

          [-] Please don't misunderstand fSTR or fSTR2 as a direct subtraction of your STR and mob VIT. It is the function of your STR - mob VIT value
          [-] It seems for ranged attack, every 2~3 additonal STR, base damage will be raised by 1. So rough calculation for fSTR2 can be estimated as fSTR2=(ΔSTR/2)+2

          Calculating the Secondary Attribute Modifier (WSC):
          For example, suppose you have 92 STR and 105 AGI and use use Sidewinder (STR_16, AGI_25).
          WSC = integer[(92 x 0.16) + (105 x 0.25)] x @ = integer(14.72 + 26.25) x @ = integer(40.97) x @ = 40 x @
          And for Slug Shot (AGI_30):
          WSC = integer[(105 x 0.30)] x @ = integer(31.5) x @ = 31 x @

          Notice that the higher level you are, the smaller @ become. That means the higher is your level, the smaller this WSC value give impact to your WS damage.
          Also notice that floor function. Even though your STR and AGI percentage close to 41, floor function set your WSC value to 40x@ ***So... basically, being an Elvaan or a Tarutaru doesn't really affect dmg so much endgame[b]

          ****Edit: I also just noticed that the formula is basically geared towards RNG WS formula... so please refer to the fTP thread under guides to find your corresponding WS fTP multipliers to plug into your WSC calculations

          ****Edit: Also- I noticed that the above left how the section of how to figure out your PDIF... so here>>>>

          Calculating the (R)ATK/DEF function (r-PDIF)
          Before calculating the PDIF. We must pre calculate the level corrected ratk/def ratio first.
          Since the distance patch of ranged attack, they also add the level difference modifier to ratk/def ratio. Let's call this variable fLVLR for ranged attack, and fLVLM for melee

          fLVLR = 0.025*(mob level - your level)
          fLVLM = 0.050*(mob level - your level)

          Note : this variable exist when you're fighting monster higher level than you. Or in other words.. you don't get ratio bonus when you're fighting monster lower level than you.

          For example if you have 430 ratk and and a level 81 mob has 344 defense. Then your corrected ratk/def ratio is
          430/344 - 0.025*(81-75) = 1.10

          Then, plug the number on this chart below

          Notice that
          From 0-0.9, the upper bound function grows slightly faster than lower bound function.
          From 0.9-1.1, the uper bound and lower bound is the same number, which is 1. On this range, you will notice adding ranged attack will not give any benefit
          From 1.1-3.0, the lower bound grows slightly faster than uper bound

          Mathematically. The function is computed as follow

          Let cRatio is the level corrected ratk/def ratio
          For 0 <= cRatio <0.9

          For 0.9 <=cRatio <=1.1

          For 1.1 < cRatio <=3.0
          fmin(cRatio)=1+ 20/19*(cRatio-1.1)
          fmax(cRatio)=1.1 + (cRatio-1.1)

          R_CRIT is simply the constant of your ranged WS.
          So if your PDIF is 3.0 then the WD multiplier is
          3.0 x 1.25 = 3.75

          **EDIT** Also I realized that when Calculating the PDIF, the guide above from alla didn't mention how to calculate your total attack(ranged attack). You must know your total ATK(or ranged attack if you are ranger obviously) before you can even begin to figure out the PDIF. Basically for melee it's quite simple... just look at how much ATK you have in your equipment menu window. For Rangers (you know who you are) it is calculated by adding all of your skill + STR/2 (i.e. if you have 100 STR total, 50 of that is r atk to be added to the total). Also on a side note, you must take into account what kind of food you will be using vs any particular mob. If you are using a food such as Red Curry for instance, it adds +23% atk (up to a cap of 150) so you would want to add that into the PDIF calculation of course. However if you are using Sushi you wouldn't have to worry about it.~Cort~

          **Final EDIT*** I apologize for any spell check/grammar errors... so eat me. Also, I think I fixed most of them... but if there are any of these >>> it's not suppossed to be that gay smiley face with sunglasses... in the formula it is suppossed to just be 8 ) lol.

          That was taken from Alla and used by a RNG in my LS.

          Here's how it goes:

          damage doesn't matter which race you are.

          If that Elvaan was outparsing someone, it's because they were playing differently.
          Last edited by Rodin; 07-20-2006, 12:18 PM.
          Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
          90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

          Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


          • Re: Difference between Taru RNG and Elv RNG worth fussing over?

            I would like the meanings of all the abriviations. That just might help me understand the forms lol. Thanks though once i figure out how to read it it'll help alot
            just read the last para* and thanks that does explain and ease my mind about my taru rng
            Zylis the Virus


            • Re: Difference between Taru RNG and Elv RNG worth fussing over?

              I don't even understand it myself, lol. He's a bit crazy. He was a DAMN good RNG. He's moved on though. So I can't really ask him.
              Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
              90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

              Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


              • Re: Difference between Taru RNG and Elv RNG worth fussing over?

                <- ?
                check my ffxidoc link in my sig. Probably it's a bit easier to read

                I also have submitted the info on It's up to you

                Originally posted by neighbortaru
                um, these are high level players themselves (who are in HNMLSs) who say TAR are fine. one of the most respected high level players (Russta) is even a taru. what are you still worrying about?

                race matters very little in the end. It's the player and the gear.
                as far as I'd like to agree with this opinion...
                I have to say race does quite a little bit to your damage, more than some HQ equipments

                Mithra RNG with Elvaan RNG have 7 STR difference at 75.
                7 STR gives:
                - higher boost than having 2x triumph earring
                - about the same damage boost from Archer's Jupon
                - slightly lower damage when you swap 2x racc ring to 2 x4 STR ring (ruby rings)
                - hume/mithra RSE belt

                so it does matter into some extent
                but I always always believe, most of your damage comes from these following thing (in this order)
                1. Food
                2.a Berserk
                2.b Minuets
                3. Debuff (Acid bolt, Dia II, Bio)
                4. Merit Points
                5. Race
                6. Gear

                My FFXI Doc

