We're sorry Thegod were not all ungodly Rangers like you....
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Originally posted by Stinger
We're sorry Thegod were not all ungodly Rangers like you....
no1 wants to say it how it is for fear of coming off as a certain type of person/player
w/e i put it out there take it for whats its worth, if its worth nothing, then so be it.
i re-read my post and fail to see where i come off as an ass....
forgive my tone im just trying to get my opinions across...its nothing personal ummm umm yeah stinger sorry take no offenseWhy be like someone famous when you can be like me.
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Originally posted by Thegod
take it how you want it...
no1 wants to say it how it is for fear of coming off as a certain type of person/player
w/e i put it out there take it for whats its worth, if its worth nothing, then so be it.
i re-read my post and fail to see where i come off as an ass....
forgive my tone im just trying to get my opinions across...its nothing personal ummm umm yeah stinger sorry take no offense
How retarded can you get?The desert calls for battle, shall that be my final resting place? I shall die fighting!
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dude leave here...this was a peacefull thread untill you and stinger came
and so was the other one untill that guy said and i quote
"i hate all rangers"
so if you hold me to my reply to flaming then fine i can accept that...
but dont try to come here and bash me......
everyone who frequents this rng board will atest to the fact i try and help people all the time.
I this and this and this i dont need to list all my merits people here know.....Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.
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Omg kid! you bitch a lot. just let it go!
oh and its pretty selfish of yourself to say "I dont need to list all my merits people already here know" you cant say your popular, you need people to say that for you. noob.
I'm Thegod and I need the last flame here! even if it makes me look retarded!!
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but dam kinda f-ed up when you goto the sam boards w/ intentions to cheer people up and make the lack of invite thing not seem so bad and all you get is flames...pretty sad.
but ok flame away i dont even care anymore no1 is reading the post no1 is listening to reason no1 is paying attention to the fact that its ok for a sam to flame all rangers specifically me when i posted nothing to provoke him whatsoever..
and they keep bringing up my reply to his flame as evidence of my assholeedness(is that a word? /shrug) like his flame from out of the blue means nothing at all.
no worries i cant change the way plp think, but i never made this personal i never called anyone out of thier name, and i made my flames directly to the one guy who flamed me and all rangers, no1 else.
I also dont blinding jump into flame wars....Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.
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>.> Granted I don't read every forum and every post, but I don't recall seeing Thegod post anything of a flaming nature. In fact he/she seems to be one of the more helpful posters on this forum. Regardless, there is no reason for you guys to ruin a perfectly good thread by bringing your flaming from another board over here. Way to bring down a good thread, very mature.
Let's have some peace here and get back on topic.74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM
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Ebow >> gun
ok not just the cost, but i was in cape terry last night and a friend from a while ago joined, about halfway through the party i checked him and he had ebow,(was wondering why his bow hits were doing 15 more per hit then mine.
I switched to gun and was outdamaging him (same race, almost same gearing) i hit for about 8 more dmg per hit and about 100 on wss, but he was firing really fast, and i know he was outdamaging me.
i need an ebow, cheaper ammo and you outdamage a gun, its crazy, but definately worth the 6 mil when you concider silver bullets are now up to 15k a stack.Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.
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Ebow is seldom for sale on Fenrir since the patch, and it's not 6 mil, but 10 mil. My highest job is 60, and that's not enough to camp the NM.
Maybe if I saw a parser that showed ebow out-damaging a gun on hardshell mobs, with both rangers having identical gear....74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM
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my gear was better, and i barely outdamaged him per shot.
He was 2 levels higher and 10 skill points ahead of me, so i know that made him more accurate then me iregardless of how much more agi/rng acc. i had then him.
10 skill >> ??? ranged accuracyWhy be like someone famous when you can be like me.
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10 skill = 10 * 0.9 = 9 accuracy.
*this is with skill level 200+ I believe (correct me if I'm wrong apple pie). From 1-199 , I believe it is 1 skill = 1 accuracy.I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.
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Originally posted by Thegod
YEAH im thinking thats why this rng/war was soo accurate two levels is like 10 skill,a nd he had Af body witch is another +10 ranged accuracy.74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM
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YEAH i posted somewhere that his normal ranged attacks with no JA buffs were ?? (cant remember havent partied in a couple days) and his ranged attacks with berserk were significantly higher.
we are both mithra...he used to wear brigs+1 now he wears Af body to my nocts+1 i have one hawkers+1 and a normal one he has two normals.
ummm oh and i have a nomads+1 and he has a normal one...
but its hard, because when i goto my warbow+1 to level or what not, i use ice arrows, a sandy lvl 55 mantle (+2 str +2 mnd) and my mithra rse feet.
he stays in his agi gear, winged boots and what not.Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.
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Originally posted by Lightseeker
So if I understand right, you were rng/nin and he was rng/war? Did you take berserk into account then? As I said, show me a parser with 2 identical rangers. A rng/nin vs. a rng/war with different gear, levels, and stats, doesn't seem like a particularly good basis for comparison.
As a RNG/NIN with good equipment and spamming sidewinders I get immense aggro. Utsusemi keeps me alive, as does the time I stop firing while I reapply utsusemi (I also have to hold back more sometimes). If I'm already getting this much aggro and doing this much damage, what can a RNG/WAR do? Even if in theory he can outdamage me, why would he? He would die in a couple hits, or takes extreme damage and wastes the healers' mana... both scenarios are detrimental for overall teamwork. So why would he do this?
Also with our increased accuracy (and JA's such as barrage) it's hard for THF's to build TP as fast as we can, which makes it unlikely for a THF to have enough TP to chain with every sidewinder.
From 65-73 perhaps RNG/WAR has more value, since you may use lvl 3 skillchains. This is only viable if you have a VERY well equipped THF to keep up with your TP... if you're saving to 200-300% TP to drop a heavy/arching while waiting for the THF to get 100 for shark, that's a huge waste of damage output. Instead you could have done 2 sidewinders (1 with US+PPA, 1 with sharpshot, so they most likely will not miss)... but then again you can't survive the ensuing aggro as /WAR.
From 74+ multi RNG/NIN parties are the best with utsu:ni, so that kinda takes /WAR out of the picture.
Sorry if this post was long and winded.. the summary: yes, in theory rng/war may do more damage, but it's not wise to do so. You'll just have to hold back more and waste the healer's mana... doesn't really seem worth it.I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.
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