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I have a couple of RNG questions...

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  • I have a couple of RNG questions...

    I looked at some guides, and other posts and I'm really tired so bare with me.

    First of all, I know RNGs rock for EXP PTs and whatnot. But how good are they for NMs, HNMs, Promyvion, CoP missions, Zilart missions, regular missions, BCNMs, CoP BCNMs, etc.? Are they a wanted class or just your average class?

    How are you invites? Are the more than BLMs and other melees? Or just most out of all melees? (This is considered a melee by some, I don't know why, probally because it dosen't have MP.)

    Also, how expensive is this job in terms of buying equipment? More than the others or less?

    Also, the arrows and bullets? How expensive are they? My friend said he used Demon arrows at Lv. 60 for 5,000g a stack. That isn't bad at all... I know it takes longer to level and what not, but it looks rather cheap. Is it the gear and Utsusemi for pulling that makes this job expensive?

    Also, how expensive is it? Is it managable? Is it worth it for the fun factor? Is it worth it for the job's usefulness? Is it bearable that you can EXP for long incriments instead of gaining two Lv's, farming, gaining a 1/2 a level, farming, etc.?

    Also, is Eurotyoe's (sp?) Bow nessacary? That bow is a killer amount of money. And will I have more equips like it?

  • #2
    Great for all the Missions in the game. Requested job for most HNM's if not all.

    Invites come almost instantly(rare) and sometimes when you arent seeking. This is one DD job that doesnt have to seek for hours if there arent alot of other rng's seeking at that level.

    RNG/NIN is expensive. I did Bow ranger to 61, switched to a gun ranger and have been till now. You can basically use most of the AF. The expensive part is the ammo and the HQ rings depending on your server. You buy less gear in the long run.

    As for making gil, this job is very useful in BC's. Farming with this job isnt very great. In my opinion it isnt.

    E-Bow... worthless. I have never seen a E-bow Ranger out damage me using Musk +1 / Hellfire and Silver Bullets.
    | FFXI | SIREN | San D’Oria | Jifan | Monk 56 | WAR 65 | RNG 75 | NIN 38 | LS Ascendence™ |

    | Jifen | Main Job BLM 38 | Sub WHM 22 | RDM 06 |


    • #3
      ebow isnt even the best bow in the relic bow is but good luck getting one of those.

      must+2 best weapon for rangers hands down untill hellfire+1

      invites come quick, but dont make the mistake of just taking any invite, you'll waste alot of arrows joining any ole party..

      everyday before i flag up, i exhaust /sea all "my level ranger" ranger to make sure i can set up a 4-5 ranger party'll get up to 8k an hour in those types of set ups, so yeah ranger levels real fast.
      Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


      • #4
        e-bow does outdamage musketeer gun +1. Rugal has a post up here somewhere showing the parsing.

        Is it worth it for 7 mil gil? no.


        • #5
          i'd have to see it...sorry.

          i dunno, must+1 is more accurate for better barrages and sidewinders.....

          are those paras with the same race wearing identical gear eating identical foods?

          if not then im gonna redo them myself one day.
          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


          • #6
            Re: I have a couple of RNG questions...

            Originally posted by Funguwari
            But how good are they for NMs, HNMs,
            lmao, they 0wn, especially now since SE made updates which move the NMs around the place havin a RNG in yur PT with Widescan is the shyt.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Thegod
              i'd have to see it...sorry.

              i dunno, must+1 is more accurate for better barrages and sidewinders.....

              are those paras with the same race wearing identical gear eating identical foods?

              if not then im gonna redo them myself one day.
              Unsure, heard from Lv. 67 RNG in my LS.


              • #8
                must+1 is tons more accurate then bow and xbow.....

                its really the best choices from 52-67 if you can afford it.

                the long delay is really advantageous when hate control is always iffy with huge slugs.
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                • #9
                  musk+1 is has 3 more acc over a bow + good arrows, not sure where's you're getting "tons" from. Its a lot more accurate than x-bows though.

                  as for hate controlling... its easy to just stop shooting while the tank regains hate or something if you want to play safe. The delay is not a big reason for choosing gun over bow.

                  althought with a hellfire, you can get 100% TP back with a full barrage. Thats the good part... slugshot-barrage-slugshot for Kirin can nail down 3k damage. ^^

                  of course.... then the rng can kite for a while. ¬.¬


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by poweryoga
                    musk+1 is has 3 more acc over a bow + good arrows, not sure where's you're getting "tons" from. Its a lot more accurate than x-bows though.

                    as for hate controlling... its easy to just stop shooting while the tank regains hate or something if you want to play safe. The delay is not a big reason for choosing gun over bow.

                    althought with a hellfire, you can get 100% TP back with a full barrage. Thats the good part... slugshot-barrage-slugshot for Kirin can nail down 3k damage. ^^

                    of course.... then the rng can kite for a while. ¬.¬
                    what do you concider good? i use elemental arrows when im skilling up bow, or the party is crap and its all i can get...and they give no ranged accuracy, but IMO are better then bodkin arrows because they do more dmg.

                    obviously then depends on wut race you are, or how well you hit, but the elemental arrows are always best for me, i hit near perfectly with them so the +5 isnt an issue.....

                    so well in fact im concidering using guns till level 75, wearing my JSE lvl 50 aketon for an additional +7 rng attack, the only thing stopping me is im at my rng attk cap with gun and bow has no cap, or the cap on bow can be raised by adding str.

                    bottom line after using gun full time for 6 levels, i'd say stick with bow.....

                    my reason:

                    1. xbow users are gonna have to carry almost double to ammo bow users are and that cost a lil more then using a bow in itself.

                    2. xbow obviously fires faster then a bow, meaning your giving the mob more tp to f... (excuse the lingo) your tank up with.

                    3. guns cost wayyyyy to much for 15-20 more a hit witch is substantial, but you'll live w/o it.

                    4. bullets cost alot to make, to make bullets you need a stack of firesand (10k) a stack of silver ignots (30k) and a stack of fire crystals(w/e on ur server 4k in jeuno on titan) thats alot of gil for supplies, yeah they make 13k per stack if they sell, but even if you make your own bullets it still not cheaper then arrows.
                    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                    • #11
                      i'd have to see it...sorry.

                      i dunno, must+1 is more accurate for better barrages and sidewinders.....

                      are those paras with the same race wearing identical gear eating identical foods?

                      if not then im gonna redo them myself one day.
                      Its galka with ebow vs taru with gun, galka has ~8 more rng acc, taru has ~6 more AGI
                      Calin - Ragnarok


                      • #12
                        CLYDE what are you trying to say with the galkan taru comment sorry?

                        I stand correct, got my hands on an ebow loaner to play arround with since i was gonna level and loaned another firend my warbow+1....(needed to keep archery capped and friend doesnt level ranger all the time)

                        ...anyway ebow grossly outdamages must+1 and must+2 is about even only because of the 30 +/- less delay it has.

                        (im in a 3 rng static)

                        ....anyway not only does ebow outdamage the gun, but its soooooo much cheaper to use..

                        leveling ranger from 52+ using a gun is soooo costly (unless you make your bullets) that its worth almost the cost of an ebow right there, and concider if you ever need to help anyone with anything that is for your level ranger no lower, you'll need decent ammo, and its not like you wanna be using silver bullets to help people.
                        Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                        • #13
                          are those paras with the same race wearing identical gear eating identical foods?
                          Its galka with ebow vs taru with gun, galka has ~8 more rng acc, taru has ~6 more AGI
                          Calin - Ragnarok


                          • #14
                            actually the parse was between rugal(galka) and Solidsnake(hume), not rugal and nsxtasy(taru). ^^


                            • #15
                              In the interests of full disclosure, Rugal's parse was a Galka w/E-bow, Peacock, and one level higher vs. a Hume with Musketeer's.

                              A much more balanced comparison between two rangers of same race, same level, and nearly identical gear (10/14 slots, with E-bow ranger having a slight overall advantage in the other spots) showed Musketeer +2 beating the E-bow.

                              Centurio X-I 1/1 - Celphie 1/1 - Deadly Dodo 0/2 - Doppleganger Dio 0/1 - Jaggedy-eared Jack 0/7 - Joo Duzu the Whirlwind 1/1 - Leaping Lizzy 2/16 - Mimas 0/1 - Odqan 1/9 - Orcish Wallbreacher 0/1 - Ose 1/3 - Sagittarius X-XIII 1/1 - Serpopard Ishtar 3/6 - Silk Caterpillar 1/2 - Tom Tit Tat 0/2 - Trickster Kinetix 0/2 - Valkurm Emperor 6/10 - Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 1/1

