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Umm grab a healer, a voker, and head out...

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  • Umm grab a healer, a voker, and head out...

    i was in lwr jeuno, LFG when i noticed, omfg its the first time ive ever seen more then 2 NA rngs of my level all lfg at the same time.

    anyway we all ended up by the fountain, and i get a tell, nice geAR, and another one, hey we have 4 rngs here, we should go kill some stuff as is, so we make a party, head out to grab signet, when a whm/smn sees us, she's like are you guys full, please let me join...

    so we let her join, and we goto CN because thw whm says she knows a great cam,p spot to take some rumbles (we were all 47-48) it was a great camp, i had been there before duoing with a bst friend, and theres tons of rumble/wespe spawns to keep us busy...

    anyway we get there and start doing ok, when we took dmg it was alot of dmg, but we got a flow and were passing hate back and forth pretty nicely, the wht mage even used curagaII one time and didnt get hate (4 barrages will do

    anyway about 1 hr into a party, a hume war/nin spawns in our camp, so we invite him, he tanks the first hits, while we build tp with daggers, and a couple ranged shoots, then bam the double piercing to piercing Scs, and we got 12k xp in 2 hours, it was grrrreat.

    we always chained fived, we had horrible wespe link problems and no1 ever died once..

    i wish i could only party with rngs from now to 75(oh and i was a mithra hitting for more per hit and with my barrages so it was especially fun for me..

    all that had to do with the bison steak i ate and the no food they ate.
    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.

  • #2
    Basically you were the best is that because you're mithra or because of your food?

    That sounds exciting, I love CN in the later 40s, maybe you should have asked to make a static?
    There is no knowledge without experience.
    San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
    Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


    • #3
      IT wasnt gear as much as the food, i was the only one wearin republic pants, so thats +7 ranged attack the other didnt have, but a few of them had dual hawkers, a couple had genin earring, i was only one with nomads+1 but thats just 1 more agi../

      the food made the biggest difference, i eman at times i was hitting for 50 more per hit then the tarus... but 15-20 was the average.

      i dont like calling myself the greatest (yeah besides the username lol) but yea mithra helped with barrage, im sure +25 w/ food (bison steak that night) agi helped some too.

      I asked them to come back, but alot of them had underleveled subs, maybe that had something to do with their damage too.

      I mean everyday before i flag up, i /sea all rngs (my level range) just to see if i can duo with anyone, or gather all the rangers i can for a ranger party....i swear alot of these guys have never had 4 or even 3 ranger parties, so they are converts to the all ranger ideal as well...

      I mean i felt rejected in the maze as a red mage when no one would let me into their 6 BLM parties, but now that is a thing of the past, i can leave out everyone but, but its nice to have a 700 mp taru healer and a war/nin to warcry 4 thats near 2k damage in a few seconds, helps alot when wespe can cure themselves for up to 1100 hp, i saw one do it twice in one fight, i was so pissed.
      Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


      • #4
        I usually nevered leveled without another Ranger in my PT. More rangers the better, try to add a Bard in the compilation with dual minuet and you will have one loved PT.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Koroco
          I usually nevered leveled without another Ranger in my PT. More rangers the better, try to add a Bard in the compilation with dual minuet and you will have one loved PT.
          2 rangers can do amazing things when one uses acid bolts and the other uses gun. I also have this theory that rangers can go all out when theres others because they can bounce hate. If it's just one ranger and he pulls hate big time, it's gonna just be stuck on him. If there's two, not only will it die really fast if needed, but the other RNG can pull hate and they can both blink a few attacks.


          • #6
            I tried it again in the BST pit room in CN (always empty there, never any other parties because of the wespe links) we had 5 rngs one red mage, and it was insane...

            ..taru ranger using xbow, everyone else using a bow, the level 50 galkan was using a gun when he hit 50 that is..

            we owned everything, had 3links back to back to back, and no1 died, it was great, i only wish there were more rangers so i could do this more often.

            ..Its really to bad other jobs cant do this as effectively.
            Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


            • #7
              lol.... man i did that very same thing with my LS. We were all like shit its promyvion time... Wish I had rng so I could go as that. And so we did it. RNG RNG RNG RNG RNG RDM/WAR from 30->61 in about 2weeks. Honestly it was so fast that now when i xp in normal party it allways seems like shit even if were doing 5k+ and hour lol... <-- Spoiled now ; ;

              rdm/war = gravity > voke + stoneskin, phalanx, and whenever we pull to much hate can cure us to take it back. Was so win^^
              Race : Mithra
              Main Job : Thief / Ranger
              Linkshell :


              • #8
                yeah my LS is starting to be known for it's ranger, we have 2 level 75 rangers, one who has a kirin's osode from old HNM ls, a few (like 4 level 60 rangers) and im in the 50-55 range witch theres proabbly another 4-5 full time rangers.

                I only wish they were all the same level as me, i always stop so i dont level rng with gimped sub, or dont level w/o suffient funds to buy nice food an ammo.

                but yeah im spoiled too, i was by the fountain in lwer jeuno and looked up and 3 friends were poking me, i as so caught up in my heated search for 4 rangers that i didnt even notice all my friends talking to me...
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.

