i was in lwr jeuno, LFG when i noticed, omfg its the first time ive ever seen more then 2 NA rngs of my level all lfg at the same time.
anyway we all ended up by the fountain, and i get a tell, nice geAR, and another one, hey we have 4 rngs here, we should go kill some stuff as is, so we make a party, head out to grab signet, when a whm/smn sees us, she's like are you guys full, please let me join...
so we let her join, and we goto CN because thw whm says she knows a great cam,p spot to take some rumbles (we were all 47-48) it was a great camp, i had been there before duoing with a bst friend, and theres tons of rumble/wespe spawns to keep us busy...
anyway we get there and start doing ok, when we took dmg it was alot of dmg, but we got a flow and were passing hate back and forth pretty nicely, the wht mage even used curagaII one time and didnt get hate (4 barrages will do that..lol)
anyway about 1 hr into a party, a hume war/nin spawns in our camp, so we invite him, he tanks the first hits, while we build tp with daggers, and a couple ranged shoots, then bam the double piercing to piercing Scs, and we got 12k xp in 2 hours, it was grrrreat.
we always chained fived, we had horrible wespe link problems and no1 ever died once..
i wish i could only party with rngs from now to 75(oh and i was a mithra hitting for more per hit and with my barrages so it was especially fun for me..
all that had to do with the bison steak i ate and the no food they ate.
anyway we all ended up by the fountain, and i get a tell, nice geAR, and another one, hey we have 4 rngs here, we should go kill some stuff as is, so we make a party, head out to grab signet, when a whm/smn sees us, she's like are you guys full, please let me join...
so we let her join, and we goto CN because thw whm says she knows a great cam,p spot to take some rumbles (we were all 47-48) it was a great camp, i had been there before duoing with a bst friend, and theres tons of rumble/wespe spawns to keep us busy...
anyway we get there and start doing ok, when we took dmg it was alot of dmg, but we got a flow and were passing hate back and forth pretty nicely, the wht mage even used curagaII one time and didnt get hate (4 barrages will do that..lol)
anyway about 1 hr into a party, a hume war/nin spawns in our camp, so we invite him, he tanks the first hits, while we build tp with daggers, and a couple ranged shoots, then bam the double piercing to piercing Scs, and we got 12k xp in 2 hours, it was grrrreat.
we always chained fived, we had horrible wespe link problems and no1 ever died once..
i wish i could only party with rngs from now to 75(oh and i was a mithra hitting for more per hit and with my barrages so it was especially fun for me..
all that had to do with the bison steak i ate and the no food they ate.