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Does Eurytos bow have a hidden -emnity?

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  • Does Eurytos bow have a hidden -emnity?

    Is rare, but i was with my static the other night in Kuftal tunnel at 55 and both rangers have almost the same gear.

    The only difference was:
    Me: Eurytos bow, Drone x2
    Him: Warbow +1, Drone, Genin

    The interesting stuff here is ... i was hitting for +10 damage over him and still he got hate before me. To test this, we were to pull every fight for 30 mins or so, both attacked at same enemy, i hit for 100-103 and he for 95-97, sometimes less, sometimes more. You maybe are thinking "you hit for more, you got the hate" Wrong. Every pull, the crab started to hit him. I said "maybe the one who hit the mob first get hate, or the second. We mixed the pull order, first hit him, first hit me, etc.

    We got always the same. We were hitting Ranged attack all the time, and most of the time he was taking hate from Pld. My question is "Why i did not get hate most of the time"? Can somebody else make a test? Was I crazy or ?
    ********* Guilds Level *********
    (>o_o)> Lu Shang Obtained 8/8/2004 <(o_o<)

    Fishing 72.8, Cook 74, Woodworking 60, Leather 35 . Clothcraft 22, Smith 34, alchemy 84.2, Goldsmith 30
    ************ Jobs ************
    Ranger 60, Ninja 37, Rdm 57, Blm 32, Thf 20, War 18

    Current Gil .... 700,000, 25-40k per hour. ~ Eurytos Bow ~ 5.2M

  • #2
    was the other Ranger a Mithra?
    2 wrongs dont make a right but 3 rights make a left


    • #3
      I'm gonna make an assumption that u were both rng/nin
      were both of u using identical weapons?
      maybe u were hitting 10-15more dmg with ur bow but the other rng was hitting 10-15 more dmg with their melee weapon

      -rng ones rng attack hits mob for 103dmg
      -ur rnged attack hits mob for 113dmg
      -u swing ur weapon one of em miss, other hits for 13
      -rng one swings, both hits land for 18

      rng one 18+18+103=139
      u 113+13=126

      Obviously this is way too simplified, its just my guess :sweat:


      • #4
        No. 1 Both Humes
        No. 2 No melee at all, well sometimes, but the only time we were not shooting was when casting utsutsemi. Both using Scorpion arrows.

        Only difference was Eurytos and 1 point of agility from Genin. That's all.

        The point is ... why I did not get hate when pulling if i hit for 8-10 more than him?
        ********* Guilds Level *********
        (>o_o)> Lu Shang Obtained 8/8/2004 <(o_o<)

        Fishing 72.8, Cook 74, Woodworking 60, Leather 35 . Clothcraft 22, Smith 34, alchemy 84.2, Goldsmith 30
        ************ Jobs ************
        Ranger 60, Ninja 37, Rdm 57, Blm 32, Thf 20, War 18

        Current Gil .... 700,000, 25-40k per hour. ~ Eurytos Bow ~ 5.2M


        • #5
          dunno, ive heard the ebow has a hidden str or ranged attack bonus, never heard anything about -eminty....

          and only 10-15 more per hit, wow that doesnt sound like the 6 million or so you spent on that bow is worth it..

          i've been saving forever, even leveled BLM from 12-55 so i could save more gil for the ebow, i have 4.5 im 1.5 short, but theres no way in god's hell i'd spend 6 mil for 10-15 more per hit, its not gonna happen, i'd might as well just save for another 2 months for peacock charm.

          but to answer your question, i have no idea,

          were you guys using the same ammo?

          was he using elemental arrows, that gave him additional damage??

          That does sound weird, but you should be happy, i hate when i steal too mcuh hate from the tank.
          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


          • #6
            Another point ..... He was using food, I did not use any.
            ********* Guilds Level *********
            (>o_o)> Lu Shang Obtained 8/8/2004 <(o_o<)

            Fishing 72.8, Cook 74, Woodworking 60, Leather 35 . Clothcraft 22, Smith 34, alchemy 84.2, Goldsmith 30
            ************ Jobs ************
            Ranger 60, Ninja 37, Rdm 57, Blm 32, Thf 20, War 18

            Current Gil .... 700,000, 25-40k per hour. ~ Eurytos Bow ~ 5.2M


            • #7
              You get a certain amount of hate bonus if you attack the mob first. If he was firing and hit first and you fired second, unless he missed he will take hate on the pull.

