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Which Noct +1 ?

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  • Which Noct +1 ?

    I'm a 34 Ranger and have all the Noct Gear (not +1) and I'm just wondering which of the Noct. +1 gear would be really worth the money to have. I know that I've read that you can keep some of the Noct +1 for a long time, till AF I think. I've looked at some of the +1 stuff and I really don't see spending 35k extra for +1 dex. Any info is greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    All of them, they are simply amazing, it costs a crap load but it is worth it.


    • #3
      Body, Pants, Gloves. Hat if you can't afford hairpin. Boots aren't useful in normal or HQ varieties.


      • #4
        Thanks Guys, I probably can't afford all of them... Even though I know I probably should just to be "uber", but I will invest in the ones that will benifit me the most. And is it true that I can wear the +1's till AF or no?


        • #5
          I'm at 55 now and I'm still wearing the pants, gloves, and body. I swap in AF gloves for shadowbind, and I'll start swapping in the AF pants for sharpshot, but I'll still be using my noct +1 of those for a long time. Yes, you can use the +1 til AF, and beyond.
          74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM


          • #6
            Yea id say Pants and Gloves are more important than Body because Body will be swapped out for AF, not that +1 Body is useless, i used all the +1 (except boots, leaping, and head, Pin)

            Warrior TP Warrior WS


            • #7
              I have them all, and never wear the pants, they are simply to ugly, with the rest of the gear you still have great R. acc
              IMO the glooves are the best, I wear them over AF, without these glooves I would actually do my af quest, but since I have them I can afford to skip on getting them a little longer.
              the Body is great, even if you cant get +1 it's better then any thing else for quite a bit, the boots are mostly for THF imo, the lvl 34 boots with R attack are a lot better, or I use Hume RSE boots when nation does not have control.
              LS- Dark nem.-Tehshexybeats
              Lu shangs-8-31-04
              Fishing 53 Blacksmith 39.4 Leather 15.7


              • #8
                body, hands, legs are the best 3 parts. I use body and hands, legs are sooo ugly.


                • #9
                  Keep in mind I'm a Galka. I spared no expense for leveling my RNG, so I have Noct+1 for the head, body, gloves and legs; I have leaping boots on my feet, and if I had the the money (or luck in killing Valk Emp) I'd be wearing the pin on my head. I think they're worth every penny. My RSE doesn't help me much as a ranger, so I'm not using any of them. As a ranger, Ranged Accuracy and Agility is where it's at for gear. If I had to choose which piece I would do without, I'd get rid of the Noct+1 beret because it's only Dex+2, but would definitely keep every other piece of RAcc gear I could find, which means keeping the rest of the Noct+ gear.

                  But in the end it's up to you. You can be a just an ok or good Ranger with your current noct gear, or you could be one of the best equipped rangers in Vana'diel. When it comes to leveling, your reputation will precede you...and having people know that you're decked out with the best gear around and ready to level will give you the leg up when it comes to getting picked for parties.

                  And because I'm a sick bastard, it's always fun to make other rangers I party with look bad. But that's just how I roll.


                  • #10
                    depends where you level...

                    if your nation is in control of the xp areas you will be in the bastokian or republic pants are a better choice +5 and +7 ranged attakc respectively.

                    otherwise the pants, body, gloves, and hat if you cant afford hairpin.

                    ^^ pretty much what the other guy said.

                    oh and bastokian and republic boots give _3 and +4 ranged accuracy respectively, witch is better then winged boots some think, i switch them in and out depending on if windy is in control of the xp area.
                    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                    • #11
                      I'll be using a HQ bow and updated arrows.

                      I'll be using Noct+1 berret, and body. I'll be using RSE (Elvaan) boots (AGI+3: same as Leaping boots. DEX will help for critical attacks, and I would want to get it... but, it's just out of the question. Elvaan RSE: AGI+3 free; Leaping boots: AGI+3, DEX+3 [won't help that much] 500k). I'll also be using Martial Slacks for two reasons. First, they give AGI. That's wonderful. Second, they give Evasion, I could always use something that useful. Three, they're so much better looking that Noct pants. I'll be wearing RNG's Necklace. AGI+3 (Drone I believe) Earrings. And Dual Weilding Archer's/Hawker's.


                      • #12
                        I have only the Std version of the Body and Gloves. I use the Marital Slacks, Winged,Pin dual Archers for the other parts.
                        I don't even use Sharpshot anymore only for the WS.

                        The one thing i still searching is some nice (affordable means less 500k) RAtt Gear instead of RAcc Gear. I'd rather do 110 instead of 100dmg a shot and don't need the over 90% RAcc. I don't do any HMN or stuff like that.
                        Elsurion : Charactersheet


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Elsurion
                          I have only the Std version of the Body and Gloves. I use the Marital Slacks, Winged,Pin dual Archers for the other parts.
                          I don't even use Sharpshot anymore only for the WS.

                          The one thing i still searching is some nice (affordable means less 500k) RAtt Gear instead of RAcc Gear. I'd rather do 110 instead of 100dmg a shot and don't need the over 90% RAcc. I don't do any HMN or stuff like that.
                          level 34 republic pants give +2 agi, and have way more def then marshal slacks

                          they also give +7 ranged attack when your nation is in control of the xp area....i still use them and plan to well into the 50s, umm till war brias even.
                          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                          • #14
                            Wow Guys thanks for all the info, well I made it to 44 ^^, and as of now I'm pimping the +1 Body and Gloves. I got my Elv Rse boots for feet, and am still wearing my Martials... (I just can't let go.) I'll probably upgrade to the Republic Pants for some added defense.


                            • #15
                              If you are elvaan you can use Noct+1 gloves almost all the way to 75. Otherwise if you are hume I recomend RSE. I used republic pants all the way to Dusk, because for some reason Sandoria always was in control. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

