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New Ranger Gear

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  • New Ranger Gear

    I'm more specifically refering to the new body JSE for level 50 that gives +7 ranged attack.

    i know for fact you get this from the dress up quest giver in bastok, i know that she makes you wear two pieces of specific armor then speak with her again, i also know that then she request a subligear with a specific zodiac sign, i also know that these pieces drop from fomor mobs in tanzinia(sp)

    what i dont know is....How muchy Af do you need for her to give you the quest??? Can i get it with just the rng Af weapon, i know i dont need full Af, but i dont know exactly how much as this is fairly new.

    oh and the new BCNM zodiac whatever has nothing to do with any of this gear.
    Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.

  • #2
    Not sure the minimum pieces you need to wear but I wore my Thf AF bonnet, legs and boots and she gave me the second bit of the quest.


    • #3
      Ive been wondering where this NPC is, i want the harness she gives for THF. Even if i dont use it in PTs its nice to have.

      Warrior TP Warrior WS


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ljarin
        Not sure the minimum pieces you need to wear but I wore my Thf AF bonnet, legs and boots and she gave me the second bit of the quest.
        See i have two options (i have time, alot of time i dont even have tanz. access yet or even started on it because i hated missions way back, then switched jobs so spent alot of time farming and leveling)

        1. I can go as my BLM witch has three Af pieces, counting the weapon, but then im not sure she would give me the ranger piece or not.

        My main think now is getting tanz access, i gotta whip through those missions, so if anyone has a good guide my LS has been bugging me to get it done i just never did, so nows the time i guess, all for 1 piece of
        Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


        • #5
          I went as blm and only wore 1 piece of AF just to see if 1 was all that was needed. She wouldn't give it to me as lvl 50 ninja w/ no AF (tossed the AF katanas a while ago so couldn't try that)

          Once you complete the dress up portion of the quest, you are offered to choose what JSE piece you want. It doesn't need to be of the job you did the dress up part as.

          After you choose the piece, you have to bring the corresponding subligar which drops off of Fomor mobs of the same job type in Ph....r (sp?) Aquaducts or Sacrium. I have read of both areas dropping, havn't confirmed either yet.


          • #6
            i wore my fighters cuisses, fighters mask, fighters caliigae, and fighters mufflers. and i got this quest( not including razor axe)


            • #7
              lol i wanna know if i can wear just my Af weapon

              but if all i need is 3 pieces, counting my weapon then im set.

              my biggest problem is i dont have tavn. access, and i hear thats the only places these fomors spawn....

              .. and more inportantly i hear that the rng fomor mobs only spawn behind a gate that you need a key for, or a thf to pick the lock...

              ok so besides the troubles actually getting this equip...who thinks this equip is worth anything post level 58???

              10 ranged accuracy >>> 7 ranged attack is what i keep hearing, and plp keep telling me quit wasting my time going for this gear when i could smash through the levels to 58 fast enough (i have enough gil to level rng to 75, as far as ammo goes, if i dont buy anything but an attack mantle at level 61+1 that is.
              Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


              • #8
                As I said before, only need to be wearing 1 AF piece. No idea about the weapon counting....

                Anyways. I got my Nokizaru Gi last night and my friend got his rng piece.

                The subligars drop is the Phom(sp?)....Aquaducts. Just have to be past the 3 Promyvion's for Tav access to get to this area.

                We killed 3 Fomor's and got 2 subligar drops. Nin, Rng dropped and Brd didn't. Brd was the only one that was hard to get to, as it was all the way at the end of the dungeon by the Minotaur that you fight to complete Mission 2-3 I believe. Ninja and Ranger were fairly easy to get to.

                Our PT was Nin, Rng, Whm and stuff was EP-DC near the entrance but was quickly VT-IT. The Taurus and Stegosaurs were the nastiest things down there, as they are True Sight. Nothing else seemed to aggro besides the Fomors.

                This gear will be ok to use for the Level 50 cap CoP missions I guess. Its not all that great, we just had a blast exploring something new.

                On a side note, after I got my Gi, I zoned and was allowed to repeat the quest for a different armor. So you CAN repeat this quest if you want multiple armors.


                • #9
                  Thanks for the info, nsxtasy.

                  Is the whatever-aquaducts an area with a level cap? If not, were the RNG and NIN the mobs that were EP-DC to a level 75?


                  • #10
                    Level Cap is 40 in the Aquaducts. Fomor mobs are ITish to lvl 40. The other mobs in the zone vary.


                    • #11
                      wow thnx, so prom missions now, great i shall enjoy those a whooole bunch i'm sure.

                      If i ever get this and a peacock charm, im never leaving balista lvl 50
                      Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                      • #12
                        I've killed 20+ Fomor RNG in the Aqueducts and never seen the Subligar drop.

                        Can anyone confirm if the RNG subligar actually drops in the Aqueducts, and if so from which Fomor Ranger? Serveral people in my linkshell would be interested to know.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Faranim
                          I've killed 20+ Fomor RNG in the Aqueducts and never seen the Subligar drop.

                          Can anyone confirm if the RNG subligar actually drops in the Aqueducts, and if so from which Fomor Ranger? Serveral people in my linkshell would be interested to know.
                          yea a couple rngs in my LS says one type of fomor mob doesnt drop the subligear...

                          I'll go check..

                          i still need prom holla, but do you know exactly what else i need to get to the place where fomor rangers spawn, any more quest? because jesus holla has the be the biggest pain in the ass.
                          Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                          • #14
                            Anyone have a pic?
                            Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
                            Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


                            • #15
                              Looks identical to the war aketon (L70 RNG/THF piece). As in...completely identical. It's not even a palette swap :/

