I'm more specifically refering to the new body JSE for level 50 that gives +7 ranged attack.
i know for fact you get this from the dress up quest giver in bastok, i know that she makes you wear two pieces of specific armor then speak with her again, i also know that then she request a subligear with a specific zodiac sign, i also know that these pieces drop from fomor mobs in tanzinia(sp)
what i dont know is....How muchy Af do you need for her to give you the quest??? Can i get it with just the rng Af weapon, i know i dont need full Af, but i dont know exactly how much as this is fairly new.
oh and the new BCNM zodiac whatever has nothing to do with any of this gear.
i know for fact you get this from the dress up quest giver in bastok, i know that she makes you wear two pieces of specific armor then speak with her again, i also know that then she request a subligear with a specific zodiac sign, i also know that these pieces drop from fomor mobs in tanzinia(sp)
what i dont know is....How muchy Af do you need for her to give you the quest??? Can i get it with just the rng Af weapon, i know i dont need full Af, but i dont know exactly how much as this is fairly new.
oh and the new BCNM zodiac whatever has nothing to do with any of this gear.