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Berserk affects Racc?

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  • Berserk affects Racc?

    Just a short question:

    Now I'm prettu sure about berserk adding atk and lowering def, and that's it. However, I partied with a person, who shall reamin nameless for now...

    This person said that "I won't use berserk (rng/war) since I never hit with it on, it lowers my Racc." And I say: "No, it doesn't." He however was adamant about this.

    What made me very suspiciious was that he told the brd to not give him minuet + madri, with the reason : It's like berserk, it lowers my ranged!

    I told him that minuet ups his damage, and that he should indeed get prelude, since madrigal only ups his melee acc.

    We discussed for a while, and then he went: Just drop it, I won't change opinion. You think whatever you want, I'll do it my way.

    So, I said go to any forum and ask. I'll do the same. And here I am. Boggled.

  • #2
    He's talking rubbish.


    • #3
      Yeah, it ruins your accuracy just like focus and aggressor do.
      Meditate makes my TP gain slower.
      Last Resort and Souleater are negative enmity job abilities.
      etc. etc.

      Don't get too annoyed with him. If people like that weren't around, then there would be nobody to act stubborn and ignorant and make everyone else look better in the process.
      SAM 74


      • #4
        SORRY I'd take the other approach...boot him.

        bottom line i was just in a great party last night with a warrior who used berserk and warcry, and i was hittin barrage for 702 points of dmg, 622 points of damage, i still got those low 280s sometimes, but alot of them were 600+

        my regular ranged attacks went from 101-111 to 146-189 (w/ crit)

        I mean he might as well of had no sub, because he's basically slowing you guys down times a million.

        ...and the really sad part about it was there probably wasnt another ranmger lfg, so its like you'd probably be best keeping the rng who was gimping himself with sub and abilities.
        Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


        • #5
          Is this with your your 75 job this party? Anyway, of course I would boot him if there was someone lfp that could replace him (assuming you're the party leader). If that was at 75, shouldn't he know that by now?
          SAM 74


          • #6
            i used rng/war for all my career for exping and berserk has never affected my accuracy.


            • #7

              The elvaan ranger Elcan whom I partied with (oops, that wasn't a namedrop, was it?) was only 34, it was while levelling my warrior subjob.

              However, when I pulled the highleve card on him and said: "What do I know, I've only played to lvl75 once... I'm probably wrong." he countered by saying he had a lower 60's pld and a 50-something war....

              Very odd to have levelled warrior to 50+ and still not grasp the mechanics of berserk...

              (Had this been with the level 75 party I would have thrown him out immediately, and told him to not buy accounts.) Anyways, thanks for clearing it up, I actually thought about it for a while. Dubiously, but still.... You DO hear something new in this game every day ^^


              • #8
                Originally posted by poweryoga
                i used rng/war for all my career for exping and berserk has never affected my accuracy.
                heh rng war isnt as bad as most rng/nins think, but for me its like how could you go /war when /nin is not only a safer bet (less deaths for sure) but it saves you money, fact is a rng/war will miss more using more ammo...

                I'm just curious to why you shose to stick it out so long with rng/war, when going from 70-75 with rng is like going from 1-30 with nin.

                yeah name drops and other character levels are kinda lame, i only did it once to prove to a taru BLM that elemental staffs add dmg depending on the spell i.e. fire staff fire spells, and even after i casted 10+ spells with and w/o the staff he called it luck, i mean people will believe whatever they want to and usually you cant change their minds, thats why i may be a little swifter to boot someone then most.
                Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Thegod
                  heh rng war isnt as bad as most rng/nins think, but for me its like how could you go /war when /nin is not only a safer bet (less deaths for sure) but it saves you money, fact is a rng/war will miss more using more ammo...

                  Whether it hits or not doesnt matter. I constantly spam arrows/bolts reguardless.


                  • #10
                    I'm just curious to why you shose to stick it out so long with rng/war, when going from 70-75 with rng is like going from 1-30 with nin.
                    Probably because not everyone likes /nin. I feel gimped without my war sub.


                    • #11
                      i'm 74 and i plan to use nin sub for this last level (whenever i get crimson finger gauntlets)

                      but I used war in pt because i have never needed nin sub for any exp pt. a bit less accurate but not that much of a problem. Sometimes when i have the shittiest tank on earth i wish i had nin sub, but other times when I pt with competent plds I need to turn the mob so warcry/provoke comes in handy for those SATA sharkbite/spinning slash.

                      Do I die more than nin sub? No. knowing how to moderate your shots and avoiding shitty tanks is the first rule in survival, not blink tanking and spamming arrows with no heed for hate.

                      plus i dont like blink tanking.


                      • #12
                        i think war sub is very useful when paired with a pld. (although i had a set nin >.>) If you ever pt with a good pld with shitloads of enmity gear, you cant take hate from him even with slug/side. and like poweryoga said, need that extra /unf to make the mob face you. at higher lvls tho ie. Lv74-75, to get good amounts of exp and with the choices you are left with to exp on, /nin is a must. sometimes you have to slug in the beginning so you can keep chaining and with war sub you will just get rocked in 1-2 hits.

                        on topic, berserk does not lower acc, whoever said that should quit the game and go play WoW or something ;p
                        RNG 75 / DRG 75 / NIN 75 / WAR 73 / THF 46 / SAM 39 / BLM 31 / WHM 31 / DRK 17 / BST 15 / MNK 12 / BRD 9 / SMN 8 / PLD 5 / RDM 5


                        • #13
                          /nin is not only a safer bet (less deaths for sure) but it saves you money, fact is a rng/war will miss more using more ammo...
                          Ehh, We really not missing enough to compare to the price of your ninja tools... just seems like people completely forget about that sometimes.

