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Ranger leveling Question :)

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  • Ranger leveling Question :)

    Howdy to everyone out there, hope you're all well . I have heard from many friends that a ranger can solo on worms for quite a while, what i'm wondering is if someone could provide me with a small leveling guide, including the area the worms are in, and how long to level there.

    Thanks a lot to anyone who can help me out ^^
    All HQ elemental staves
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  • #2
    0-5 - any city
    5-10 - any city area again, or the Highlands near 7/8.
    10/11-15/16 - go to the Maze and hunt their worms
    16-21~22 (depending on whether you want very very easy xp off of DCs or not) - Korroloka Tunnel.
    21/22-25/26? - Qufim

    Not exactly sure after that, but K tunnel is quite a nice place to lv for my rng

    If you can duo for these places, even better. Shorten the lvs by 1 or 2.
    •70 Samurai•

    too many assholes choosing money over friends


    • #3
      If you go to Lathiene by the lake there is a great amount of worms you can get PL'ed by or even solo around 8-13(14). They are really nice for exp.


      • #4
        After qufim you can be PL'ed on the amphisbaena worms in Gusgen. I believe you can also be PL'ed on the abyss worms (sp?) in Shakrami but I don't know where they are (I've been to Shak like a total of 5 times).

        If youhave a PL'er, you can do amphisbaena til 28's or so, then do mandrags in yuhtunga. Yes they are THAT easy. They hit incredibly weak even on a RNG, and are quite easy to hit with 2 archer knives... and they'll each give you 200 xp. Nice, fast xp.

        If you are just soloing (no PLer) I don't know if I recommend either of the aforementioned methods. Amphisbaenas can still be soloed (worms after all) maybe with some HP regen food, but lots of skeletons and stuff will aggro you in there if you're not careful.
        I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


        • #5
          Hello everyone,

          I am just a little curious, at level 40 what do you expect out of a ranger you party with? I guess I am trying to see if I am doing everything I am supposed to be doing.

          I am also wondering is it true we are supposed to pull everytime? I thought the tank or a thf was a better puller because of their speed in grabing the mob. Am I wrong?

          I am guessing we need to know how to hold our hate, skillchain, scan and pull. Am I missing anything.
          Its a good day to die.


          • #6
            Gray Fox: At 40 I expect a ranger to pull, SC, and manage his/her own hate, but the main thing I expect is damage. I see a lot of rangers who fire 1 or 2 shots per battle, swing their daggers, and SC only. Not cool. I generally wouldn't invite a ranger AND thf to the same party, but I understand what you mean about pulling. Only time someone other than rng should pull (at least at the lvls I've played, I won't speak for 60+) is if competition for mobs is really high. Then you might need a war to voke-pull, or a thf with a boomerang. Don't forget ranger has a passive trait that helps with avoiding aggro -- can't remember what it's called. On my rng, I always pull. I sub nin, so I don't stop firing until I get hate. Sharpshot > WS > Barrage > WS, let the pld cover me if the mob's not dead (rarely happens). Know how to get the most out of your abilities, and you'll find that samurais have trouble keeping up with your tp. :spin:
            74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM


            • #7
              why wouldnt you invite a ranger and a thf??

              granted that is two members who can pull, but so what, a ranger's best friend is a thf, someone to plant that much needed hate onto the tank allowing the ranger to fire more shoots.

              When i play ranger, theres no set amount of times i fire, I fire as much as i can w/o stealing hate every time. I mean if a thf can build tp fast, and we are fighting mobs with alot of HP, or high for our level, then that sata at the start of every fight makes all the difference, i can spam arrows sometimes and still not pull the hate.

              I soloed mandys in the first jungle at 28, soloed gobs there from 30-32, when decent evasion they are easy.....

              I never soloed anything for xp post level 33, parties are alot faster if you join a DD heavy party.
              Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


              • #8
                I was having connection issue one night and a thf said arn't rangers supposed to pull. I generally don't voulnteer for the job unless they ask me, I am pritty lazy when it comes to getting mobs. Altough when I do pull I go for exp chain 6s and what not.

                Some times I see rngs and thfs steal a mob I am trying to get while I have my bow out. I even seen a rng use voke, so I ask myself what should I do. I got voke, I macroed to switch to crossbow for faster shooting. Or should I just get a boomerang? What ranged weapon has the lowest delay?

                I do a lot of damge, although sometimes I miss a lot with Barrage or I just don't do enough. Should I always use barrage? I noticed in the begining if you use it you can get almost all the arrows to hit, but when I wait for the tank to build hate I notice that I do mostly less with barrage.

                Also what WS do you guys find most damaging? Or do you base it off what SC you all create?

                I do all the things you listed. I only can level it when my bro is on as smn so we only party once a weekend. I generally stop caring for hate when I see that the faster I kill it gains more exp then just letting the tank take all the hits (wouldn't you do the same?)

                So the thf was right I should learn to pull better? Other then that I am doing fine.

                While I am at it, when do you all start to bring in your guns? I got a good gun and I just but a stack of bullets for the hell of it. Any changes after the 40's? I am guesing at the 50's yes cause of unlimated shot and sidewinder.
                Its a good day to die.


                • #9
                  Thegod: I'm not saying I'd never party with a rng and thf. I know from my own experience though that as a rng I do NOT like trying to be a trick buddy. If the thf or tank is at all slow to get into position, I take a beating as soon as my blinks are down. I'd just generally rather give that slot to someone else. Also, TP gain. I found that on my rng I tend to build TP very fast. Waiting for SATA to be ready really slowed down the number of SC our party would make. I'm in a static as rng, so I'm a bit spoiled. We have an excellent pld who only loses hate to me if I'm spamming bullets and using barrage early in the fights. Our thf changed to mnk when we got to 50, and the exp got much better after that. If it was a nin tank, hmm, that would be different.

                  Gray Fox: In general I've found that pulling -- knowing when to pull, how to avoid links, how to time pulls for chains, etc. is one of the most challenging parts of the game. Learn to pull. Learn to pull well, if only for the sake of your own exp. You don't want to swap out weapons for pulling, as you'll lose TP. If you're being out-pulled a whole lot, then you might want to move camp. As for guns, I wouldn't bother until 50, when you can get the Muskateer's gun and use silver bullets. I only just got sidewinder, so I haven't messed with it much. In exp pt, so far I've found that I miss with it unless the mob has frost/grav/abs-agi or some combination of those on it. I tend to use it only if sharpshot is ready and mob is fully enfeebed. I have 2 SC's set up, one with mnk and one with pld, so I use the WS that will best accomodate that.
                  74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM


                  • #10
                    When I pull I always ask the whm at what mp mark do you want me to stop pulling. I pull accordingly to what he/she says, as far as exp chains go I don't know the exact timeing but when ever the mob is near death I stop shooting and get ready to head out and pull.

                    When pulling the only link problems I come into are pop ups, I don't know how you avoid something that spawns infront of your camp. We just put it to sleep so I find that usefull.

                    As for barrage I guess I should studie the different effects the mob has on it, so I know when to pull it off.

                    Thanks for the impute guys I am injoying ranger this far, for all you guys that think its hard just fish for the money thats what I do.
                    Thanks again.
                    Its a good day to die.


                    • #11
                      i understand your point, the TANK messed up our sata 4 times in a row, and i go to explain and he's like i know how sata work...

                      is it me or is 4 times in a row way too many times to mess up sata, not to mentio those 4 fights i could barely fire a single shot as he wasted all his MP on the first mob, and me and the other rng sent tells saying we dont need him just bounce hate back and forth and we'll act like pre-37 ninjas.

                      so yeah i dont like to be the sata buddy, but with a great thf, i love to be the sata buddy it turns that 59 distortion into a 180+ distortion.


                      Lightseeker is right, there arnt very many "skills" you need to play this game, i mean as long as you know how press a buttom 90% of things can be done easily, everything else is just game knowledge...

                      with that said i persoanlly do not like to pull, if we have another ranger i'll ask/let him/her pull, if not then someone is always eager to pull, the only time i demand to pull is if the puller gets a link when i feel he could have avoided it, or i feel they are waiting to long, so i'll bind the mob and put like a timmer on the resting (if we are resting for MP at all that is, i try to party with a bunch of rngs as much as i can, but rngs are always busy and not wanting to level, i always want to xp my ranger, i'll xp my ranger any chance i can get.
                      Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.

