Originally posted by Mithrael
to determin length of time to get ot 100%tp:
int(100 / tp_per_swing + .99) * (delay / 60)
You add .99 to force a roundup (because 8.01 is actually 9 swings/shots), then INT it to remove the fractional part.
to determin length of time to get ot 100%tp:
int(100 / tp_per_swing + .99) * (delay / 60)
You add .99 to force a roundup (because 8.01 is actually 9 swings/shots), then INT it to remove the fractional part.
int(some number) will just truncate the decimal following it.
I think it's better if you say
Ceiling(100 / tp_per_swing + .99)*(delay/60)
(ceiling function)
nice information btw ^^b thank you
I know why I could get TP faster with my crossbow assuming the accuracy is not much difference