/WAR only shines when you have a good THF or /THF. Otherwise you have to hold back too much so that the /NIN will actually do more damage. Unless you don't hold back, in which case you get hit for crazy damage cuz of RNG paper defense, and waste your mages' MP. In that case you're doing more damage at the expense of your actual experience and team play, since that just means more downtime. A well equipped /NIN will get aggro without a doubt if they don't hold back, so I see no way a well equipped /WAR could go all out.
I can see /nin being more useful if you're in solo WS spam mode, but even then I take a little issue with it. Even if you use a WS early, you're going to be tanking until your pally gets hate back, or the mob is dead if you're in a damage stacked party (Multiple blm or rng). Until he does that, you're basically doing jack because you can't effective shoot and blink tank because of weapon delay. In that amount of time, your /war would be unloading stacking the damage up until WS.