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STR boost gear

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  • STR boost gear

    When it comes to HNMing, and HNMing gear, my rng does fine dmg and i like having +98798798798778 acc. But when it comes to lesser stuff (the oldschool HNMs, exp mobs, general stupid crap) my dmg is less than i would like. so i was looking to reconfigure my gear.

    atm im thinking like this:

    head - Wryven Helm(already bought)
    neck - Ranger Necklace(have it)
    earring1 - fenrir earring(have it already)
    earring2 - trimuph earring(1mil ; ; )
    body - kirin osode(i wish lol, more likely Nashiarmi Vest. blue C is ugly)
    gloves - doesnt matter (rng gets no decent str gloves, crimison probly best here)
    Rings - coral x2(not using +rng acc ring is bad mojo, maybe str rings)
    back - amemet+1 (already have)
    waist - jungle sash (already have)
    pants - dusk/af2/byakko hediate[need someday] (no good str pants for rng)
    boots - Warboots (heroic have +2 emnity, that doesnt seem like a good idea)
    weapon1 - fransica
    weapon2 - Kregsbeil(since no1 has it more likely woodville axe[1 mil ; ;])
    ranged - Ebow ()
    ammo - whatever

    just trying to get other people oppinon

  • #2
    hmm, well rng necklace you can drop for spike necklace or something.. genin earring isnt str either, you could get another triumph. I like to use genin and fenrir's earring personally (+10 rng att at night, but yeah i know you want STR :x) Not sure though, but wouldnt a gun with cannon shells extremely outdamage your E bow :x

    It's fun to deck out in all kinds of +stat gear. My thief has +40STR with meat and all my hec pieces and other stuff. WS are nice x.x


    • #3
      forgot about my fenrir earring lol. The logic behind pumping str is:
      str increases dmg curve, which +atk/ratk raises the average dmg. and being mithra makes it easy to hit the average dmg cap on +ratk gear easy(which +60 or so i have it so my hits have like 2-4 dmg difference a hit)


      • #4
        Just so you know, for a regular shot, 1 STR = 1 extra damage. I don't know if that's what you're looking for but yeah adding STR isn't going to affect your damage significantly. Also, for weak stuff your ranged attack and STR both have a soft cap anyway. The only way STR affects your WS when capped already is through secondary stat bonuses... which don't make your damage go up that much in small increments. For guns or crossbows which don't even use STR as a secondary stat in WS, STR won't affect your WS damage if everything is capped. For bow it will affect it very marginally (I think it has 16% STR for secondary stat, combined with your level (75) that means you would need 8 or 9 STR just to notice ANY difference).

        BTW... what does being mithra have to do with your RATK damage cap? :confused: :confused:

        P.S. This is all according to Studio Gobli:
        I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


        • #5
          oh, i have seen one person on ifrit with that Kregsbeil so when i get 99 seals i am going for it i am 60 and i alredy have 69 kin seals :D and if some one on ifrit can get i i know i can get it :p :sweat:


          • #6
            Originally posted by coolffxi
            oh, i have seen one person on ifrit with that Kregsbeil so when i get 99 seals i am going for it i am 60 and i alredy have 69 kin seals :D and if some one on ifrit can get i i know i can get it :p :sweat:
            Yeah you can do the 99 seals bcnm but its not a 100%drop.
            Also the person who you saw it on (I'm assuming its him) bought it for 10 mil.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kastel
              Not sure though, but wouldnt a gun with cannon shells extremely outdamage your E bow :x
              Cannon shells only stack to 12 and are 6k/stack, which is roughly equivalent to 50k/normal stack. Additionally they are only usable with Culverin making the practicality >very< limited. Oh, and the delay is so outrageous that dmg/time would not be any better (most liekly actually be worse) and would only be higher because of weapon skills and barrage, but reequipping ammo every 12 shots (or 6 shots and barrage) is not my idea of fun regardless.
              However, the point of gun > bow dmg remains... =]

              Oh, and which Themis orb does that axe drop from, anyways? ^^:
              San D'orian Taru ~ All the courage of Sandy, all the cute, fluffy qualities of a taru.


              • #8
                well seeing as the original poster was hinting towards spending literally millions to increase damage ratio x.x

                hurray for cannon shells!


                • #9
                  Pfft...the original poster is a silly man cat who doesnt know what he wants. (He already has most of it, save Triumph earring and a few other random stuff).
                  <2 for Pauline ;x
                  But yea, even if its economically feasible for you to conistantly use Cannon shells, its not space effecient since they only stack to 12...If anything, you'd use silver bullets for most stuff and cannon shells for WSs.
                  San D'orian Taru ~ All the courage of Sandy, all the cute, fluffy qualities of a taru.


                  • #10
                    i guess thats true being mithra doesnt effect it weather i hit cap for ratk or not. Atm i have 55ratk 65 @ night with fenrir earring, i can take off warboots(5atk) necklace(5atk) and amemet+1(15atk & 2str) and my average damage may change like 5. as for WS dmg, i think they changed marks ws to the same as archery in this patch

                    i think im just goin to get a paser an play around lol


                    • #11
                      /wave Dade. Hope you're having fun in Hades... guess I can't xp with your SMN :p

                      Hm, I don't see anything in those update notes about markmanship + archery WS Dade. Also, Studio Gobli hasn't changed their descriptions of markmanship and archery WS, even though they changed their description of Wheeling Thrust (which was changed in that update you linked to). I think markmanship and archery WS still retain their previous attributes, including their slight differences on secondary stat bonuses.

                      Anyway, something I've always been confused about: how do you know whether something that adds +atk also adds +rng atk? Does anything that add +atk also add +rng atk? We know it's not the other way around (since items that add +rng atk won't add to your ATK rating), but since so many items are +ATK, do they help us too?
                      I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                      • #12
                        I wouldn't think so. Unless amemet +1 adds 30 r. atk which seems pretty outrageous. (The stats are +15 r. atk and +15 atk.) Also it wouldnt make sense unless acc. affected r. acc. and we can be sure thats not true (rings that give -acc. and +r. acc.) I suppose it would still be possible, but it would defy logical thinking (which then again with SE you never know).
                        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                        PSN: Caspian

