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Emptyness BCNM with HolyBolts?

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  • Emptyness BCNM with HolyBolts?

    Last time i was down there, i used the slicing trough the 3+1 Levels to level my Markmanship, i used Venom and Holy Bolts, but what i seen there i did nice dmg on the other hand the stays aggroed me on a larger distance with holy then with venom.

    Anyone else seen noticed that as well? And has anyone used Bolts in the BCNM instad of Arrows or Bullets?
    Elsurion : Charactersheet

  • #2
    I've only used acid/holy bolts in all of the emptyness.

    One of the reasons for this is that at lvl 30, holy bolts do a larger, if not more, amount of damage than arrows. They hit for about the same damage or more w/ add effect, and x-bow shoots faster.

    The other reason for this, is my only lvl 30 ranged weapon I have left is my Zamburak +1

    I can't really answer about the aggro range changing due to holy bolts.


    • #3
      Acid bolt on boss mob is nice.


      • #4
        Given that high lvl rngs still use holy bolts at 60+, I would say that using holy bolts for bcnm is just fine.


        • #5
          Status bolts OWN in Promyvion

          Holy Bolts
          Acid Bolts
          Bloody Bolts <-- UNBELIEVABLE in the empty
          Sleep Bolts <-- Amazing party saver (great for those pesky strays on lvl 3 ^_^)

