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sa+sidewinder.. {Yes please}

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  • sa+sidewinder.. {Yes please}

    ok, first off, i know sata only stacks with melee, im *not* a noob thank you very much ^_^ (this is a kinda ironic post, but im really bored, so whatever >_<)

    anyways, i did some thinking the other day (long time ago, duh) and i thought that sa+sidewinder SHOULD stack, if lined up correctly.

    Lets say i stand behind the mob, readies sneak attack, and WHAM ws. nothin happends, right?

    but what if you stood so close that the arrow itself actually was inside the mob (see pic), or on its very skin? in that case it would be like pushing an arrow into the mobs back. like you "push" (read beat) the sword into the mob.

    imo this should work, yet it doesnt?
    i understand that to use trickattack, this cant work becuz you have to stand behind the person you tricks at, and then it would become a ranged attack and the effect dissapears.

    any suggestions? i would think it kinda funny if they added something like this, like a lil farmingtreat ^_^

    ps. beware my paint-skillz ^_^
    Attached Files
    Looking for static with lv57mnk/war, nixe eq, drop me a tell(Laviene > Seraph) please =)

  • #2
    um no.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Hehe, nifty idea, but realize that this game's mechanics are in no shape or form equal to what *should* or *shouldn't* work in this fantasy world. This game has its own reasoning and guidelines for its mechanics, and they are not based on reality :p

      Sidewinder should definitely NOT stack with SA, or it would be so horrendously overpowered it's not even funny. It's like a PLD asking for a DEF+100 trait and a VIT+50 JA with 5 min cooldown. Hell it'll be great, and in some ways even in line with the job's role, but it would be overpowered :p

      Why you ask? Sidewinder is already the strongest WS in the game. The only WS that has the same 5x damage modifier is a 300% TP Full Swing, and you already know how crappy damage from staff is generally. Its downside is its inherent inaccuracy. Sneak Attack guarantees not only a critical hit, but 100% accuracy.. making a strong WS way too overpowered.

      Funny pic though :sweat:
      I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by neighbortaru
        um no.
        I second that
        [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


        • #5
          first off, as i said in the first post, i was being kinda ironic, just wanted to see ppls reactions ^_^

          2nd, doesnt sneakattack only grants the 2 first hits to connect? thats what i thought atleast >_<

          3rd. would you choose that over /war or /nin to get one crit/min and a certain 2+ hit sidewinder? im not too surei would >_<

          and i didnt know a 300%tp fullswing did 5*dmg, my usually does less then a normal hit when i try it out ^_^
          Looking for static with lv57mnk/war, nixe eq, drop me a tell(Laviene > Seraph) please =)


          • #6
            NO ^_^ NO ^_^ NO ^_^
            Originally posted by Kailea-D
            yeah you only Fame because you could not make a nice costume like that, I am a guy.....and I know this would sound really wrong.....but I would love to dress up at a convention as my ingame self, nothing wrong with a MIthra Dragoon, well except that I would be a guy...but that is not the point.....the point is I would do it because it would be really fun to live my ingameselfs life for one day :p


            • #7
              picasso at his finest...


              • #8
                Originally posted by MurviD
                first off, as i said in the first post, i was being kinda ironic, just wanted to see ppls reactions ^_^

                2nd, doesnt sneakattack only grants the 2 first hits to connect? thats what i thought atleast >_<

                3rd. would you choose that over /war or /nin to get one crit/min and a certain 2+ hit sidewinder? im not too surei would >_<

                and i didnt know a 300%tp fullswing did 5*dmg, my usually does less then a normal hit when i try it out ^_^
                Sidewinder is a single hit attack that does the damage of 5 hits, if it connects. SA would make it so that you could never miss, and boost your damage. That, quite frankly, is absurd.


                • #9
                  They should let Souleater + Ranged Attacks stack (Sidewinder) and just give Rangers the ability to Sneak Attack.
                  ヽ(`Д´)ノ★ RNG75 NIN37
                  retired or something


                  • #10
                    love the mspaint pic ^^a

                    but yeah, that would be frighteningly overpowered


                    • #11
                      Not to be the big "ney sayer", but Sneak Attack can miss.....just doesnt very often. Not only to the obvious (fighting a goblin that used Perfect Dodge) but fighting beasts that are 3-4 tiers higher than you, you will miss on occasion.

                      /end 2cents
                      **Co-Founder of TheCynicalJadedBastardsWhoUsedToGiveAShitButRealizedThatGetsYouNowhereSoNowWeJustInsultPeopleAndCussALot**
                      +302 lvls gained (not including the -20 for purposely deleveling BRD to 45)

                      If you havent played BST past 35, you havent played BST.


                      • #12
                        really? o_O

                        I was under the impression that SA never misses no matter what. The only time i see it miss is if the monster turns around a bit so that you're not lined up perfectly anymore. :confused: :confused:


                        • #13
                          You cannot miss a 100% guaranteed critical if you are lined up and the mob is facing the right way. Wonder why you only "miss" sometimes? It's because you screwed up. Yes lets give SA/TA to RNG so they would become the gods of hate control after 60. Great idea


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by xarddrax
                            Not to be the big "ney sayer", but Sneak Attack can miss.....just doesnt very often. Not only to the obvious (fighting a goblin that used Perfect Dodge) but fighting beasts that are 3-4 tiers higher than you, you will miss on occasion.

                            /end 2cents
                            SA can't miss if lined up correctly. I say "nay."

                            Nice MS Paint.
                            You know I'm right.


                            • #15
                              There has been times that people, including myslef, have missed sneak when we were aligned perfectly. Its just a glitch or a little hiccup up that VERY rarely happens. Its pretty much 100% connection.
                              "<dsbnh|VC> saw chocolate boxer shorts yesterday
                              <dsbnh|VC> first thing that hit me was "may contain
                              nuts" -warbucket

