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Othinus bow

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  • Othinus bow

    this impossible for me to get >< you cant kill the gobs solo at 67 to spawn it and you certainly cant kill the NM...when i first went down to GUsgen a pt was trying to kill it and died when it was at 5% health lol so i destroyed it of course...and NO DROP!!!

    well next day i camped it i had some frineds help..well i try again...and again ..and not even a pop..for a bout a week. the next day friends are so fed up they dont want to help so i just sit in Gusgen hoping the pt exping there would pop it..of course no luck.. well.. i paid a couple 75's to do it and voila t poped! after about 3 hours -.- ...we fought it and well..i didnt get the drop...
    welll thats 130k wasted..what the hell now >< this would be alot easier if it wasnt a lottery pop.
    Life seems black and white to me......

  • #2
    I killed it once with a smn friend by training it to the zone and and another time I had friends camp with me. good thing pop only took 2 hours the second time and got the drop.


    • #3
      I hoping it's not because you are camping GUSGEN for the o-bow... I'm positive that Wyvernpoacher spawns in GUSTAV.

      Other than that, all i can say is gah >_<; It's dropped both times I have fought it, and as few as 4 level 70s can take it, maybe even less, I'm not sure.

      Good luck on a future spawn.


      • #4
        1/10 wyvernpoacher drachlox.

        what a bastard.


        • #5
          its not a lottery pop.

          Its a timed spawn.


          • #6
            Originally posted by poweryoga
            its not a lottery pop.

            Its a timed spawn.
            Its a lottery pop.

            I've had it pop 2-3 times during an exp party there and other times I havn't seen it.

            Its lowest respawn time seems around 1hr30, highest probably 6hrs+.
            55% Skill
            35% Equipment
            10% Race

            White Mage - 75 - Completed
            Ninja - 75 - Completed
            Summoner - 75 - Completed
            My Livejournal


            • #7
              yeah hes a lottery pop. can pop in a few seconds, can pop tomorrow. just like that damn sagittaurus X-XIII... 10 hours ugh...


              • #8
                said it was timed spawn because it usually pops in 2-6 hours. Oh well, if its lottery its lottery :p


                • #9
                  Like all lottery pop NMs, there is still a time of "refreshing" or whatever between spawns.

                  After you kill a lottery pop NM, you can't find it immediately after the next PH kill.

                  You have to wait a certain amount of time, which varies from NM to NM.
                  I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                  • #10
                    This isn't really a reply, but Ryken, are you the Ryken from Alexander? If so.......WASSUP! It's Kie!

