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Dmg 50+? (and hawkers)

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  • Dmg 50+? (and hawkers)

    hiya, i just got my dual hawkers this very day (gotta do some braggin =)) but i dont know if i should just sell em and buy my archers back.

    they went for 299,999 gil a piece, and considering its only 1.5r.acc and 0.5 evasion, it feels kinda.. unnecessary.
    walkjing around 50+ with archers is like walking around with no +1 rings (imho) espacially since rng is a very expensive job. But more and more players 70+ with the coral+1 rings (250k) and strider boots etc, are using archers..

    i dont wanna feel gimped, but will i if i use dual archers?
    appriciate any response ^_^

    next questio.

    the other day i was in a pt in crawlers nest, we fought mainly flies but one or another crawler got sucked in in our rage.
    anyways, we had a very nice drg in our pt. in NO WAY outstanding eq, pretty much what you at least expect. (+2dex rings, fairly updated eq etc) but with minuetIII and when i switched to acid bolt. he almost outdmged me (when i used holy bolts) even though i constantly spammed bolts until i had capped my marksmanship.

    so, darks are coming closer in dmg, my friends say they do about 100dmg per hit. and with the less delay they would outdmg me on neutrl mobs, such as beetles etc.
    will ranger dmg increase as we lvl? i was absolutely astonished when i did 100dmg per arrow at mandys at 30. now i do ~~110 steady at flying creatures.. so for 15 lvls, my dmg hasnt increased that much.

    i read of stories when you do 120-130 with ebow or musketeer+1. and when i hear the 100-dmg-per-hit-thingy by my friends, i get kinda worried.
    i dont want to spend 10k a stack on silver bullets if i dont excel in my job, to do dmg. atm 3k per stack for scorps is no problem, but when the day that the cost triples, and i still dont do alot (or just a little) more dmg then my drk companion, is the day that i quit being rng.

    sidewinder/slugshot at 55 will boost our dmg i guess, but if so only by a mere hundreds of dmg ahead of the drks.

    can anyone post results of a parserlog of xping at 55+? would be awsume =)

    Looking for static with lv57mnk/war, nixe eq, drop me a tell(Laviene > Seraph) please =)

  • #2
    I wouldn't really say you'd be gimped using archers by any stretch of the imagination. Hawkers are nice, but they're also showpiece gear.

    Your damage from about 50ish until you get to 55 will look like it sucks. You get most of your damage over other melee at this point though a better hit rate. At 55, you get a fair boost again because of how hard sidewinder hits. From this point on, if you want to "really" outdamage people, you have to start slinging large amounts of gil around.


    • #3
      hawkers are nice to have, and while not 100% necessary, they're pretty damn good. I don't know why its 300k on your server but on ours i bought mine for about 120k so its no reason not to upgrade.

      Well, 300k on the other hand is not worth it for a hawker IMO.


      • #4
        hawkers havent been 120 on midgard for a long time...theyre close to 300k on our server as well, and will probably escalate as long as dragon blood prices remain as absurd as they are.


        • #5
          Yeah, I was sorta worried about damage after 55, it seems. If you're not terribly rich, you're going to stick with either Sarnga or War Bow +1 with (mostly) Scorpion Arrows until nearly endgame. This means that all the other melees get new weapons, while you stay the same. I guess with the OBow at 67, it'll be better, but I hate the look of crossbows.


          • #6
            so if i use silver bullets and musketeer+1.. how much will i outdmg the drk/drg/<insertotherddjobhere>?
            i saw a parser between ebow + demon, and musketeer + silver. where they did ~~120-130 dmg per hit. and if the drk/drg/<inserotherddjobhere> do approx 100dmg per hit/delay-time. the we will stay VERY close because of the huge delay on gun. right?

            so at that point, i will do maybe 150-200 more with regular shots, and maybe... 400 more with your ws? (a guess dont have a job past 55 yet >_<)

            so im basicly going to spend 100k per xp party, to do 600 more dmg per fight then others? >_<

            its not fair


            (since these numbers are only estimates, plz post some, parsed or on the top of your head, anything is better then mine ^_^)
            Looking for static with lv57mnk/war, nixe eq, drop me a tell(Laviene > Seraph) please =)


            • #7
              Don't worry too much about it MurviD

              Don't forget that you have Barrage. It's a meditate that deals 300++ damage. If it gets you another sidewinder, that's almost 800 damage for free every 5 minutes.

              Everyone talks about DoT and how some jobs have great DoT and that burst Damage isn't as important as needed blahbalhbalhbalh. But IMO, Burst damage is great. It's what gets you the chain 5. Basically, if your melee don't have TP to do a SC during chain 5, you're going to have to depend on your BLM or RNG to "finish it". That usually means when the mob is half life, Sidewinder >> barrage >> Sidewinder or some form of it.

              Sidewinder is crazy damage. Pretty much the only WS that can keep up Pre-60 is Rampage. And that really varies Warrior by Warrior, since it's damage output is dependant on if aggressor and berserk is up. Sidewinder is a bit more consistent as it pretty much deals above 400 if it hits. Sidewinder also closes Fragmentation and starts Distortion. Two great positions that pretty much handles most of the mob's weaknesses (I doubt you'll be fighting bones). And remember, an extra 400 dmg on a closing WS can mean up to 200++ more renkei effect (remember Viperbite).

              Don't worry about it



              • #8
                IFRIT i was like WTF i finy get like 600k to by best stuff in ah at about level 40. i checked all ah prices a mnth ago. this hole thing happend like 2 months ago. i go to ah the first time to look up hawkers 110k-130k ok good price i think go back 2 months later BASTERDS ARE 300k each WTF.. god damn crafters...:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


                • #9
                  It's funny when people blame the wrong people due to sheer ignorance.

                  How the hell is it the crafter's fault?

                  Generally on most servers people sell Hawker's at a LOSS because they are trying for HQ Hawker. Check the price of Dragon's Blood, usually they are for the same price or more of the hawker's knife.

                  Blame the HNM LS's camping Fafnir etc for Dragon Bloods. It's not the crafters' fault -_-
                  I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by coolffxi
                    IFRIT i was like WTF i finy get like 600k to by best stuff in ah at about level 40. i checked all ah prices a mnth ago. this hole thing happend like 2 months ago. i go to ah the first time to look up hawkers 110k-130k ok good price i think go back 2 months later BASTERDS ARE 300k each WTF.. god damn crafters...:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
                    amen rugal, crafting hawkers has been a considerable loss for crafters on midgard for quite some time now.


                    • #11
                      I do agree with part of it being fafnir ls's etc.
                      Part of it is due to the same thing that is causing archer's knives to skyrocket...Promyvion. Since CoP came out archer's knives on fairy have jumped from 10k to as much as 50k. As I recall before all this madness hawkers were around 120-150k. Now they're over 200 something thousand. With all the lvl 30 cap quests the demand has gotten a lot higher than the supply. I finally broke down and bought a 2nd one for 39k. I'll probably end up buying hawkers in the 30's or 40's, hopefully by then most ppl will have done the lvl cap quests and if I'm lucky there will be a lot up for sale and I can get them for cheaper than usual.
                      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                      PSN: Caspian


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by coolffxi
                        IFRIT i was like WTF i finy get like 600k to by best stuff in ah at about level 40. i checked all ah prices a mnth ago. this hole thing happend like 2 months ago. i go to ah the first time to look up hawkers 110k-130k ok good price i think go back 2 months later BASTERDS ARE 300k each WTF.. god damn crafters...:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
                        Or why don't you try "blaming" the other RNGs who buy it for 300k?


                        • #13
                          last time i checked it was like 80k on asura lol:sweat:
                          TaruKabob <Can I have it>


                          • #14
                            I only bought a hawkers after i got my Fransesica at 64. There was no reason to shell our 250k for one at the time.


                            • #15
                              You can get to 67 easy just using a war bow+1 and scorps. I feel that gun+bullets is a luxury item for non XP situations. Sure you will outdamage more but is it worth the cost in farming vs XPing where you have to make up a 80k difference between a rng using scorps and a rng using bullets? At 67 i switched to O bow + acid/holy/darksteel simply because the acid bolts sped up my XP. I don't plan to use bullets until 75 for HNMs and the likes.

