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Harder to be a "good" RNG as you get higher and higher?

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  • Harder to be a "good" RNG as you get higher and higher?

    I'm a RNG55/WAR27 on Phoenix, and an alliance I was invited to just finished killing Roc. The whole battle, I landed maybe 10-15 hits on the dagger, one shot, and my EES. Needless to say, I was horribly underleveled to fight Roc (I went more to watch and for the experience), but that started to get me thinking.

    Up until now, I found it fairly easy to be a "good" ranger, since so many others were just casual players and didn't have what we'd call the best gear. It was easy to be one of the better rangers by just keeping the +1 rings and bows, and generally "correct" gear. However, as I head towards the 60s and beyond, it would seem that the only rangers that remain are the truly dedicated ones that have stuff like EBow, Peacock Charm, etc. I currently do not plan on using guns, and may even have to stick with Scorpion Arrows for quite some time past 60. I have about 800k in cash, and enough materials for over 60 stacks of Scorpion Arrows, but I can't shake the feeling that I'll eventually be weeded out as a ranger, since I simply cannot compete with all the other dedicated players.

    Now I understand that the player is more important than the gear, and maybe it's just that I'm a bit intimidated by how rich some rangers are, but is it truly okay to use War Bow +1 or Sargna, Scorpion Arrows, Hawker's (not +1), AF, and simply the +1 rings from 55 until the late 60s?

  • #2
    Should be fine.

    Its worth checking the Othinus` crossbow as well, rare/ex level 67. As for Roc, he has pretty crazy evasion.. same with Simurgh.. its wrong that such a low level nm can be such a pain to hit without prelude :sweat:


    • #3
      You're definetly not going to be crippled without them. All the high ticket items are a nice perk though. I'd keep your marksmanship skilled up and keep a M+1 and silvers around for the situations you really need to do damage fast.

      As for your hit rate, your hit rate is going to suck on coffer mobs in the beastman lairs at 55.. (Oz, Beadeaux, Davoi, Zhval) much less on the smaller HNM's. Anything thats high IT is going to give you a rough time period. Level (and bard) mean a lot more to your hit rate than spending millions in gear does.


      • #4
        roc has some insanely high evasion on arrows, same with the big birds.

        I wasn't able to hit roc/simurgh for more than 50% of the time until I was lvl 70. Note all this time I sub nin and dual wield + sarnga + scorp arrows for maximum accuracy...

        at 72 I hit him a lot more often with dusk trousers but still a noticable amount of misses, where as I don't have problems with this on other HNMs (minus the bird types).


        • #5
          Hey, I'm also Rng on phoenix. I wouldn't worry about your equip after 61, cause you dont get an upgrade til 70, and the only upgrades around that lvl cost a ton and will not make or break you as a rng, I'm 71 and i still use scorpian arrows, but for ws's i have a unlimited shot macro to switch to demons, or now Kabura arrows for the higher damage there, I just dont see the point in spending 7-9k a stack on arrows that dont have major diff for regular shots over scorp arrows which i make for 1k a stack, I would use demons normaly, because i would use them to up woodworking, but it actualy costs more to make them then to buy at the ah >_>
          Aslo it is a good idea to get your marksmenship up for later levels, but dont do it with guns use crossbows and level one bolts or holy bolts, I just for the first time capped marksmenship at 70 and i think i took too long to do it and should of had it up erlier.
          What you said had for equip is good til 70, makes sure to get ameit mantle at 61 as well, I basicly had what you said for equip.
          Well guess i'll stop rambling now if have any questions later on fell free to msg me in game on Mellia, if im not busy i can prob answer ^^
          Mellia- 75Rng, 45 Rdm, 40 Nin, 33 Blm, 33 Whm, 26 thf
          Rank 10 Sandy


          • #6
            prelude > all

            hell i can even go in naked with only weapon and hit suzaku even kirin



            • #7
              I can barely land Sidewinder on Dartar.... With a BRD and close to best gear -_-

              Its not u, its the fact mobs get way more evaison at high level..

              And Roc shouldnt be fought till atleast 60.. (thats minimum)
              NIN75 THF75 RNG75 WAR75 BST66 DRG64


              • #8
                70+ slug shot hardly misses for me..

                The accuracy bonus, combined with optical hat (and dusk trousers at 72) is amazing for accuracy..

                Stanislav, if you're missing with bard.. something is seriously fucked up. Huge chr and angel flute +1 means 90%+ ranged acc according to parser figures.. and i use the Othinus`. One Genbu run i managed 98% accuracy (yes, I know he's a joke in terms of difficulty).. which i was pleased with :sweat:


                • #9
                  If you're shooting sidewinders at 100% with a bard, that's the problem.

                  Even with a bard and close to best equipment, its best to shoot it at 125%+ just in case. Besides, shouldn't you be doing arching arrow to start/end light anyways? :confused: :confused:

                  unless ur in one of those crazy 2 ranger partys.


                  • #10
                    OT: Jesus Christ Stanislav! You're a 71 RNG too! Damn, you are a leveling god!

                    Thanks Yyg!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by poweryoga
                      If you're shooting sidewinders at 100% with a bard, that's the problem.

                      Even with a bard and close to best equipment, its best to shoot it at 125%+ just in case. Besides, shouldn't you be doing arching arrow to start/end light anyways? :confused: :confused:

                      unless ur in one of those crazy 2 ranger partys.
                      Haha ya its a 2 RNG PT O_o... how u think i got 40 to 72 so fast =p anyway the set stopped and I am back to arching arrow ><.

                      I dont seem to miss Sidewinder in kuftal though... 8/10 hit rate (without bard) ... Not bad, Dartars just have insane evasion.
                      NIN75 THF75 RNG75 WAR75 BST66 DRG64


                      • #12
                        all you need to be a good rng is never take your finger off the the ctrl+D.


                        • #13
                          Theeeennn.....let it go when you die? ;D
                          Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
                          Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


                          • #14
                            normal shots dont usually take hate away from pld tank. the only thing that can take hate from a good pld is ws. the more you shoot, the faster tp you get to ws, the more you ws, the faster the mob dies, just a matter of how confident you are about how fast you can kill the mob before it kills you. with utsusemi Ni at 74 taking hate is no longer a issue, a rng can hold hate and tank better for the latter part of a fight than the tank.

                            as a rng its your job to pull as fast as possible without compromising safety, pick up dmg the blm misses and tank if the pld dies.

                            I just cant stand rngs that purposely let a melee hit before shooting again. I had a set pt with one of these rngs and it ticked me of when he would say my weapon generated more tp when they had the same delay (hellfire vs sarnga - -)


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Finny
                              all you need to be a good rng is never take your finger off the the ctrl+D.
                              ROFL!! I agree, how hard is it to press Ctrl-D and some macros, its not about player really. The gear is what counts. For those who say it takes skills and such, no it doesn't. Just takes a little common sense.

