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  • Woodworking

    Hey guys,
    Im currently thinking of taking up woodworking to where I can succesfully synth Scorp Arrows. Im Lv.39, and thinking of taking the weekend off to do this. I searched for posts around a few boards.. and mostly I found negative comments about woodworking, but they were all old posts. What is everyones opinion on it now?

  • #2
    You probably won't save a lot of money until you get your WW up high enough to where you can get multiples of scorp combines. If you plan on taking it all the way though, I say go for it.


    • #3
      mmm i dont knwo on ur server but on Fairy it cost me about 1800gils to make 99 scorpion arrow(w/o any HQ) and it goes for 4000 on jeuno...

      what level is ur wood? if u r like lvl1 woodworker it'll take u alot longer than one weekend to get to scorpion arrow... unless u r plannin to sell all ur synthed stuff to NPC and waste shitlaod of money...
      >>>>> 49THF | 10WAR | 30BLM | 20WHM | 20RNG | 25NIN <<<<<

      >>>>> Cooking 20 | Woodworking 62 | Bonecraft 40 | Leathercraft 4 <<<<<

      Leaping Lizzy: 1/4
      Jaggedy-Eared Jack: 0/1


      • #4
        most stuff from lvl 39-60 is arrows and furniture, which sell very slowly but usually nets you a good profit if you're half patient.


        • #5
          Originally posted by poweryoga
          most stuff from lvl 39-60 is arrows and furniture, which sell very slowly but usually nets you a good profit if you're half patient.
          Or if you have a mule that you can store it on and sell it all slowly, which is what I did.

          I'd say it REALLY depends on your server. On Midgardsormr, it's DEFINETELY worth it. It got to the point where arrows were so unreliably on the market that I had to take up woodworking just to have arrows in the first place. Now it costs me ~4k to make 4 stacks without any HQ and they usually sell for atleast 2k a stack. And getting it to 60 in a weekend should be no problem... if you're insane. :X I took it from 1 to 60 in about 5 days and drove myself insane.

          Also, you can raise your woodworking solely on arrows up to 60. I know I did :X (Except the brief period where I did maple sugar. Thank god I had a cook friend who just HAPPENED to need maple sugar for whatever she was levelling off of at the time).

          That's a good thread to help you out. It's got very good recipes post 60 from what I can tell as well (haven't gone past it myself so I'm not totally sure), but it is all REALLY expensive looking. :\
          Woodworking: 60
          Bonecraft: 63
          BCNM40 78/85 x_x
          Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.

