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New to RNG - a few quick questions

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  • New to RNG - a few quick questions

    Hi, I've been working on my taru BLM and now that I got him to 50 I've decided to try RNG (since I've heard its like BLM without MP). I've got 3 questions and if you could answer those it'd be awesome...
    1.) Does Taru make a decent RNG? I know they arent Mithra quality but I am taru and dont really want to make a new character
    2.) Ranger usefulness at high levels? I heard in my Linkshell that RNGs couldnt make any decent skillchains at high levels (65+?) and therefore were not useful, however I also heard that they can make devastating skillchains so I need the truth
    3.) Wanted in parties? Sort of the same as my last question - I know RNGs arent RDMs when it comes to getting parties, but I assume they are fairly wanted due to the damage they do?
    4.) Is it worth woodworking to make my arrows or would it be about the same just buying them off the AH?
    5.) About Ranger fighting style, when I'm in a party do I act like a BLM and stand back and fire? Or do I join melee as well? (I'm going RNG/NIN if it makes a difference)

    That's it, ^^. If you could answer even just a couple of those questions it would help me.

  • #2
    1. Taru make a great rng from own experience and from what I hear... I love bein a taru rng so go for it...

    2. only 37 myself so cant help u there sorry

    3. dont know at high lvls for sure seems to be wanted in my server atleast but I imagine it may varry.... I know I'w had no problem what so ever getting a pt so far atleast

    4. This depends alot on your severs prices as in some it may be well worth it to make your own arrows while in others not as so many people skill on arrows they are cheaper to buy than make. so do some research as I cant give u a straight answer for your server

    5. depends on pt and what mob u'r fighting... some rng me included like to go up close to get some extra tp from dagger hits but only on non AOE mobs(gob bombs hurt a taru rng alot) and only if pt dont mind me doing this. check out your pt config if u feel u contribute with your daggers(tp gain not dmg as this will be insignificantly low with daggers) go ahead and mele some.

    hope this helps...
    Blm 40 / Rdm 16 / Whm 21 / Rng 50 / Thf 15 / Nin 31

    Rank: 5 Hometown: Bastok
    Cooking 38 / Fishing 63,4 / Woodworking 67,2
    My profile!


    • #3
      1 tarus rule. i owned a mithra rng in ballista at lvl 40.
      2. im lvl 50 now i dont know what they mean at 64+ but rngs can start or finish sc's with barrage and sidewinder you could probaly build tp fast enuff to start sc and then finish other end.

      3.dont worry about partys. youll get invites almost as fast as blm and whm even without seeking. lvl 50 logged on got invite before i even said hello to ls and checked delivery box, never flagged cant remember last time i had to put up seek to get a party.

      4. cant say about making arrows but youll probaly lvl faster than you can raise woodworking skills. lvl 45 arrows on midgardsormr 4k a stack or 40gil per shot adds up really quick.

      5.rng50/24nin oops need to lvl sub again ack. i play melee im usually puller as well unless we have a thf. early on i stayed back like mages but once level was sufficient i started doing all melee. never had anyone in party say anything either way. doesnt matter where your at your gonna pull agro., might as well keep him close to melees and away from mages blink helps taru.

      ok something you didnt mention crossbow/gun need to keep this leveled as well. crossbow cheaper every other level pull it out and keep it up to date.

      equipment get a big check book lol its an expensive ride but alot of fun. learn to farm 5 days lvl 1 or maybe 2. being taru use arrows for level use up to date with lvl equipment after mid 20s food helps alot. plus 1 bows starting with lvl 16 power bow+`1
      use til lvl 30. good luck have fun and do uber damage


      • #4
        1 tarus rule. i owned a mithra rng in ballista at lvl 40.
        2. im lvl 50 now i dont know what they mean at 64+ but rngs can start or finish sc's with barrage and sidewinder you could probaly build tp fast enuff to start sc and then finish other end.

        3.dont worry about partys. youll get invites almost as fast as blm and whm even without seeking. lvl 50 logged on got invite before i even said hello to ls and checked delivery box, never flagged cant remember last time i had to put up seek to get a party.

        4. cant say about making arrows but youll probaly lvl faster than you can raise woodworking skills. lvl 45 arrows on midgardsormr 4k a stack or 40gil per shot adds up really quick.

        5.rng50/24nin oops need to lvl sub again ack. i play melee im usually puller as well unless we have a thf. early on i stayed back like mages but once level was sufficient i started doing all melee. never had anyone in party say anything either way. doesnt matter where your at your gonna pull agro., might as well keep him close to melees and away from mages blink helps taru.

        ok something you didnt mention crossbow/gun need to keep this leveled as well. crossbow cheaper every other level pull it out and keep it up to date.

        equipment get a big check book lol its an expensive ride but alot of fun. learn to farm 5 days lvl 1 or maybe 2. being taru use arrows for level use up to date with lvl equipment after mid 20s food helps alot. plus 1 bows starting with lvl 16 power bow+`1
        use til lvl 30. good luck have fun and do uber damage


        • #5
          awesome thanks a lot - I just hit 12 yesterday and I'm loving the job so far. Haven't leveled my crossbow yet, I guess I'l get to doing that asap. thanks for the replys


          • #6
            Woodworking doesn't make a difference in cost vs the AH until you can make scorpion arrows with ease (60 skill). Just hit it myself and I can spend 5k making 10k worth (sometimes more if I HQ) of arrows easily. Before then, the AH was always cheaper. Also I think but I'm not sure that darksteel bolts are cheaper to make than buy, but I haven't looked into the cost of buying them. Making them is like a 12k investment for 4 stacks without HQing anything.
            Woodworking: 60
            Bonecraft: 63
            BCNM40 78/85 x_x
            Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.


            • #7
              yeah, what i do is i have a woodsmen to make my arrows for cheep so he does not need to wase time putting in ah or selling them, when he has a lode he /t's me i buy them all, u need to have gil to do this thoe, i pay like 2k a stack of scoprians, and i buy like 20+ stacks at a time though so it works out for boath of us. yeah keep Xbow skill up to date at all times, i dont even bother using my gun if my skill is not caped. :p As for invites, danm i dont even need to seek any more . Elv rng owns all in ballista sleep arrows then switch to scorpians or elemental, then toss a sidewinder. *drrool* death. i was watching a ballista match like 3 weeks ago, and i knew then i wanted to be a rng, ok this Whm or blm i cant rem. was at like a sliver of health left and then this rng pops out of know where and kills a monk using a sidewinder running at the mage and boom falls dead like 1 inch from the mage was so cool srry for miss spelling very tired

