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RNG Skillchain with a DRK at high level

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  • RNG Skillchain with a DRK at high level

    I am always PTing with my drk friend. We both eventually hit lv 66 + obtain Arching arrow and Spinning Slash today.

    My question is what skillchain we should use ?
    I am rng/nin and friend is drk/thf (max Scyther and 2 hand sword)

    1. Sidewinder > Guillotine as we did before getting lv 66
    2. Arching arrow > Spinning Slash
    3. Spinning Slash > Arching arrow
    4. Cross Reaper > Arching Arrow

    or else...

    All answers would be appreciated

    PS. We don't have blm to do hugh magic burst in our set PT.
    however, we have red mage ^^'

  • #2
    Definitely arching arrow>spin slash. Spin slash is considerably more powerful than guillotine in exp situations, not to mention much nicer damage from light skillchain. However, this will be dependent on you turning the mob for fuidama spin slash on the tank, which might be hard to do with /nin. I've seen rangers who could do it with a ninja tank, with pld it's a bit harder. If you can't turn it, you might want to consider subbing warrior.


    • #3
      if u do it early enough in the fight the raw damage from the ws might be enough to turn it, or u could try throwing some ninjitsu to get some extra attention. either that or if your paladin is a friend/static he may get the timing down to get enough hate to keep it off the mages, but still let it turn for sc
      March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
      Use search, or deal with assholes like me


      • #4
        In a party with a SA/TAer, its probably easier to sub Warrior just for the sole ability to provoke / warcry to turn the mob for that 1 split second that you need for SATA to be carried out.

        Arching doesn't do enough damage most of the time to be an ender (exception being on darters).

        Arching -> Spinning is the ideal combo for most cases.


        • #5
          Thanks for all the answers , i am gonna try it tonight 8)

