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thinking of trying RNG (need advice)

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  • thinking of trying RNG (need advice)

    im a lvl59 Galka DRK atm and im thinking of giving rng a try. A major reason i may wana play a rng is because id like to play a melee that is really desired. Also rng af gear looks nice to me stat wise. I am kinda in a position where i got this job and gear and interested in trying something else...... tough for call.

    sticking questions for me are

    A)is rng desired and needed all the way to 75? I know not all jobs except tanks and supports are needed but does rng 100% put me ahead of all other melee/damagers come pt selection time?

    B)or should i stick with DRK because it will get easier pt wise once i hit 60?

    BTW i have snipers but i did not buy ABS-Dex yet (which factors in since all my money invested is liquid)

  • #2
    i don't know about lvl 70+ myself, but rangers are desired to set up Light chains. They're not so strong on bones though, which is a big minus.

    So far the class has been very desirable and i have no real problem finding parties (except the dreaded 40-50 range).

    Drks.... lets say I love having a drk in my pt. Spinning slash (65) usually hits for 1000 damage+ light renkei which is great... not to mentio absorb-agi really helps sometimes. (not as much as a brd does but you get the picture).

    Absorb-dex is not really required if you have 2 sniper rings, seeing how only 1 drk i ever partied with used it and it made no noticable difference in chaining anything.


    • #3
      just started my rng and got him to lvl10 in few hours, class is A LOT of fun. Now im stuck playing two jobs lol. Im probably gona play drk with statics and nomad it with rng. very fun job and i wish i woulda tried it sooner.

      Curious why do rng have trouble in the 40-50 rng?? i would think they would be needed/wanted at all levels? just asking because as a drk i had some tough lvls and one of them was 40-50 due to all the other melee. to me rng is more then just another melee.


      • #4
        40-50 is just a slump for most classes in general, don't exactly know why.


        • #5
          It's probably just a range in which there aren't many "new" stuff, and people getting tired of Crawler's Nest (yes, I know there are other areas, but most people go to CN). At 50, you start doing AF, and your class's uniqueness comes out, so I guess that's some motivation. At 40-50, you don't really get JAs from either your main or sub job, so I guess that's kinda boring.


          • #6
            Build a good rep and you should have no problem with parties. Try and stay in touch with people that are in various jobs and levels. Remember, it's an online game and all about interacting. I think some people forget that important factor. And most importantly....enjoy. Good luck.
            War 30, Mnk 20, Blm 20, Whm 20, Thf 20, Rdm 20, Drk 16 - Rank 3


            • #7
              rangers suck against thigns with piercing resistance... 40-50 u basicly fight crawlers beetles cockatrices.. those have some piercing resistance, and you wont do as much dmg against them.

              I went against goblins for awhile, and hornflys and hgawkers for awhile, those were nice.. but those wont last you to 50

              other than that rangers are simply bad ass.. *dreads the part where he gets onto bone*

              Galka + rng af = Oversized girlscout


              • #8
                Originally posted by sharlngan
                rangers suck against thigns with piercing resistance... 40-50 u basicly fight crawlers beetles cockatrices.. those have some piercing resistance, and you wont do as much dmg against them.

                I went against goblins for awhile, and hornflys and hgawkers for awhile, those were nice.. but those wont last you to 50

                other than that rangers are simply bad ass.. *dreads the part where he gets onto bone*

                Galka + rng af = Oversized girlscout
                rng do LOTS of damage against crawlers. RNG in one of my PTs against IT crawlers at Boyahda was pulling off 1000+ sidewinders consistantly. And you wont be in a bones PT as a rng. At higher lv PT get much more specialized for the place they go. You just wont be in a bones PT as a rng, unless your leader is a moron; in which case you should probably just leave.

