I get asked to pull a lot and so I notice that I shoot faster with my crossbow a lot faster then with my bow which makes pulling easier. I been trying hard to figure this /equip function. I just seemed not be getting it. Could someone show me an example of changing ranged weapons and amo? Thanks for your time and effort.
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Ranger Macros
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Re: Ranger Macros
Originally posted by Gray Fox
I get asked to pull a lot and so I notice that I shoot faster with my crossbow a lot faster then with my bow which makes pulling easier. I been trying hard to figure this /equip function. I just seemed not be getting it. Could someone show me an example of changing ranged weapons and amo? Thanks for your time and effort.
/equip Slot "Item Name"
So for ranged it would be (for example)
/equip range "Power Bow"
And for ammo it would be
/equip ammo "Sleep Bolts"
Just make sure the item name(in quotes) is exactly as it appears in your inventory list(even if its abbreviated).Typho - Elvaan - San d'Oria - Rank 10 - Titan
THF - 75 | RNG - 55 | NIN - 38 | WAR - 27 | WHM - 20 | SAM - 16 | MNK - 14 | BLM - 10
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Yes and also make sure that when u set up the macro, set it up like this-
/equip Range "Powerbow"
/equip Ammo "Bone Arrow"
Basically set it up as one macro for each set so it takes up less space.
Also u need to remember that when u change equipment u loose tp.
Thanks 0
Ok thanks guys I appreciat it, I thought you had to have <me> or something. Ya I know tp goes down the drain but it beats having your target taken because you take to long to shoot. I know tankers hate when you voke pull, so this is the only way I see as a solution.Its a good day to die.
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Well I use both power cross bow and Great Bow +1 and a host of different bolts and arrows so I have quite a few, I usually keep my more used macros ( ranged attack, equippment change, ammo change) to the first 5 numbers in the macro line and the lesser used toward the back end of the line.
Always have a /ra <t> macro within range of your hands at all time. I use f8 to target instead of mouse or enter or something else, it works best for me.
For things like barrage, camo, and sharpshot I use
/ja "Barrage or Camoflague or Sharpshot" <me>
I always recommend having atleast 1 stack of bloody bolts on you and 2 stacks of acid bolts with you at all times along with a power crossbow. So for swtiching weapons and ammo I use this.
/equip Range "Great Bow +1 or Power Crossbow"
/equip ammo "Bloody Bolt or Acid Bolt or Silver Arrow"
I usually dont like to use my 2hr unless I am gonna log because you never know when you are gonna need it to save your life, so I don't recommend macroing it. I've seen rangers mistakenly hit Eagle Eye macro and have it NOT kill the mob and get them too much aggro to survive until the tank can get it back.
Weapon skills are really the same as any other class but just incase you don't know it works out like this.
/ws "Flaming, Piercing, Dulling arrow or Hot , Split, Sniper Shot" <t>
Also some type of pulling macro is always good to let your PT know that something is incoming and to let them know what it is so they can prepare accordingly. Something like this should work.
/p Pulling <t> (insert snappy comedy line here)
/wait 1
/ra <t>
This is the exact one I use.
/p Pulling <t> Oops dropped my bow... This could take a whille
/wait 1
/ra <t>
The delay may not seem like something very important but its extrememly useful. Members can get impatient and pull something on their own or something can pop at camp that would link or the whm decided to heal people to full instead of resting, whatever it is you want to have time to recognize that and cancel the shot before it goes off. That extra second will definitely help until you get a perma-pt and get to a level where everyone knows what they are expected to do and can predict how everyone else will react.
I hope this helps out somewhat. Just get used to your macros and change them to suit your own tastes. They are incredibly important for any class and rangers especially.Dauthitaru Ranger Extrodinaire at your service!
Job Levels: Ranger: 34 Ninja: 13 Warrior: 15 White Mage: 30 Red Mage: 15 Thief: 5
E-Bow: not yet
Peacock Charm: not yet
Onithus Bow: not yet
Leaping Boots: got them
Emporer's Hairpin: got it
Optical Hat: not yet
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Originally posted by TaruSGonEWilD
Also some type of pulling macro is always good to let your PT know that something is incoming and to let them know what it is so they can prepare accordingly. Something like this should work.
/p Pulling <t> (insert snappy comedy line here)
/wait 1
/ra <t>
I personally don't have too much trouble getting a monster. And as I am very commonly placed in 2 different skillchains, switching weapons is out of the question. Shoot, even if you're only in one skillchain weapon switching is a bad thing to do. A lot of people prefer to get the chain off near the beginning of a fight, so that every point of damage generated by that chain is put to good use (i.e., the monster doesn't die by the weapon skill itself).
So my suggestion? Just go with the slow pulling method. If the party doesn't like it, have the THF or NIN or WAR or DRK or WHATEVER is in the party pull. It's better if you don't get the hate boost of first attack anyway - it's already too easy to pull hate from the tank XDFinally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*
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Something I've found useful until 35 or so is setting up seperate macros for different pulls. I have 4 pull macros, one says "Pulling :: <t> :: (Even Match) :: <call20> :: TP:<tp>", next says "Pulling :: <t> :: (Tough) :: <call20> :: TP:<tp>", etc up to IT. I don't find it quite as useful anymore since I haven't pulled anything other than an IT since a long time.Woodworking: 60
Bonecraft: 63
BCNM40 78/85 x_x
Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.
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Originally posted by Timoham
Something I've found useful until 35 or so is setting up seperate macros for different pulls. I have 4 pull macros, one says "Pulling :: <t> :: (Even Match) :: <call20> :: TP:<tp>", next says "Pulling :: <t> :: (Tough) :: <call20> :: TP:<tp>", etc up to IT. I don't find it quite as useful anymore since I haven't pulled anything other than an IT since a long time.
If you're a puller you're supposed to be skilled enough to know what to pull and what not to pull, and if you need to report the PT of the con, you can always say "T,VT,IT", it doesnt take too long to type these, instead of using a macro slot.
Oh and my macro to pull is something like:
/p (|Target|) -> <t> «<pos>»
/recast "Sneak Attack"
/recast "Trick Attack"
/echo [TP:<tp>]
I love my pulling macro, I play with controller and it makes so usefull to know when my Sneak/Trick is ready so I can pull.Kore Leviathan
RDM73 \\ THF75/NIN37
Bastok Rank 10
Dynamis Cleared: Bastok, Jeuno, San d'Oria, Windurst, Beaucedine
Looking for: Scorpion Shells & Demon Horns.
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Thanks guys for the info. Its hard to say no becuase people have this idea we are extradinary pullers. I personally think that the tank should pull, when I tanked I always voluntired so I could get in a couple of extra vokes. Sadly, no tanks seem to share my view..guess they don't want to die as much. So now I have something that makes it easier for my job.Its a good day to die.
Thanks 0
Yeah, if you're a puller, you should know when it's safe to pull and when it isn't. I actually find it annoying when someone says "Don't pull!" when I've been levelling with them for the past 20 levels... >.>
The macro I suggested is only for your party's benefit. I used the macro system that way for two reasons.
1. Laziness
2. Running away from a mob after pulling it is a bitch for me and I don't want to get hit so having it all in one macro is nice.Woodworking: 60
Bonecraft: 63
BCNM40 78/85 x_x
Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.
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Most tanks past 30 are plds or Nins. Nins need a puller so the Thf can SATA onto them in the beginning, while Plds need to heal mana inbetween battles.
If you have a war tank than he should pull because he'd need to get in the extra vokes.
Thanks 0
So they're might actually be an end in sight to me pulling? Thank goodness, its not that I hate pulling, sometimes its not that bad, I just hate not being able to find a mob and the rest of the pt getting pissed (assholes) b/c i dont find a mob fast enough. I've been told that I pull well, I would just like an occasional down time b/w battles instead of always having to run around and having no time to take a piss or get a coke.
I'm just glad to know that there is an end in sight.I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2
PSN: Caspian
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I play with my brother and we only level our main jobs when we are both on and sense he is a smn he pulls really well while I scan for him. It works out great cause I don't like pulling as much as he does. The down side is I got to go ahead of everyone to try to hit the mob early on. Smn are made of paper when it comes to taking hits and most tanks don't run out and voke off of him in time.Its a good day to die.
Thanks 0
Also for my macro I used this.
/equip range "X Crossbow"
/equip ammo "X Crossbolt"
/p Scouted <t>
then I hit
/ra <t>
/wait 3
/equip range "X bow or gun"
/equip ammo "X bullet or Arrow"
This way when i get back to camp I am ready to hit my attack macro.Its a good day to die.
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