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Bloody Bolts

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  • Bloody Bolts

    i wonder if anyone knew whether the HP Drain effect is affected by the crossbow damage..

  • #2
    i dont think so, can do 40 damage and drain 100 or so HP
    not 100%sure but it seems like its pretty much random HP drain, but a good amount per hit, 50-100+
    Beacause ten billion years' time is
    so fragile, so ephemeral...
    it arouses such bittersweet,
    almost heartbreaking fondness.


    • #3
      I've heard of people using them for farming. I had no idea they gave back that much. I'll have to try it out.
      Woodworking: 60
      Bonecraft: 63
      BCNM40 78/85 x_x
      Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.


      • #4
        So if it does 40 dmg and drains 100hp...does that mean it takes 140 hp from the mob?

        Sounds like I need to lvl my marksmanship (I know I should have been doing this from the start, I've just been lazy).
        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

        PSN: Caspian


        • #5
          Yes, dmg+drain just like a spell. The most I have ever seen it drain is somewhere between 70-80.

          Crappy parties and Maat win. Now a full-time Fisherman. Fishing: 50.1


          • #6
            ive drained over 100 =P
            Beacause ten billion years' time is
            so fragile, so ephemeral...
            it arouses such bittersweet,
            almost heartbreaking fondness.


            • #7
              On ITs? O.O I was doing about 40-50 on goobbues in pashhow.
              Woodworking: 60
              Bonecraft: 63
              BCNM40 78/85 x_x
              Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.


              • #8
                IT no -_-
                i did it on too weaks
                Beacause ten billion years' time is
                so fragile, so ephemeral...
                it arouses such bittersweet,
                almost heartbreaking fondness.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cesaro
                  Yes, dmg+drain just like a spell. The most I have ever seen it drain is somewhere between 70-80.
                  I've taken from 70-98 before, on no exp mobs while skilling up. On an EP water ele I could only take about 7 lol.
                  Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
                  Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


                  • #10
                    Heh, ok. On ITs, that would be ridiculous. Against a too weak thunder elemental I did about 10 at most, but it kept me alive. Elementals baaaad.
                    Woodworking: 60
                    Bonecraft: 63
                    BCNM40 78/85 x_x
                    Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.


                    • #11
                      Elementals are highly resistant to hp drain effects.
                      The most ive ever drained from an elemental of any level with an hp drain weapon is about 7 damage.
                      If bolts work anything like hp drain katanas/swords , higher attack versus monster defense gives you better drains.

                      3 Mithra are better than 1...
                      Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
                      Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
                      Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

                      Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
                      Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


                      • #12
                        Bloody bolts are extremely useful in pts. I have just recent maxed my xbow, too me til lvl 28 since i was lazy but I did it and I'm glad I did. I dont get to use many WS in my pts because of how much weapon changing I do but its worth it. I tell my whm to not bother healing me unless I am in the red because of how effective bloody bolts are. I drop 2 acid bolts to drop defense because the def down stacks from what I have heard. Then I switch to my bow if I don't need HP, if I need some I quickly drop 1-2 bloody bolts on the mob and I'm usually 90-95% HP after that. Combined with Utsu bloody bolts can be life savers. Carry a Power crossbow and 2 stacks of acid and a stack of bloody bolts with you at all times. Its well worth it, you'll save money in the long run.

                        Just as an update, I had the problem of a mandy that decided to sleep my whole pt after I had just let lose a barrage and hit for 418 dmg. I was already close to red HP and I didnt have utsusemi on cause it had already been used up on the pull into camp. Anyway I saw that I was the one with aggro and I switched over to bloody bolts and my power crossbow. I took 8 hits and lived because of the HP return that I got in between the rounds of mandy slapping. I really say, for 3k a stack, they are worth it, saved my 590 exp! ^^
                        Dauthitaru Ranger Extrodinaire at your service!

                        Job Levels: Ranger: 34 Ninja: 13 Warrior: 15 White Mage: 30 Red Mage: 15 Thief: 5

                        E-Bow: not yet
                        Peacock Charm: not yet
                        Onithus Bow: not yet
                        Leaping Boots: got them
                        Emporer's Hairpin: got it
                        Optical Hat: not yet


                        • #13
                          Is that drain damage completely random or is it affected by a stat, like INT?
                          The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.


                          • #14
                            it seems to be more like a "spell" type absorb than anything else.

                            on Greater Cockatrices (VT-IT) I'd be draining back anywhere from 8-80 Hp. I'd say if it was resisted, it'd give back like 20 hp. (which it does regularaly). If the drain is not resisted, it'd give back a good amount (80ish). I "don't" think this is affected by some int/mnd or even Chr.... but its kind of hard to run tests on these drains as they don't even land every shot, and drain characteristics differ from mob to mob. :confused: :confused: :confused:

                            Example... I drain more reliably and more constantly off tigers than Cockatrices. Tigers i regularly drain 20-40, sometimes 80+ if the bolt hits and drains. On turkeys... I drain maybe 10-20, rarely anything more than 40 and most of the bolts are duds.

                            Having berserk on or off doesn't seem to affect this at all. But then, I usually only use 2-3 bolts before giving up or switching to acid/holys, since the damage is so low on these bolts.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TaruSGonEWilD
                              Bloody bolts are extremely useful in pts. I have just recent maxed my xbow, too me til lvl 28 since i was lazy but I did it and I'm glad I did. I dont get to use many WS in my pts because of how much weapon changing I do but its worth it. I tell my whm to not bother healing me unless I am in the red because of how effective bloody bolts are. I drop 2 acid bolts to drop defense because the def down stacks from what I have heard. Then I switch to my bow if I don't need HP, if I need some I quickly drop 1-2 bloody bolts on the mob and I'm usually 90-95% HP after that. Combined with Utsu bloody bolts can be life savers. Carry a Power crossbow and 2 stacks of acid and a stack of bloody bolts with you at all times. Its well worth it, you'll save money in the long run.

                              Just as an update, I had the problem of a mandy that decided to sleep my whole pt after I had just let lose a barrage and hit for 418 dmg. I was already close to red HP and I didnt have utsusemi on cause it had already been used up on the pull into camp. Anyway I saw that I was the one with aggro and I switched over to bloody bolts and my power crossbow. I took 8 hits and lived because of the HP return that I got in between the rounds of mandy slapping. I really say, for 3k a stack, they are worth it, saved my 590 exp! ^^
                              That's what I do in my static. Although at first I was thinking it'd make slower exp overtime because I wouldn't WS to kill it faster, but turned out exp was faster. I saved the RDM a lot of MP from dispel and Dia II and if I had hate, saved the WHM MP for even more chaining justice. We had constant chain 4 or 5 with absolutely NO downtime in CN around 43-45. From what I understand, though, the def down proc only dispels crawler type defense buffs. Not sure of that though.
                              Woodworking: 60
                              Bonecraft: 63
                              BCNM40 78/85 x_x
                              Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.

