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280k, how far will it get me??

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  • #16
    Peacock charm is only 1-2mil on your servers? I would kill for it to be that cheap on Ifrit server....its' 6mil.

    Which FF Character Are You?

    "A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


    • #17
      Honestly, if you are gonna go ranger, dont worry about how far X amount of money will get you. The fact is you will run out, and will need to find a efficient way to farm. My recommendation is just learn how to make money easily. Even if you put all that money and a week or so worth of work, just fishing, it will be more than worth it since you will eventually be able to double that in no time at all. Bottom line, learn how to make money, and buy top of the line stuff, best bow available, + r.acc + agi stuff, etc. Don't worry about things like emp pin, leaping boots, and Ebow, if you have the money, go for it, I doubt they will lose their current value, items like that always gain value over an extended time frame. Anyway thats my rant for the day.
      Dauthitaru Ranger Extrodinaire at your service!

      Job Levels: Ranger: 34 Ninja: 13 Warrior: 15 White Mage: 30 Red Mage: 15 Thief: 5

      E-Bow: not yet
      Peacock Charm: not yet
      Onithus Bow: not yet
      Leaping Boots: got them
      Emporer's Hairpin: got it
      Optical Hat: not yet


      • #18
        i'm level 30 ranger, and i have almost spent a million on my rng/nin combo, its very close.

        i uses guns, and have since level 22, maybe thats the reason.
        Why be like someone famous when you can be like me.


        • #19
          Titan has peacock charms priced at 8 million gil...

          camp and get one of those suckers and you should call up friends and family and take them out for a big dinner...


          • #20
            Originally posted by poweryoga
            you don't need emp hairpin.
            you don't need leaping boots
            you don't need nomad's mantle.
            you don't need brig +1.
            you certainly don't need peacock charm, thats every melee's dream.

            Have +1 bows, +1 rings, archer knives, nice arrows would cover up most of your accuracy issues.

            Subjob choice is probably more important than those equipment added together pre 45.
            i totaly agree on what poweryoga said. OMFG peacock charm is 2million OMG OMFG OMG OMFG on ifit it is like 6 million-7 million >.< i would get 1 if they were 2 million. DAMN lazy ass bums on IFRIT not farming the charm and keeping the price so high! DAMN e-BOW is 3-5million and raiseing --_--'


            • #21
              i am like 52 now i have like 1.3+mill on gear... not including all the arrows and kabobs and all that dont even wana think about it LOL

              some stuff i can rem of top of my head.
              Lv40+1 bow
              Lv50+1 bow
              Lv52+1 gun
              Lv30+1 Xbow
              nomad mantle,marksmensring,Cap+1 ring, viking axe, hawkers, Lv61 mantle, and other stuff no emp or liz stuff ELF rule rng


              • #22
                Hawker's knife is so not worth the money. 200k for 1.5 racc? No thanks, let the melees spend that much money. I'd rather spend 15k or less on 6 or 7 racc.
                Woodworking: 60
                Bonecraft: 63
                BCNM40 78/85 x_x
                Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.


                • #23
                  I don't know about the rest of you all, but i have at least 800k-1mil invested into my ranger and i'm only 28. then again i got all the toys:

                  Leaping boots: 250k
                  Emperors Hairpin: 375k
                  Genin Earing: 180k
                  Hawkers knives: 200k x2
                  Nomads Mantle+1: 200k

                  then i also got some minor lil toys like:

                  Taru rse gloves: 30k(did the quest a while back and sold ._.)
                  Martial slacks: 30k

                  And yea thats about all, also use chiefkabobs(in good pts) just cause I'm trying to go broke... and with the bows and arrows added in I've actually spent way more then 1mil.. more like 1.5mil+.. hehe oh well, important thing is, that I have fun being blinged out so thats all that matters to me. :sweat:

                  edit: also didnt figure in other stuff like shihei and such, but thats just small money anyhow
                  Current Job lvl's:

                  Current NM's:
                  Leaping Lizzy 3/9
                  Jaggedy Eared Jack 0/1
                  Spiny Spini: 3/3


                  • #24
                    Yeah. I used to have over a million invested in gear. Decided it wasn't worth it and threw it all into crafting. I could buy it all back by now, but eh. I'd rather raise more crafts...! :D

                    This is what I used to have:
                    Emperor's Hairpin: 450k
                    Leaping Boots: 350k
                    Hawker's knife: 200k

                    That's a million right there. x_X And the whole time I was able to keep up with food/arrows/etc. Got all the money from BCNM40's :D Friend of mine levelling RNG got about 500k from the same BCNMs (he joined us later on after we were doing them) and has NO MONEY left. He hasn't bought any status items or anything either. I have no clue how he's gone through 500k on just food and arrows. Boggles my mind. >.<

                    But anyway, if you can afford those items on your respective servers, you can afford to get multiple crafts to 60, make a good profit from it, and buy them back in a few months. I've personally made 500k or so raising just wood and bone and using the crafts to get money. Up to 1.6 million or so now x_x!!!
                    Woodworking: 60
                    Bonecraft: 63
                    BCNM40 78/85 x_x
                    Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.


                    • #25
                      instead of making another thread about money...would 700k be more worth it to get lizzy and emps hairpin or just use on arrows?


                      • #26
                        With RNG really for a majority of the levels as long as you have a very good bow, good arrows, and good rings then you should be set the rest is just icing. Guns if you want to do those I suggest using crossbows pre50 to raise marksmanship without spending to much money, post 50 then is a good time to go to guns Silver Bullets are pretty tough to beat with a Bow and Arrow.

                        The regular Bullets are around the same damage that you can get out of a Bow and Arrow but they are costly so not to good to do.

                        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                        • #27
                          Part of it also depends on how you level. I duo'd from 10 to 24 with a whm friend of mine. We went La Theine > Maze of Shakrami > Korroloka Tunnel > Qufim doing worms, and we leveled very fast. You spam arrows, whm keeps you alive. If you do this you'll blow through arrows much faster than the normal Dunes > Qufim party route. Most tanks won't hold hate off you very well, so you'll have to slow down your rate of fire to keep from getting hate. I had an emp. pin already, so my biggest investment was leaping boots. While they're not really needed, you'll wince every time you miss if you're duoing and the boots make a difference.
                          74 DRG/ 69 RNG/ 62 RDM/ 51 NIN /50 SAM


                          • #28
                            On my server there are a bunch of greedy Bast***'s and they sell Peacock for 9M. Two people i know did a scheme to bring it down to 6.5M for about a week >.> (sold it from one to the other and just gave everythig back)

                            Warrior TP Warrior WS


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Zaptruder
                              Titan has peacock charms priced at 8 million gil...

                              camp and get one of those suckers and you should call up friends and family and take them out for a big dinner...
                              You get one of those suckers off the NM and you helluva lucky


                              • #30
                                I think good advice for the gil heavy jobs like Ninja and Ranger is to not think in terms of saving up a ton of money to play, but to think in ways that you'll get the gil when you need it.

                                You know what I mean? Like how a lot of people ask how much exact gil is needed to get Ninja to 37, or how much is needed past 37 (Which is just not possible to count) That makes the job imo tougher because you feel the pressure of spending money, which is bad with these jobs. I think the best way to look at it is to take it as it comes, find ways to make the gil you need on the spot and get your ninja tools/ ranged weaponry and ammunition. Equipment that gets really expensive is a different story, you can save for those but your basically in the same boat as every other job that can use awsome equipment. But as far as the expendables like the Ninjutsu tools and Ranger Ammunition goes, where most of the fear of these jobs comes from, I think just taking it as it comes is the best way to go. It honestly makes it easier imo.

                                ^. You have now seen everything..

                                Name: Kiyotaru.
                                Ethinticity: Windurstian.
                                Home: Norg
                                Main job: Ninja/Warrior (Current level's 50-60)

                                Linkshells: Come and go.

