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280k, how far will it get me??

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  • 280k, how far will it get me??

    like the topic states....

    Thanks for your replies.
    War 30 Drk 30 Pld 11

  • #2
    ~30 i would say, if you get all the +1 bows and good arrows, but not Lizze boots, and Valk hairpin (can get elv RSE boots at 29 and save 350k)

    after 30 it gets mor expensive with barrage and stuff.


    • #3
      While we are on the subject, how far would 100k get me? The only difference is my woodworking is at 30, I could save some money on arrows and the lower level bows.


      • #4

        Well Bone Arrows are a very minor expense at 500g per stack (From NPC in Windurst), and Wooden Arrows are even less than that, so that's negligible...I'd say 10k total on arrows up until Beetle Arrows. --10k--

        Beetle Arrows = 1k per stack, and so far one stack of quivers (12k) has gotten me from 17-20, and I still have 4 quivers left. Do note I consider myself to be pretty liberal with arrows. So I'll just be liberal with it and say you'll need 3 total stacks of beetle quivers. --36k--

        Horn Arrows are 2k per stack, 24k per stack of quivers. I figure you'll be using quite a few by this time, and they're good for 14 levels, so I'd say 4 stacks of those. --96k--

        Scorpion Arrows are 3k/stack, 36k per stack of quivers. $_$ Don't even wanna know the kinda money I'll be crapping away at this point.

        Total on Arrows (give or take) until level 45 = 125k


        Most armor is negligible. You're pretty much limited to normal defense gear which all costs about the same, and is returnable income. Not likely to put you out more than 20k at any given time until you come across a piece that just screams "Excellent RNG gear!". However, my opinion is that jewelry covers ranged accuracy plenty, and body armor is fairly free (unless there's good +STR gear available) I'll be liberal here too. --40k--

        Beetle Rings +1 are used til end-game, which are 5k per, so that's 10k right there. --10k--

        Beetle Earrings +1 are 6k per, so that's another 12k - but they're replaced by Drone Earrings who's price I don't know. --22k for now--

        Then you got dual Archer's Daggers at 15k per, so that's 15/30k there, depending on sub job. --15-30k--

        As for Bows, don't quote me on this but I'd think having 30k to spare at any given time will be plenty to afford your next bow. --30k--

        Total for Equipment = roughly 132k, around 50k of which will be "transition equip"

        ---------------Total projected expenses til level 45: 257k---------------

        So 280k will last you quite a while - past 45 if my rough calculations are anywhere near correct. And speaking of that, can someone who's been around the block tell me about how correct I am? I'm a fairly newbie RNG (level 20), but this looks to be about what RNGs can expect as far as I know.

        NOTE: These amounts are on Shiva server, and assume that you'll stick with bows (if you couldn't tell)
        Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*


        • #5
          How Far 280k gets you depends...If you go with Reaperx90 suggestions which half of it good the other half is lacking.
          One of the first bows I spent big on was the "Hunter's Longbow" cost me 30k on my server. After that I went Power Bow +1 cost me 40k. From there to getting Great Bow +1 costs 60k - 70k, this is only the bows to get you to lv. 30. Without reselling the bows you've spent about 140k, half of the 280k already.

          His Arrow expense I would guess are ok or decent. I've always wasted threw arrows like there's no tomorrow easily of spent maybe 250k on them just going to lv. 40 and much more after that.

          Bettle Ring +1 I probably only use till lv. 35 after that a Horn Ring+1 (12k for 1) is better or be frugal and wait till lv. 45 and get Carapace Ring +1 (20k for 1).

          He's about dead on with the Beetle Earings +1, the Drone Earrings you'll get that are useable at lv. 35 cost 22k for 1 on my server.

          Archer's Knives he got correct, but there is also the Hawker's Knives which sell for about 30k per or 1mil for a +1.

          If you decide to buy good RNG gear up to lv. 45 then ones you'll be going for are probably this stuff:

          Nomad's Mantal 15k (+1 100k)
          Leaping Boots 250k (Winged Boots 250k)
          Emperor's Hairpin 250k
          Peacock Charm 1Mil (not likely you'll be intrested till you are much higher level though)
          Brigadine 100k (+1 450k)

          I think the 280k would take you to around lv. 30-35 before it runs out.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #6
            Dep3nds on your level, if you level 60 + y0u better h0pe you've got a bigger check book inorder for you to buy sufficiant arm0r.


            • #7
              So from 5-45 really isnt as much as I thought! ^^ YAY! I am sooooo going RNG! I have NIN lvled too so thta should help!:spin:

              Active :: Sub
              43 WHM | 21 BLM | 8 MNK | 17 WAR | 25 THF | 71 SMN | 72 BRD | 20 NIN | 9 RNG | 12 DRG | SAM 31
              All advanced job quests completed. // Carbuncle Mitts: O // Evoker's Ring: O // Opo-Opo Crown: O

              CoP Mission: Three Paths [5-3]

              Avatars: Shiva Titan Garuda Ifrit Ramuh Carbuncle Leviathan Fenrir

              Title: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper/Kirin Captivator

              :: Bard AFv2 ::
              Bard's Roundlet: O
              Bard's Justaucorps: O

              :: Bard AF ::
              Paper Knife: O
              Choral Roundlet: O
              Choral Justacorps: O
              Choral Cuffs: O
              Choral Cannions: O
              Choral Slippers: O
              :: Summoner AF ::
              Kukulcan's Staff: O
              Evoker's Horn: x
              Evoker's Doublet: O
              Evoker's Bracers: O
              Evoker's Spats: O
              Evoker's Pigaches: O


              • #8
                You're nuts if you think 280k will get you to 45. I've calculated that all of the gear I have on me currently (including ammo) at level 40 is worth 1.2 million on Midgardsormr. Of course my hawker's knife (270k), hairpin (370k), and leaping boots (250k) make up the majority of that. But I currently have 50k worth of scorpion arrows that will last me until 45 I hope, not including BCNMs/farming/etc. 300k will probably get you to 35 though. You won't have top of the line equipment, but neither did I until I got to 40 and did a bunch of BCNM40's with my LS. A lot of money can be saved by using hume RSE gloves and boots for the +AGI and +STR.

                So yeah, it'll get you to 30-35.

                And Macht, what server do you play on? That stuff is CHEAP compared to Midgardsormr's prices. hehe.

                Nomad's Mantal 23k (+1 230k)
                Leaping Boots 250k (Winged Boots 350k)
                Emperor's Hairpin 370k
                Peacock Charm 2 million
                Brigadine 50k (+1 600k)
                Woodworking: 60
                Bonecraft: 63
                BCNM40 78/85 x_x
                Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.


                • #9
                  you don't need emp hairpin.
                  you don't need leaping boots
                  you don't need nomad's mantle.
                  you don't need brig +1.
                  you certainly don't need peacock charm, thats every melee's dream.

                  Have +1 bows, +1 rings, archer knives, nice arrows would cover up most of your accuracy issues.

                  Subjob choice is probably more important than those equipment added together pre 45.


                  • #10
                    I have to agree with what Poweryoga said. And again, like I said, I didn't buy any of that stuff until I had amassed a large amount of gil. Most of my gear is still worth ~300k at 40 without the uber items.
                    Woodworking: 60
                    Bonecraft: 63
                    BCNM40 78/85 x_x
                    Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.


                    • #11
                      Wow, your bows were that expensive? Did you start RNG early on in the NA release or something? Hunter's Longbow was 10k for me, Power Bow +1 was 16k, and I believe I've looked at my next bow and it was also no more than 20k, but I could be wrong.

                      Or maybe Shiva's just a good server for a RNG to be on.

                      And one more thing. I just decided I wanted to solo worms last night in Qufim. They're IT to me, so it takes me signifigantly more arrows to kill each one. If you plan on soloing, your arrow estimate will rise considerably.

                      Also I forgot about food, which a comparatively inexpensive requirement. If you can come anywhere near affording RNG, food will be of no financial concern.

                      One last thing. Unless gear has ranged accuracy +2 or more, it's not worth the gil it costs - that includes AGI gear. All of your AGI gear combined will hardly amount to +5 ranged accuracy, which when you have +38 will hardly make an impact. I am even going so far as to sacrifice AGI for strength (Brave Belt -1 AGI +2 STR) and I will continue along that compromise whenever there is +STR - AGI gear available to me. Of course I'm a mithra so I have plenty of AGI to throw around and am in dire need of any STR I can muster up.

                      I really need to update my profile
                      Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*


                      • #12
                        While fooding I have about +20 AGI. 2 AGI = 1 racc. 10 racc = good.
                        Woodworking: 60
                        Bonecraft: 63
                        BCNM40 78/85 x_x
                        Record holder on Worm's Turn: 6 minutes 19 seconds.


                        • #13
                          omg, i know ive been away from the game for a while (like 2 months) but still, 30K for a hawkers knife.... they were 300K when i left (im on odin). Im so excited!


                          • #14
                            as the saying goes, a fool is quickly parted with his money.

                            Depending on how smart you spend, 200k can take you very far, or not very far at all. Its up to you to decide whether you really need that emperor pin and hawkers or can make do with a nice archer's knife + centurion's headgear.


                            • #15
                              Yeah you can get pretty far with rng if you dont buy emp hairpin & all that just to be cool.

                              I had 1.2mil when I started rng, I stopped it @ 38 for a while, anyways I had 1.2mil when I continued it, now I'm lvl 57, I had 900,000 yesterday morning, (I havent farmed at all since I started rng) I bought the basic equipment, drone earrings, +1rings, Bastokan feet & legs, +1bows etc, but anyways by the looks of it I've only spent about 300k 38-57 some how, I make a bit from lvling I guess, crystals and stuff, but not to much. Anyways if you don't think your a bad ass & buy hawkers +1 emp pin & lizzy boots then you can get pretty far. Anyways bastokan boots are better then lizzy when your in a nation under your control! :D

                              Yeah dont mind the huge sig, I dont feel like removing it for one post

                              Character Profile Here,

