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Thief/Ranger equipment advice

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  • Thief/Ranger equipment advice

    Currently Im a lv 25 thief and as soon as I reach lv 30 I plan to go
    ranger(been developing my woodworking so I can make my own arrows and have Hunter's longbow)My question is will any of the gear I have now be usuable for my ranger or will I need a whole new set of stuff?Currently using

    Gear Slots:
    MAIN: Republic Dagger
    SUB: Fish Scale Shield
    RANGE: Self Bow
    AMMO: Stone Arrow
    HEAD: Cotton Headgear
    NECK: Spike Necklace
    EAR1: Beetle Earring +1
    EAR2: Beetle Earring +1
    BODY: Beetle Harness
    HANDS: San d'Orian Gloves
    RING1: Amethyst Ring
    RING2: Amethyst Ring
    BACK: Lizard Mantle
    WAIST: Warrior's Belt
    LEGS: Republic Subligar
    FEET: Lizard Ledelsens

  • #2
    I'm also a lvl 25 thf planning on going rng when I reach 30. I do know that you will need new rings...whatever the upgraded tourmaline rings are called.

    I also have a second question more about rng equipment in general though. As a rng, should you use a bow that has a high delay and high dmg, or a low delay and low dmg. I can see how there are arguments for both...with high dmg you will do more damage and would have to spread out your attacks more anyway that way you dont build too much hate. However, you could use the opposite argument that if you dont do quite as much dmg then you could attack more often.
    Just curious of what some higher lvl rng's opinion on this matter are.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #3
      You dont want tourlamine rings you want the rings that boost Ranged Accuracy like bone or beetle or horn rings and you always want the +1 version of those. As for bows you always want the +1 version of the bows also. I believe it goes something like this:

      Short Bow +1
      Self Bow +1
      Hunters Longbow
      Power Bow +1
      Great Bow+1
      Battle Bow+1
      War Bow +1

      Hehe anyway as for armor you want things that boost AGI as much as possible. I think that 2 AGI = 1 ranged acc? I am not 100% on that math ^^ . The real debate is what the best sub job is most people sub war or nin. I recommend you dont sub thf unless you are farming.
      Rank - 4 RNG-49 WHM-40 NIN-26 RDM-22 SMN-20 THF-15 WAR-10 BLM-5


      • #4
        I meant using the tourmaline +1 rings for lvl 14 till whenever those new rings come up (i think beetle +1 is at 21). Yes you are right on the the 2agi=1 r.acc. (however based on the interview i read r. acc raises your lvl on the curve, but agi raises your accuracy on the whole, as best i can tell that means if you hit 50%-60% of the time on an IT mob then r. acc. raises you into the higher end of that spread, but agi bumps the spread to 55-65%) I know to get the best +1 bows possible. What my question is wether to use some of the bows I have as a thf (i.e. wrapped does less dmg but has a lower delay). I guess you answered it when you said to use war bow and power bow etc. Those are the one w/ higher dmg and higher delay. And, no, I only plan to use thf sub in later lvls for farming. Assuming I ever sub it at all (prolly go thf/rng for subbing for th2 later on). Which means I am gonna have to lvl war more (much to my chagrin). One more question though...which is the better sub before 28 (for archer's knives) and also 20 (when dual wield would take effect) In these lower lvl's is there a more clear victor as to which is the better subjob?
        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

        PSN: Caspian


        • #5
          I think that the sub doesn't matter too much until 24 (I don't think dual-wielding Beestingers help that much), when you can start blinking if you sub NIN, and from 28-30, dual-wielding Archer's Knifes would be nice. At 30, you'd get Berserk, which would bring WAR back up, and from then on, it's pretty much even grounds.

          So I'd say before 28, NIN is superior. Yes, you'd get Provoke at 10 with /WAR, but I've never found it terribly useful myself. If the mob goes off of the tank, it's almost always after me and not the mage. :sweat:

          And the first Ranged Accuracy rings are the Bone Ring +1s at level 16.


          • #6
            I thought I'd take a quick minute to try to explain to you why you want the high dmg high delay bows (longbows) instead of lower delay lower dmg bows.

            Weapon skills and Barrage(at lvl 30) will do a ton more dmg with the longbow. If you look at the damage you do with a longbow and with a shortbow, the damage will probably be about the same WITHOUT weapon skills and barrage. But when weapon skill and barrage damage come in, you'll do more damage with longbows. Not to mention that critical hits will also add more damage when you are using a longbow.

            So even though regular hits might produce the a similar amount of damage with a longbow and a shortbow, criticals, weapon skills, and barrage will put the damage of longbows over the top.

            hope that helps


            • #7
              I just wanted to point out that you cant dual wield bee stingers because its a rare item ^^ . I have to agree that before level 30 there probably isnt a huge difference in war or nin because thats when the sub job traits kick in.
              Rank - 4 RNG-49 WHM-40 NIN-26 RDM-22 SMN-20 THF-15 WAR-10 BLM-5


              • #8
                Originally posted by PhoR
                I thought I'd take a quick minute to try to explain to you why you want the high dmg high delay bows (longbows) instead of lower delay lower dmg bows.

                Weapon skills and Barrage(at lvl 30) will do a ton more dmg with the longbow. If you look at the damage you do with a longbow and with a shortbow, the damage will probably be about the same WITHOUT weapon skills and barrage. But when weapon skill and barrage damage come in, you'll do more damage with longbows. Not to mention that critical hits will also add more damage when you are using a longbow.

                So even though regular hits might produce the a similar amount of damage with a longbow and a shortbow, criticals, weapon skills, and barrage will put the damage of longbows over the top.

                hope that helps
                Awesome...this is exactly what I was looking for. Soon as I get rng then, I'll be sure and by the most damaging +1 bows for my lvl.

                Thanks everyone for your help.
                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                PSN: Caspian

