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About to start Ranger Quest

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  • About to start Ranger Quest

    im a 30war/15mnk (with thf and whm up to 8 and 7 respectfully) and it took me a while to figure out what i wanted to do longterm ... after seeing some cool vids and reading alot of these forums (thanks even the one's that broke it into sheer turmoil (it was funny) ive decided that im doing rng/war, raising a thf on the side for farming (cant believe how much thf makes in gil/drops already).

    I left sandy on a chcoobo, got a new one in la theine, re upped in jeuno again heh, and just got to windy woods now. Gonna get the quest and head back to get that fang. I will be around alot now on these forums as i start my longterm career of Ranger

    p.s. any good starting pointers?
    mnk 42 , war 30, rng 12, thf 10, whm 7, Sandy Rank 3

    +++Bottom line? you do not outdamage my mnk with your drk...sorry ++++

  • #2
    some notes on the quest itself.

    1) There are sabertooth tigers guarding the cave. Don't go near them, they aggro a lvl 30. You MUST wait till the old sabertooth dies. don't "help it" or you won't get the key item.

    2) After you get the old fang and become a ranger, If you haven't already raised bow skill with another job, do so. Use a self bow and wooden arrows for this. Try not to raise it onthe ranger job because you will miss tons in the beginning. Raising it to around 10-15ish on your War helps tremendously with accuracy in the beginning, letting you solo better.

    3) Melee as much as you can before lvl 14 (ranger necklace). Its hard to hit anything before then unless you're lucky with the bow.


    • #3
      What about RNG/NIN? I'm working on NIN and about to start RNG. I also have WAR levelled to 16, so should I level up archery 1-15 while WAR, or go ahead and jump into RNG/NIN and level it from there?


      • #4
        I didn't miss all that much in the beginning. I got the +1 short bow (whatever the lvl 1 bow is), and used that until the next bow, etc, and did pretty well against even matches, and then all right against IT maze makers. Arrows are pretty cheap until you hit iron (which is when you get to wear the necklace, oddly enough ).

        Modri: you might as well use /war until lvl 20 or 24, because /nin would not give you any other bonuses until then (dual wield at 20/10, and utsusemi at 24/12). But of course, this is only if you really want a nin sub.



        • #5
          Yeah I didnt miss a whole lot with RNG early on although I did have some archery skill already from a different job. RNGs must be very selective on what they fight solo. I did worms and rabbits in Ronfaure until level 8 then I went to la theine and soloed Rock Eaters until 15 or 16 after that I went to Korolloka tunnel and fought the worms there until 24. After that I was ready for some PT fun in Kazham
          Rank - 4 RNG-49 WHM-40 NIN-26 RDM-22 SMN-20 THF-15 WAR-10 BLM-5

